styled-components / vim-styled-components

Vim bundle for based javascript files.
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Supply CSS3 rules #9

Closed fleischie closed 7 years ago

fleischie commented 7 years ago

It seems the css syntax filed bundled with vim does not support CSS3 definitions, see this test file in your styled-components powered vim.

There might be two options:

  1. Depend on an already existing vim-plugin, that supplies these rules or
  2. Manually define these rules inside this project.

I might have to contemplate a little about this. If you have any suggestions, opinions, etc. feel free to share them. :smiley:

ismay commented 7 years ago

I don't know how easy solution number 1 is compared to the other, but if 1 is feasible I'd choose that route. Less maintenance and duplication of work that way. Also, this issue is probably why I'm having this syntax highlighting bug:

screen shot 2017-02-13 at 14 59 32

Btw, styled-components aren't 100% css3, as there's some scss-like syntax as well (the &, interpolation, nesting, etc.). Maybe an scss syntax highlighter would be more appropriate? stylelint-processor-styled-components does something similar.

fleischie commented 7 years ago

@ismay I don't know stylelint to be perfectly honest, but it seems it does construct an AST of the given file and check it against a given number of arguments/config-items/etc. As this project is merely a vim-plugin I don't have access to higher-order functionality. Or did I misunderstand you in this regard?

I checked for the css3 vim-plugin but it seems the ones I found didn't populate the syntax-pool to use in the styled-components one. Or I just didn't understand, why it didn't work, yet.

So my verdict in this particular case: I cannot find a way to enhance the standard CSS rules from vim with plugged in CSS rules (extending the official ones) and also using them in the jsTemplateString region. Although: I appreciate some more input on this matter, so if you (dear reader) have helpful insight in this matter, I am more than glad for your suggestions. :slightly_smiling_face:

ismay commented 7 years ago

Or did I misunderstand you in this regard?

Probably not, I'm not at all experienced with creating vim plugins, so I have no idea what the best course of action would be here.

fleischie commented 7 years ago

After fiddling around with vim-css3-syntax I found some quirks I couldn't resolve just yet.

I think I need some more time, fiddling around with both the included and the external css definitions.