styled-components / xstyled

A utility-first CSS-in-JS framework built for React. 💅👩‍🎤⚡️
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Add styled-component as styling-property (like 'states') #333

Closed misantronic closed 2 years ago

misantronic commented 2 years ago

🚀 Feature Proposal

Ability to add a styled-component as a styling-property just like we do it in the states of a theme.


Sometimes it isn't possible to map a css-context directly to xstyled-system. A neat addition to the existing states of xstyled would be to add a styled-component (which stringifies to a css-class) to the tree, so it would be possible to specifically style this component.


xstyled workaround:

const Child = styled(x.div)``;

const Parent = styled(x.div)`
  &:hover ${StyledComponent} {
    color: red;

how it could be:

const Child = styled(x.div)``;

const Parent = styled(x.div)``

Parent.defaultProps = {
  color: {
    hover: { [Child]: 'red' }


I think this would be a really great addition to the existing system. I saw issues where this exact problem was solved by various workarounds that don't really fit the system.

jguddas commented 2 years ago

Example: <x.div color={{ '&:empty': 'red' }}/>

It feels absolutely right to fall back to &:empty when theme.states['&:empty'] is not defined,
just like we use red when is not defined.

@gregberge I'm happy to give this a try and create a PR if you like this idea.

gregberge commented 2 years ago

I see the idea, not sure it is easy to implement.

misantronic commented 2 years ago

@gregberge can you please link the line in the code, where those default states are applied?

jguddas commented 2 years ago

@misantronic this is where the states and screens come from.

jguddas commented 2 years ago

@misantronic is there anything other than #334 that needs to be done, or can this be closed?

gregberge commented 2 years ago

It should work.