styleguidist / react-styleguidist

Isolated React component development environment with a living style guide
MIT License
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Who uses React Styleguidist? #127

Closed sapegin closed 8 years ago

sapegin commented 8 years ago

Do you use React Styleguidist in your project? Let us know about that! It’d be great if you can share some details: screenshot, link, number of components, etc.

We use it at Here for a component library that we use to develop internal tools. Right now we have 41 component and it’s growing:

robhrt7 commented 8 years ago

Interested in sourcejs-react-styleguidist users? I know @ndelangen uses it quite extensively.

sapegin commented 8 years ago

@operatino Yep ;-)

ndelangen commented 8 years ago

Me and my team are using sourcejs-react-styleguidist as @operatino says. We currently document 58 spec pages, ranging from Utilities/Colors, Utilities/Fonts, Atoms/Buttons, Atoms/Image, Molecules/Map, Molecules/ProductList, Modules/Hero, Modules/StoreLocator, Scaffolds/Header, Scaffolds/Footer.

Spec pages are grouped together according to a somewhat atomic design principle to the extend that worked for us.

On each spec page there are on average 5 representations of each component, in different states, variations, with different modifiers etc. Some specs only have a single representation, some have over 20.

This is for example how our Atoms/FormElements looks like:


sapegin commented 8 years ago

@ndelangen Cool, thanks!

mik01aj commented 8 years ago

Hello from LovelyBooks! :)

screenshot 2016-04-21 13 27 36

Right now we have 50 components.

sapegin commented 8 years ago

@mik01aj Awesome!

sapegin commented 8 years ago

Rumble Charts, React components for building composable and flexible charts.

/cc @rosko

pke commented 8 years ago

I stumbled over this project a couple of weeks ago, starred it and then forgot how it was named and that I had it starred. Last week I was desperately googling anything with react component documentation by example but did not find this project. react components in finally lead me back to this repo.

Now I can work on our example files for about 80 components/containers and I will present screens later here. Thanks for creating the project!

sapegin commented 8 years ago

@pke Would be interesting to see the result ;-)

sapegin commented 8 years ago

Semantic UI Components for React.

image 2016-05-11 at 3 32 06 pm

/cc @asvetliakov @hallister

sapegin commented 8 years ago

Feel free to add your project here!

zecaptus commented 7 years ago

Hello from Whataboon ;)

Change from the original react-styleguidist (without forking / only webpack aliases) :

Future :

capture d ecran 2016-08-03 a 23 03 08

Good job @sapegin !! Probably the best styleguide that I've found !

sapegin commented 7 years ago

@zecaptus Wow that’s cool! Thanks for sharing ;-)

pke commented 7 years ago

@zecaptus Care to share the webpack config?

zecaptus commented 7 years ago

@pke : I'm not really sure, it's really helpfull but here it is.


var path = require('path');
var glob = require('glob');

module.exports = {
    title: 'Whataboon UI Components Library',
    sections: [
        {name: 'Introduction', content: 'docs/'},
        {name: 'UI Components', content: 'docs/', components: function() {
            return glob.sync(path.resolve(__dirname, 'src/components/**/*.jsx')).filter(function(module) {
                return /\/[A-Z]\w*\.jsx$/.test(module);
    showCode: true,
    template: 'config/styleguide/template.html',
    updateWebpackConfig: function(webpackConfig, env) {
        // Your source files folder or array of folders, should not include node_modules
        var dir = path.join(__dirname, 'src');
        var config = path.join(__dirname, 'config/styleguide');

        webpackConfig.resolve.alias['rsg-components/Layout'] = path.join(config, 'Layout');
        webpackConfig.resolve.alias['rsg-components/Wrapper'] = path.join(config, 'Wrapper');

            // Babel loader will use your project’s .babelrc
                test: /\.jsx?$/,
                include: [dir, config],
                loader: 'babel'
            // Other loaders that is needed for your components
                test: /\.css$/,
                include: [dir, config],
                loader: 'style!css?modules&importLoaders=1'
            // Image URL config. Generate data URI's for images smaller than 10,000 bytes
                test: /\.(png|gif|jpe?g|svg)$/i,
                include: [dir, config],
                loader: 'url?limit=10000'
        return webpackConfig;
mik01aj commented 7 years ago

Our LovelyBooks styleguide grew much bigger since then. Now we have 72 components with 120 examples. All our examples are also used as unit-tests (we just check that they render without any warnings or errors; this turned out to be a really good test).

image image

Good job @sapegin and everyone :)

sapegin commented 7 years ago

@mik01aj I like this idea of testing. Could you please share some code?

mik01aj commented 7 years ago

@sapegin I did already in

mik01aj commented 7 years ago

Btw - I found a list here:

Interesting examples:

sapegin commented 7 years ago

@mik01aj we have Dialog in the Showcase in Readme. I can’t add Nordnet because they have removed a link to Styleguidist.

kulakowka commented 7 years ago

We finally started using it in production.

2017-04-25 10 20 06

2017-04-25 10 25 48

sapegin commented 7 years ago

@kulakowka Awesome!

sapegin commented 7 years ago

@kulakowka Could I add your company logo to a site? ;-)

@zecaptus Are you still using Styleguidist? ;-)

@mik01aj Do you know if they are still using Styleguidist?

zecaptus commented 7 years ago

@sapegin Yes, I still use it, moreover I will update it to make it work for react-native with exponent, probably in 2018.

kulakowka commented 7 years ago

@sapegin We just started developing our components. They will be released in a couple of weeks. Unfortunately, we can not open the source code. No one will be able to see our documentation, except for employees of our company. Does it make sense then to place a logo?

sapegin commented 7 years ago

@kulakowka No, it doesn’t ;-)

kulakowka commented 7 years ago

I started a new project: react-bulma - React.js components for Modern CSS framework based on Flexbox -

2017-06-01 2 52 24

Docs created with styleguidist:

cameron-martin commented 6 years ago

@zecaptus which part of this gives you the one component per page?

zecaptus commented 6 years ago

@cameron-martin nothing here. 1/ The trick is to overwrite styleguide components 2/ parse current component in the url 3/ and insteadOf showing a list of components, just show it as if it was open in isolated mode.

Hope this can help you ;)

ajainvivek commented 6 years ago

I started a new project preact-fluid a minimal UI kit for Preact

screen shot 2017-11-24 at 4 42 13 pm

Docs created with styleguidist:

sapegin commented 6 years ago

@ajainvivek Looks cool!

konradk commented 6 years ago

React Chat UI Kit

LiveChat React Chat UI Kit

SaraVieira commented 6 years ago

screenshot-2017-12-29 design system

We are also using it at Joyent:

stepancar commented 6 years ago

artola commented 5 years ago

@stepancar Your styleguide customisation is great! ... could you please share it?

elevatebart commented 5 years ago

@artola a quick search in github just in case put me here

artola commented 5 years ago

@elevatebart Thanks a lot!

tizmagik commented 5 years ago

@konradk wow that is a really beautiful styleguide -- mind sharing the config/customizations you made for that? I especially like how the sample code is offset to the right column like that. 😍

mealeyst commented 5 years ago

I am starting to move our components at our organization over to styled components and I am using styleguidist as our organization's pattern library.

gazpachu commented 5 years ago


I've just released sugUI, a design system template based on Styleguidist that uses the sugUI components library:

poteirard commented 5 years ago

In Zopa we just released our first open source project, our react-components library using this amazing tool ❤️ Still a lot work to be done but here's our first version :) Github | Web

jenniesyip commented 5 years ago

Our design system for Udacity is using Styleguidist!


galhavivi commented 4 years ago

We're using Styleguidist on our open source Form library :)



hosseini44444 commented 2 years ago

I'm using Styleguidist for building and improvement of my free Slider component for React, named Slidish.

Click here to see the Slidish documentation built with styleguidist.