stylelint / stylelint

A mighty CSS linter that helps you avoid errors and enforce conventions.
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Fix require time performance #2454

Open chris-morgan opened 7 years ago

chris-morgan commented 7 years ago

Describe the issue. Is it a bug or a feature request (new rule, new option, etc.)?

Loading stylelint (require('stylelint')) is very slow. It takes over a second for me when there’s nothing else installed, and when there are various other things installed it increases (e.g. two seconds).

I care about this because in a Makefile world where you spin up the tooling for each file, this is a >1 second delay per file which rapidly changes from unpleasant to awful.

Steps to reproduce:

$ cd $(mktemp -d)
$ yarn add stylelint
$ node -e ";require('stylelint');console.log("
$ node -e ";require('stylelint');console.log("
$ node -e ";require('stylelint');console.log("

Which rule, if any, is this issue related to?


What CSS is needed to reproduce this issue?


What stylelint configuration is needed to reproduce this issue?


Which version of stylelint are you using?


How are you running stylelint: CLI, PostCSS plugin, Node API?


Does your issue relate to non-standard syntax (e.g. SCSS, nesting, etc.)?


What did you expect to happen?

require('stylelint') to be fast (like, well under 100ms).

What actually happened (e.g. what warnings or errors you are getting)?

It took a long time to import stylelint, a second or two.

davidtheclark commented 7 years ago

@chris-morgan Can you contrast this with other programs of similar complexity? Is there anything actionable that can be done?

chris-morgan commented 7 years ago

@davidtheclark Well, here are a bunch of other things I was trying with postcss:

postcss: 109 postcss-cssnext: 67 postcss-custom-properties: 3 postcss-at-rules-variables: 2 postcss-conditionals: 21 postcss-clean: 204 autoprefixer: 267 stylelint: 1887

And I consider postcss-clean and autoprefixer to be far too slow (over 200ms) as well. Seriously, 100ms is a long time.

I don’t know why stylelint is so slow at present, but it is very slow and must be doing something that it shouldn’t be!

davidtheclark commented 7 years ago

@chris-morgan Can you compare it to a module of similar size? I imagine stylelint involves many, many more files than any of those modules you've listed.

chris-morgan commented 7 years ago

Putting a bit of instrumentation into require I see that the 175 rules, each in their own module/file, consume the largest fraction of the time. I imagine there’s quite a bit of overhead in loading the modules. Rolling all of stylelint up into one file for the npm distribution seems to me to be a reasonable solution, or remedy at least (I don’t know how long it will take to import after that, we can reassess after that). Hundreds of files is simply terrible for performance.

hudochenkov commented 7 years ago

@davidtheclark I compared with eslint using the method above:

stylelint eslint
959 262
1021 280
853 289
880 276
857 297

eslint is pretty big. Maybe we have slow dependencies, or there are other places to improve the speed.

chris-morgan commented 7 years ago

Rolling the ~275 files of stylelint into one with rollup.js produced a saving of about one millisecond per file, halving the loading time spent in stylelint. That then leaves stylelint’s dependencies unrolled; I estimate another 150ms could be saved there if they were to roll themselves up. (Fun fact: cosmiconfig adds over 100ms of loading time, just by itself; its dependency js-yaml is around 80ms of that. A few others are almost as bad.)

A 40–50% reduction in load time purely from rolling everything up is not to be sneezed at.

After doing this, stylelint would still be far too slow to start for my liking, but it’s a start, at the least.

hudochenkov commented 7 years ago

@chris-morgan how did you measure dependencies loading time? Like you did with cosmicconfig. I would like to learn :)

chris-morgan commented 7 years ago

@hudochenkov A very hacked-together script which produces a kind-of-back-to-front tree. I think I’ll make a nicer version of this which does a bit of analysis, it’ll do nicely as my first package to go on npm.

var orig = require.extensions['.js'];
var level = 0;
var cwd = process.cwd();
var toPrint = [];
require.extensions['.js'] = function (module, path) {
    if (path.startsWith(cwd)) {
        path = '.' + path.substr(cwd.length);
    var start =;
    var out = orig.apply(this, arguments);
    toPrint.push('│ '.repeat(level) + '┌ ' + path + ' \x1b[32m' + ( - start) + '\x1b[m');
    if (!level) {
    return out;

require('stylelint');  // Or ./stylelint-bundle.js after generating it

Then I just worked it over a bit in Vim with regular expressions, :sort n, :%!uniq and other things like that.

hudochenkov commented 7 years ago
master v8
837 694
838 699
822 694
817 690
869 678

v8 is faster because we eliminated bunch of rules depended on third-party modules.

alexander-akait commented 7 years ago

@hudochenkov What tool do you use to output the time? :smile:

hudochenkov commented 7 years ago

@evilebottnawi $ node perf.js :)

const stylelint = require('./stylelint');
alexander-akait commented 7 years ago

@hudochenkov Thanks) I just thought that this could be some kind of other tool, on the hooks require for example :smile:

alexander-akait commented 7 years ago

@hudochenkov also we can try using lazy require for some modules, but it is need investigation

jeddy3 commented 7 years ago

Ok, so what's actionable here?

The good news is v8 is only about 2.5x slower than eslint (a similarly sized project), but it sounds like there are two possible areas of improvement: the requiring of our individual source files and our dependencies (in particular, autoprefixer and js-yaml (within cosmiconfig)).

We could try rolling-up the code as part of the publishing process. What I'd like to know is will this complicate using stylelint as a pinned-github-tag dependencies. One of the reasons we target node@4, and no longer transpile our code, is the simplify that process.

autoprefixer includes the caniuse database, which accounts for a significant chunk of stylelint's weight. There's an upcoming PR to migrate autoprefixer's dependency browserlist to caniuse-lite. I suggest waiting to see if that helps.

Regarding js-yaml, perhaps we could open an issue there to see if there's anything that can do about their require time?

Does any performance-orientated person want to pick this up?

ben-eb commented 7 years ago

@jeddy3 caniuse-lite is much smaller on disk, though it remains to be seen if it will improve performance. I hope that it does, but of course there is a small overhead to unpacking the data when the module is run. The module is optimised for size not performance (indeed, it's about 7 times smaller).

At the very least I hope we can start a conversation about providing alternative ways to consume caniuse data through subsets like this one.

davidtheclark commented 7 years ago

After reading and, I'm thinking that the only way to solve this would be to create a bundle with Rollup, and that might be just fine, or at least worth an experiment. Because we wouldn't be transpiling any code (except imports/exports), just concatenating, the built file would still be legible and debuggable (just long).

What I'd like to know is will this complicate using stylelint as a pinned-github-tag dependencies.

I don't know of a way to ease this — but I also don't know if it's worth worrying about too much.

So, when somebody has the time and wants to take a shot at this problem, I suggest looking codemodding to ES2015 module syntax and using Rollup.

m-allanson commented 7 years ago

I experimented with this the other day, we should be able to use rollup-plugin-commonjs to avoid having to change any existing stylelint code.

This is a rollup config that worked for me on stylelint/master:

"use strict"
const commonjs = require("rollup-plugin-commonjs")
const json = require("rollup-plugin-json")

module.exports = {
  entry: "lib/index.js",
  dest: "dist/index.js",
  moduleName: "stylelint",
  format: "cjs",
  plugins: [

Here are the before and after results of requiring the bundled and unbundled stylelint 5 times each:

node -e ";require('./lib/index.js');console.log("
mean 756
node -e ";require('./dist/index.js');console.log("
mean 636

However I was unable to succesfully rollup all stylelint's dependencies into one file (using rollup-plugin-node-resolve, the resulting bundle would error when run. I assume that would bring further improvements.

jeddy3 commented 7 years ago

I experimented with this the other day, we should be able to use rollup-plugin-commonjs to avoid having to change any existing stylelint code.

That's awesome.

Here are the before and after results of requiring the bundled and unbundled stylelint 5 times each

100ms improvement isn't too shabby. I think we should roll with it.

However I was unable to succesfully rollup all stylelint's dependencies into one file (using rollup-plugin-node-resolve, the resulting bundle would error when run. I assume that would bring further improvements.

I think we can definitely proceed with rolling up our files for now, and then look to this as an additionally improvement.

Bigdragon13th commented 7 years ago

I experience this issue as well, I'm using styelint with gulp and it's very slow. You can see my time from time-require here

Start time: (2017-06-23 09:15:03 UTC) [treshold=1%,sorted]
 # [order]  module                                                   time  %
 1 [10299]  /Users/big/Documents/www/c...-boilerplate/gulpfile.js)  44.7s  ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ 73%
 2  [8425]  gulp-stylelint (node_modul...-stylelint/dist/index.js)   9.1s  ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ 15%
 3  [8396]  stylelint (node_modules/stylelint/lib/index.js)          8.8s  ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ 14%
 4 [10259]  gulp-pleeease (node_modules/gulp-pleeease/index.js)      6.1s  ▇▇▇▇▇▇ 10%
 5 [10221]  pleeease (node_modules/pleeease/lib/pleeease.js)         5.9s  ▇▇▇▇▇▇ 10%
 6 [10216]  ../lib/processors (node_mo...eeease/lib/processors.js)   5.8s  ▇▇▇▇▇▇ 10%
 7  [7862]  ./utils/checkAgainstRule (...tils/checkAgainstRule.js)   5.8s  ▇▇▇▇▇▇ 9%
 8  [7860]  ../normalizeRuleSettings (...normalizeRuleSettings.js)   5.8s  ▇▇▇▇▇▇ 9%
 9  [7859]  ./rules (node_modules/stylelint/lib/rules/index.js)      5.7s  ▇▇▇▇▇▇ 9%
10  [9096]  gulp-autoprefixer (node_mo...lp-autoprefixer/index.js)   4.9s  ▇▇▇▇▇ 8%
11  [9094]  autoprefixer (node_modules...ixer/lib/autoprefixer.js)   4.8s  ▇▇▇▇▇ 8%
12  [8879]  browserslist (node_modules/browserslist/index.js)        3.5s  ▇▇▇▇ 6%
13  [8877]  caniuse-lite (node_modules...e/dist/unpacker/index.js)   3.4s  ▇▇▇ 6%
14 [14140]  ./list (node_modules/bower/lib/commands/list.js)         3.4s  ▇▇▇ 6%
15 [14136]  ../core/Project (node_modu...ower/lib/core/Project.js)   3.4s  ▇▇▇ 5%
16  [8876]  ../../data/features (   3.3s  ▇▇▇ 5%
17 [14126]  ./Manager (node_modules/bower/lib/core/Manager.js)       3.2s  ▇▇▇ 5%
18  [1750]  gulp-awspublish (node_modu...-awspublish/lib/index.js)   3.2s  ▇▇▇ 5%
19 [14114]  ./PackageRepository (node_...ore/PackageRepository.js)     3s  ▇▇▇ 5%
20  [1693]  aws-sdk (node_modules/aws-sdk/lib/aws.js)                2.8s  ▇▇▇ 5%
21  [4886]  babelify (node_modules/babelify/index.js)                2.8s  ▇▇▇ 5%
22  [4884]  babel-core (node_modules/babel-core/index.js)            2.8s  ▇▇▇ 5%
23  [4883]  ./lib/api/node.js (node_mo...bel-core/lib/api/node.js)   2.7s  ▇▇▇ 4%
24  [4859]  ../transformation/file (no...sformation/file/index.js)   2.7s  ▇▇▇ 4%
25   [358]  gulp (node_modules/gulp/index.js)                        2.3s  ▇▇▇ 4%
26  [3772]  debowerify (node_modules/debowerify/index.js)            2.2s  ▇▇ 4%
27  [3766]  bower (node_modules/bower/lib/index.js)                  2.1s  ▇▇ 3%
28  [2343]  hipchat-notify (node_modules/hipchat-notify/index.js)      2s  ▇▇ 3%
29 [14112]  ./resolverFactory (node_mo.../core/resolverFactory.js)     2s  ▇▇ 3%
30 [14110]  ./resolvers (node_modules/.../core/resolvers/index.js)     2s  ▇▇ 3%
31  [2340]  request (node_modules/request/index.js)                    2s  ▇▇ 3%
32  [1135]  ./node_loader (node_module...s-sdk/lib/node_loader.js)   1.8s  ▇▇ 3%
33  [2339]  ./request (node_modules/request/request.js)              1.7s  ▇▇ 3%
34  [2873]  gulp-eslint (node_modules/gulp-eslint/index.js)          1.7s  ▇▇ 3%
35  [1096]  ./core (node_modules/aws-sdk/lib/core.js)                1.7s  ▇▇ 3%
36 [14075]  ./GitHubResolver (node_mod...olvers/GitHubResolver.js)   1.7s  ▇▇ 3%
37  [2867]  eslint (node_modules/eslint/lib/api.js)                  1.6s  ▇▇ 3%
38  [3999]  watchify (node_modules/watchify/index.js)                1.6s  ▇▇ 3%
39  [3996]  chokidar (node_modules/chokidar/index.js)                1.5s  ▇▇ 3%
40  [3626]  mout (node_modules/mout/index.js)                        1.4s  ▇▇ 2%
41  [3068]  browserify (node_modules/browserify/index.js)            1.4s  ▇▇ 2%
42   [996]  ./xml/builder (node_module...s-sdk/lib/xml/builder.js)   1.3s  ▇▇ 2%
43 [10031]  autoprefixer (node_modules...ixer/lib/autoprefixer.js)   1.3s  ▇▇ 2%
44   [995]  xmlbuilder (node_modules/xmlbuilder/lib/index.js)        1.3s  ▇▇ 2%
45  [4586]  babel-helpers (node_module...bel-helpers/lib/index.js)   1.2s  ▇▇ 2%
46  [6100]  ./at-rule-no-vendor-prefix...o-vendor-prefix/index.js)   1.2s  ▇▇ 2%
47  [6095]  ../../utils/isAutoprefixab...tils/isAutoprefixable.js)   1.2s  ▇▇ 2%
48  [5648]  gulp-less (node_modules/gulp-less/index.js)              1.2s  ▇▇ 2%
49  [4585]  ./helpers (node_modules/babel-helpers/lib/helpers.js)    1.2s  ▇▇ 2%
50  [4584]  babel-template (node_modul...el-template/lib/index.js)   1.1s  ▇▇ 2%
51   [184]  gulp-util (node_modules/gulp-util/index.js)              1.1s  ▇ 2%
52   [357]  vinyl-fs (node_modules/vinyl-fs/index.js)                  1s  ▇ 2%
53  [1692]  ../clients/all (node_modules/aws-sdk/clients/all.js)    996ms  ▇ 2%
54  [9035]  ./prefixes (node_modules/a...prefixer/lib/prefixes.js)  989ms  ▇ 2%
55  [9198]  pixrem (node_modules/pixrem/lib/pixrem.js)              986ms  ▇ 2%
56  [2618]  ./eslint (node_modules/eslint/lib/eslint.js)            973ms  ▇ 2%
57  [8108]  ./testUtils/createRuleTest...tils/createRuleTester.js)  970ms  ▇ 2%
58  [2456]  gulp-modernizr (node_modules/gulp-modernizr/index.js)   943ms  ▇ 2%
59  [8341]  ./formatters (node_modules.../lib/formatters/index.js)  928ms  ▇ 2%
60  [5260]  gulp-uglify (node_modules/gulp-uglify/index.js)         911ms  ▇ 1%
61  [4581]  babel-traverse (node_modul...el-traverse/lib/index.js)  904ms  ▇ 1%
62 [14073]  ../../util/extract (node_m...ower/lib/util/extract.js)  888ms  ▇ 1%
63   [994]  ./XMLBuilder (node_modules...uilder/lib/XMLBuilder.js)  881ms  ▇ 1%
64  [3995]  ./lib/fsevents-handler (no.../lib/fsevents-handler.js)  877ms  ▇ 1%
65  [3994]  fsevents (node_modules/fsevents/fsevents.js)            862ms  ▇ 1%
66  [4557]  ./path (node_modules/babel...averse/lib/path/index.js)  858ms  ▇ 1%
67  [2448]  gulp-util (node_modules/gu...dules/gulp-util/index.js)  833ms  ▇ 1%
68   [311]  ./lib/src (node_modules/vinyl-fs/lib/src/index.js)      813ms  ▇ 1%
69  [3988]  node-pre-gyp (node_modules...-gyp/lib/node-pre-gyp.js)  804ms  ▇ 1%
70  [1846]  gulp-scp2 (node_modules/gulp-scp2/index.js)             801ms  ▇ 1%
71  [5647]  /Users/big/Documents/www/c...de_modules/less/index.js)  780ms  ▇ 1%
72  [8336]  ./stringFormatter (node_mo...tters/stringFormatter.js)  779ms  ▇ 1%
73  [5646]  ./lib/less-node (node_modu...s/lib/less-node/index.js)  771ms  ▇ 1%
74 [13972]  ../../util/download (node_...wer/lib/util/download.js)  764ms  ▇ 1%
75  [9192]  postcss (node_modules/pixr...s/postcss/lib/postcss.js)  763ms  ▇ 1%
76  [7059]  ./no-browser-hacks (node_m...o-browser-hacks/index.js)  755ms  ▇ 1%
77  [7058]  stylehacks (node_modules/stylehacks/dist/index.js)      742ms  ▇ 1%
78 [13966]  request (node_modules/bowe...modules/request/index.js)  739ms  ▇ 1%
79  [5247]  ./composer (node_modules/gulp-uglify/composer.js)       719ms  ▇ 1%
80  [1839]  scp2 (node_modules/scp2/index.js)                       707ms  ▇ 1%
81  [5246]  ./lib/minify (node_modules/gulp-uglify/lib/minify.js)   705ms  ▇ 1%
82 [13965]  ./request (node_modules/bo...dules/request/request.js)  695ms  ▇ 1%
83  [1838]  ./lib/scp (node_modules/scp2/lib/scp.js)                695ms  ▇ 1%
84  [7250]  ./no-indistinguishable-col...uishable-colors/index.js)  687ms  ▇ 1%
85  [8328]  table (node_modules/stylel...ules/table/dist/index.js)  683ms  ▇ 1%
86  [7249]  colorguard (node_modules/colorguard/index.js)           677ms  ▇ 1%
87  [7248]  ./lib/colorguard (node_mod...rguard/lib/colorguard.js)  652ms  ▇ 1%
88  [2855]  ./cli-engine (node_modules/eslint/lib/cli-engine.js)    628ms  ▇ 1%
89  [1837]  ./client (node_modules/scp2/lib/client.js)              626ms  ▇ 1%
90   [993]  ./XMLElement (node_modules...uilder/lib/XMLElement.js)  626ms  ▇ 1%
91 [13640]  bower-registry-client (nod...egistry-client/Client.js)  623ms  ▇ 1%
92  [8255]  ./createStylelint (node_mo...t/lib/createStylelint.js)  621ms  ▇ 1%
Total require(): 27647
Total time: 1m 1.1s

As you can see, Stylelint is top of the list here.

alexander-akait commented 7 years ago

@Bigdragon13th maybe your don't ignore some files (tests, examples, build directory and etc stuff)?

Bigdragon13th commented 7 years ago

@evilebottnawi It's not runtime that is slow, it's the loading time stylelint use when we do require("stylelint") that is very slow.

Mottie commented 6 years ago

Has anyone successfully bundled Stylelint using rollup? I created a stylelint-bundler repo reporting my attempts, work-arounds and failure at making a stand-alone version of Stylelint. Maybe someone with more experience with rollup can help? Paging @bfred-it 😉.

Also, the namedColorData file is 61KB. I think all the func definitions aren't necessary as conversion between the color formats shouldn't be that difficult.

fregante commented 6 years ago

@Mottie I gave up on rollup for complex tasks. Try webpack or backpack

jeddy3 commented 6 years ago

@Mottie Big thanks for making a start on attempting to bundle stylelint using rollup, and for documenting your progress in your repo. It looks to be a tricky one!

Has anyone successfully bundled Stylelint using rollup?

I don't believe any of the core team have had time to look into this, and so any progress you make would be greatly appreciated. Good performance is one of the goals of stylelint.

I understand that prettier uses rollup for their build. Perhaps you'll find some inspiration there to overcome the blockers you've encountered.

Also, the namedColorData file is 61KB. I think all the func definitions aren't necessary as conversion between the color formats shouldn't be that difficult.

Agreed. Feel free to contribute that optimisation. You can use the built-in benchmarking tools to gauge the performance impact on the rules that use this data.

m-allanson commented 6 years ago

This may be useful for anyone that wants to dig in to this issue:


fregante commented 6 years ago

Here's a node-specific way to speed up exactly this: load times caused by lots of requires

jeddy3 commented 5 years ago

There's a new compiler/bundler on the block, ncc. Perhaps we'll have more success with that as:

How Is This Different from Webpack, Rollup, Parcel?

We wanted to focus on a development experience that maximizes productivity, followed the semantics of the Node.js platform out of the box and mirrored the conventions of other well-designed and battle-tested languages.

This means that it should do the right thing out of the box, with no extra configuration.

ntwb commented 5 years ago

Neat, Zeit continue to produce fantastic products.

That said, it's very shiny, 14 days.

For sure it would be interesting to see how stylelint would package up using ncc along with some performance testing.

vankop commented 4 years ago

I don't think this issue still relevant.

Снимок экрана 2019-09-08 в 10 18 06
chris-morgan commented 4 years ago

Nope, not fixed at all. On my Surface Book, using Node 8.10.0 on Ubuntu/WSL, I’m seeing best-case figures of 423ms in best-performance mode, and 1011ms in default mode (when on battery). eslint also shows poorly at 184ms and 422ms.

Even your figures of 257ms and 210ms I still consider to be very slow for importing things like this. It’s a big improvement over times more than a second, but as I mentioned, I expect import times well under 100ms.

vankop commented 4 years ago

So lets deep dive:

For me on Node.js 10 LTS OSX running script below in repo root:

cat package.json | jq -r '.dependencies | keys | @tsv' | node -e "require('fs').readFileSync('/dev/stdin', 'utf-8').split('\t').map(a => a.trim()).forEach(a => {console.time(a);require(a);console.timeEnd(a);})"

it results in (after several runs in loop):

autoprefixer: 214.679ms
balanced-match: 0.448ms
chalk: 0.117ms
cosmiconfig: 28.108ms
debug: 2.184ms
execall: 0.934ms
file-entry-cache: 11.034ms
get-stdin: 0.745ms
global-modules: 4.689ms
globby: 78.102ms
globjoin: 0.312ms
html-tags: 2.088ms
ignore: 0.702ms
import-lazy: 0.381ms
imurmurhash: 0.553ms
known-css-properties: 0.827ms
leven: 0.334ms
lodash: 17.709ms
log-symbols: 1.176ms
mathml-tag-names: 0.425ms
meow: 28.433ms
micromatch: 7.088ms
normalize-selector: 0.936ms
postcss: 0.293ms
postcss-html: 10.530ms
postcss-jsx: 80.648ms
postcss-less: 2.009ms
postcss-markdown: 45.007ms
postcss-media-query-parser: 1.145ms
postcss-reporter: 1.449ms
postcss-resolve-nested-selector: 0.276ms
postcss-safe-parser: 0.836ms
postcss-sass: 23.917ms
postcss-scss: 4.282ms
postcss-selector-parser: 17.014ms
postcss-syntax: 0.950ms
postcss-value-parser: 0.038ms
resolve-from: 0.261ms
signal-exit: 0.035ms
slash: 0.244ms
specificity: 0.439ms
string-width: 1.031ms
strip-ansi: 0.101ms
style-search: 0.345ms
sugarss: 2.752ms
svg-tags: 0.881ms
table: 46.021ms

So looks like stylelint dependencies loading to long. List of long loading deps:

autoprefixer ~ 200ms
globby ~ 80ms
postcss-markdown ~ 45ms
postcss-jsx ~ 80ms
table ~ 45ms
cosmiconfig ~ 30ms
vankop commented 4 years ago

postcss-markdown loading only if syntax set to markdown postcss-jsx loading only if sytax set to css-in-js autoprefixer loads only in rules globby loads table it loads, but does not presented in require.cache 🙈 cosmiconfig loads

List of loaded modules after require('stylelint'):

All timings: script:

vankop commented 4 years ago

Actually, I don't know what to do more =) Maybe we can use something instead of globby and load lazily micromatch then ( currently stylelint and fast-glob has dependency on it, fast-glob is dependency of globby)

micromatch and its deps take 50ms to load (globby - micromatch ~20ms)

vankop commented 4 years ago

Wow, looks like it is problem of micromatch@3

In version 4 it loads ~10ms

vankop commented 4 years ago should solve problem with micromatch

Applying ☝️this speeds up loading by 50ms

ntwb commented 4 years ago

4254 should solve problem with micromatch

If someone wants to help get the Windows issues fixed, we can merge it.

I've had a couple of go's at this and not got far myself.

vankop commented 4 years ago

eslint uses v8-compile-cache, maybe try to use it in stylelint also

alexander-akait commented 4 years ago

@vankop good idea, let's do it

vankop commented 4 years ago

After all PR provided here (without v8-compile-cache) script provided here loads ~/lib/index for me in 140ms 🥳 🚀 (Previously 260ms) Using v8-compile-cache I hope will speed up stylelint to ~120ms maybe less

jeddy3 commented 4 years ago

@vankop Thanks for looking into this.

Nope, not fixed at all. It’s a big improvement over times more than a second, but as I mentioned, I expect import times well under 100ms

Yes, I think there is still work to do on this. If we compare three similar tools:

$ node -e ";require('stylelint');console.log("
$ node -e ";require('eslint');console.log("
$ node -e ";require('prettier');console.log("

Prettier is striking just under 100ms. I think that should be our target too. Prettier has vastly more contributors and resources than us, but we can hopefully borrow from their approach to get us somewhere near their performance.

Actually, I don't know what to do more

I suspect the next step is to bundle/roll-up things for our published package. This was suggested way back, but we haven't succeeded at it yet. We can now look to how prettier does it for inspiration. It appears they create a number of bundles. For example, there are ones for their standalone, bin and each parser:

// Contents of Prettier's published package

We'll want to keep the code base node@6 compatible (e.g. by using commonjs requires) so that stylelint can be installed directly from GitHub without a compilation step. I think optimising a build for the published package should be considered as an enhancement.

I think it's an interesting piece of work for anyone who has the time.

vankop commented 4 years ago

@jeddy3 After playing with bash have calculated some interesting stats: For stylelint command (i think OSX only): find -E lib -type f -name "*.js" -not -regex '(.*\.test\.js)|(.*__tests__.*)' | xargs wc -l Results in 31126 LOCs find -E lib -type f -regex 'lib/rules/.*/[^/]*\.js' -not -regex '.*__tests__.*' | xargs wc -l Results in 18092 LOCs For prettier command: find src -name '*.js' | xargs wc -l Results in 26931 LOCs

So I think, it could be some optimizations still without bundling =) Since rules loads on demand

jeddy3 commented 4 years ago

it could be some optimizations still without bundling =)

That's good to know. What did you have in mind?

vankop commented 4 years ago

I will create PR to cosmiconfig to load js-yaml lazily, too.

jimmywarting commented 4 years ago

gosh, just take a look at this dependency graph

XhmikosR commented 4 years ago

I think after the recent changes, things should improve a bit more. Not much, but maybe a bit.

Can someone compare v12.0.0 and latest master please? And perhaps repost the instructions/script? :)

vankop commented 4 years ago

Using script

Updated timings:

and we still need to update to globby@10

jeddy3 commented 4 years ago

gosh, just take a look at this dependency graph

That's a rather good visualisation.

I think after the recent changes, things should improve a bit more. Not much, but maybe a bit.

Good stuff.

I feel like this will be an ongoing endeavor to find further optimisations. There are likely areas where we can improve our performance by seeking more streamlined 3rd party packages.

jeddy3 commented 4 years ago

I'm seeing some promising results from bundling with ncc. I'm consistently getting a require-time of around 80ms when I:

This is comparable with Prettier's bundled require-time performance. As is the minified bundle size of 1mb.

Without the above exclusions, I'm getting a minified bundle-size of 3.5mb and require-time of 120ms. Our dependencies account for nearly 90% of the bundle, with the syntaxes, lodash and autoprefixer being responsible for the majority of it.


You can view this yourself by running the following command in the stylelint repository and dragging the generated /dist/stats.json onto this visualizer webpage:

npx @zeit/ncc build lib/index.js -o dist --stats-out dist/stats.json

To improve the performance of stylelint and support running it in the browser ( we'll need to:

The latter three are breaking changes. I suggest we create a next branch that we can publish as stylelint@next.

In hindsight, we should have removed the vendor prefix rules in 8.0.0, when we removed all the other rules that were thin wrappers across other tools.

I'll create separate issues for everything but the bundling, which can be discussed here.

alexander-akait commented 4 years ago

move the vendor prefix rules to a plugin

Like property-no-vendor-prefix?

perhaps move the function-calc-no-invalid rule (and other validate rules) to a plugin

function-calc-no-invalid is very bad, it is not supported some CSS syntaxes, it was taken from postcss-calc and you can look on issues and problems

jeddy3 commented 4 years ago

@evilebottnawi I've referenced your comments in and, respectively. Let's continue the specific discussions there.