styler00dollar / VapourSynth-RIFE-ncnn-Vulkan

RIFE filter for VapourSynth
MIT License
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Failed to load model (49 and 50) #37

Closed grosbecyk closed 5 months ago

grosbecyk commented 5 months ago

I am using release r9_v17 on mac x86. All models work fine except 49 and 50. It seems that a slash is missing in modelPath's declarations in plugin.cpp :

            case 48:
                modelPath += "/rife-v4.15_ensembleTrue";
            case 49:
                modelPath += "rife-v4.15_lite_ensembleFalse";
            case 50:
                modelPath += "rife-v4.15_lite_ensembleTrue";

            case 51:
                modelPath += "/rife-v4.16_lite_ensembleFalse";

btw, thanks a lot for the mac binary releases. Much appreciated!

TNTwise commented 5 months ago

Sorry I forgot the slash in the beginning of the string for those 2 models, you can override the model num with model_path for now

styler00dollar commented 5 months ago

Purged and recompiled v17, should be fixed.