styler00dollar / VapourSynth-RIFE-ncnn-Vulkan

RIFE filter for VapourSynth
MIT License
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Document parameters #43

Closed spaceman7777 closed 1 week ago

spaceman7777 commented 1 week ago

Hi, I've read through all of the code, and can't seem to find an explanation of what this filter's "tta", "uhd", or "ensemble" parameters mean, besides "uhd" meaning "uhd mode", and "tta" meaning "tta(time-test augmentation) mode".

Could you write down a bit more on what you mean by those terms? What effect do they have? When should, or shouldn't they be used?

Thank you

mn7216 commented 1 week ago

Explained on the RIFE repo

styler00dollar commented 1 week ago
param description
(spacial) tta Inputs two images where one is flipped and the output of the multiple inputs are merged into one
ensemble (aka temporal tta) Unlike tta, it averages the flow within the model and not the outputs
uhd scale=0.5 is used instead of 1, to have less flow resolution with scale_list = [8/scale, 4/scale, 2/scale, 1/scale]