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styles don't recompile in dev mode in Next.js #281

Closed mblandr closed 3 months ago

mblandr commented 3 months ago

Describe the bug

updating className in source code don't recompile stylify css file in next.js in dev mode. I must restart dev server for it.


here is a sample repo: try this: npm run dev change some of classNames - no recompiling, file stylify.css don't update. Only restart dev server will force to recompile


No response

System Info

windows 11
VS code
node 21.7.3
Machy8 commented 3 months ago

Hi @mblandr .

Please, try to configure the Stylify according to this guide Just use paths for nextjs.

I have dropped the bundlers plugins (not updatd docs yet, sorry), because the integrations of bundlers like vite and webpack in frameworks is often a mess

Do the following

  1. Install @stylify/bundle
  2. Install concurrently
  3. Create stylify config
  4. Update package.json command for dev and build
  5. Remove @stylify/unplugin

It should work. One thing. If you use mangling, the mangling now mangles selectors directly in the source code. So make shure it mangles them only in build pipeline somewhre on github or in gitlab.

Please, let me know if it works. If not, I will send the configuration into your repository.

mblandr commented 3 months ago

Thanks. seems to work

mblandr commented 3 months ago

But another problem - it doesn't transform css classes when build. image here is the repo

Machy8 commented 3 months ago

@mblandr Update the config like in the example bellow.

But remember. Selectors are mangled directly in the source code. Use this only in your pipelines in gitlab/github/any other or after stashing your changes at local, so you can revert it back after testing or deploying.

const bundler = new Bundler({
    // ...
    compiler: {
        mangleSelectors: !isDev // Mangle if not in watch mode

Try it and let me know if it works.