stylish-userstyles / stylish

User styles manager for Firefox and other Mozilla software
GNU General Public License v3.0
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import colors from local file #328

Open vKnmnn opened 6 years ago

vKnmnn commented 6 years ago

As a user of pywal, i have a .css file containing the values color0 to color15, background holding the path to a local image file.

Now I'd like to include these colors into Stylish.

Since i do not know a thing about CSS, how should i go about this? color: var(--color0); gives a warning and stylish falls back to white

20:17 $ cat .cache/wal/colors.css 
/* CSS variables
   Generated by 'wal' */
:root {
    --wallpaper: url("/path/to/wallpaper/wallpaper.jpg");

    /* Special */
    --background: #1b1e16;
    --foreground: #d8e6e8;
    --cursor: #d8e6e8;

    /* Colors */
    --color0: #1b1e16;
    --color1: #8BABB5;
    --color2: #C0BDAE;
    --color3: #99BBC4;
    --color4: #A2BEC5;
    --color5: #AFCFD6;
    --color6: #B1D1D6;
    --color7: #d8e6e8;
    --color8: #97a1a2;
    --color9: #8BABB5;
    --color10: #C0BDAE;
    --color11: #99BBC4;
    --color12: #A2BEC5;
    --color13: #AFCFD6;
    --color14: #B1D1D6;
    --color15: #d8e6e8;
oatmealine commented 6 years ago

Only keep the needed part:

/ Background / --wallpaper: url("/path/to/wallpaper/wallpaper.jpg");

/* Special */
--background: #1b1e16;
--foreground: #d8e6e8;
--cursor: #d8e6e8;

/* Colors */
--color0: #1b1e16;
--color1: #8BABB5;
--color2: #C0BDAE;
--color3: #99BBC4;
--color4: #A2BEC5;
--color5: #AFCFD6;
--color6: #B1D1D6;
--color7: #d8e6e8;
--color8: #97a1a2;
--color9: #8BABB5;
--color10: #C0BDAE;
--color11: #99BBC4;
--color12: #A2BEC5;
--color13: #AFCFD6;
--color14: #B1D1D6;
--color15: #d8e6e8;

and paste it into the file at the top. Also: try not to use any local files, as Stylish only supports a single .css file as a style. I'm not sure about @import with URLs, but the wiki said not to use it.

vKnmnn commented 6 years ago

If i shouldn't use local files, then how do i get my pywal colors loaded into stylish? The deal about pywal is, that the colors are dynamic, they are created on the fly, to match a given image, so it's not possible to hardcode them directly into the file.

Cimaje commented 6 years ago

Has there been an answer to this anywhere? I have ran into the same problem

vKnmnn commented 5 years ago

So, modern browsers block the use of file:// links as described here. There is a method described in that link how to circumvent this. (for firefox 1.5!) without having tried it, it seems, like we would have to make an exception for every site for which we would like to import local files. Or disabling that security feature altogether.

oh and by the way, folks, don't use stylish. it sends a copy of your whole internet traffic to their servers. use stylus instead.

niksingh710 commented 3 months ago

is there any possibility with pywalfox?