stylus / nib

Stylus mixins, utilities, components, and gradient image generation
MIT License
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Error: unexpected "indent" inside normalize base file #315

Closed jsainthilaire closed 8 years ago

jsainthilaire commented 8 years ago

This is the error I'm getting:

Potentially unhandled rejection [2] ParseError: /node_modules/nib/lib/nib/normalize/base.styl:5:5 1| // Based in Nicolas Gallagher's 2| normalize-base() 3|   html // Prevent iOS text size adjust after orientation change. 4|     font-family sans-serif 5|     -ms-text-size-adjust 100% 10:11:28.437 ----------^ 6|     -webkit-text-size-adjust 100% 7|   body 8|     margin 0

unexpected "indent"

drewloomer commented 8 years ago

I just started getting this too moments ago. Hrm...

neochrome commented 8 years ago

I get the same error. I'm on version 1.1.0

drewloomer commented 8 years ago

Looks to be an issue since Stylus was bumped to 0.52.1. Installing 0.52.0 fixed the issue for me. Going to investigate what has changed...

drewloomer commented 8 years ago

Looks like this is the commit that breaks nib. I need to investigate further to see if this is something nib should respond to or if it's a bug with Stylus.

drewloomer commented 8 years ago

Sorry for the comment vomit, but it seems that Stylus commit breaks comments at the end of a line. So it's obviously a Stylus issue and not nib. I've opened an issue with Stylus.

jsainthilaire commented 8 years ago

I was on version 1.1.0 then downgrade it to version 1.0.4, but I've been using version 1.1.0 since june and no problem until today.

drewloomer commented 8 years ago

@jsainthilaire That's because they just pushed 0.52.1 of Stylus about 3 hours ago. There is a fix coming and you can track progress here.

jsainthilaire commented 8 years ago

Thanks a lot @drewloomer!

parrish commented 8 years ago

By the way, that's fixed now in 0.52.2

mciccarelli commented 8 years ago

I've added the following to composer.php (before gulp build task) as a workaround until a patch is available:

cd node_modules/gulp-stylus/  
npm install stylus@0.52.0
jsainthilaire commented 8 years ago

They release version 0.52.2, is working now. Thank you all.