styxit / HTPC-Manager

A fully responsive interface to manage all your favorite software on your Htpc.
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Couchpotato Module layout #192

Open sparklyballs opened 10 years ago

sparklyballs commented 10 years ago

is it possible to reorder the library/wanted/history tabs to wanted first in the list. I have a large (4600) movie library and selecting this module it takes an age to load, and it takes 4 or 5 attempts to switch to wanted tab.

Hellowlol commented 10 years ago

My couchpotato loads within 2 sec or so but i only have 1000ish movies. Can you try this branch? It should load the site a bit faster since it dont have to guess what to load. If you would like to change default "open" tab to wanted, remove add class active to on line 13 in couchpotato.html and add active on line 14.

Hellowlol commented 10 years ago

This module also loads everything at page load, the other modules only loads current active tab. By changing cp loading to the way the others load its 3 sec faster with no cache.