styxit / HTPC-Manager

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Sickbeard, missing authentication #309

Closed fldc closed 9 years ago

fldc commented 9 years ago

Sickbeard module is missing a way to authenticate against sickbeard when enabled in SickBeard

Hellowlol commented 9 years ago

What are you talking about? The test button?

fldc commented 9 years ago

No, sickbeard ...or is it only sickrage(?) provides basic auth as an option, but there is no way to enable login in htpc-manager.

styxit commented 9 years ago

We use the API key for access to sickbeard.

fldc commented 9 years ago

Apparently it isn't enough for sickbeard, it doesn't work at all with only api key, just like couchpotato, clients like nzb360 for android allows addresses like user:password@host

Things works just fine if I disable authentication, but I would prefer to keep it on, but I'll guess I'll have to do it myself if nobody recognizes this problem.

fldc commented 9 years ago

skarmbild fran 2014-10-29 12 23 27 To clarify the issue, address is not available from the outside, so whatever. :D

Hellowlol commented 9 years ago

Well thats sickrage... and sickrage api is messed up atm. Grabbing shows takes like 10 minutes via the api

fldc commented 9 years ago

200 shows load in about 1-2sec here using it without authentication, but ok, I'll temporarly implement this myself for the time being. :)

Hellowlol commented 9 years ago

i dont use auth on sickbeard/sickrage at all. But i have a lot of shows.

Hellowlol commented 9 years ago

I think you need to check your settings. I just tested against sickrage and it works fine. Is it behind a reverse proxy or something?

brendann993 commented 9 years ago

it appears that sickrage auth blocks access to the API use as trying to call any API commands when not logged in to sickrage just asks to enter the username and password. Am I correct in believing that the api should be accessible without auth? If so, this is obviously a sickrage issue to be fixed. But in the mean time the fix of allowing the use of user:password@host should work as when using that and a API call returns a success, and the other option is to disable auth on sickrage and it works as well. I have no knowledge of python so would have no idea of how this could be implemented or if it should considering I do think it is more of a sickrage issue

Hellowlol commented 9 years ago

There is no issue with that here. Are you using the correct repo and master branch. The api key IS the authentication. As I said, check your settings.

brendann993 commented 9 years ago

I was using the dev branch of sickrage but changed back to master to confirm. And when a password is set in sickrage any attempts to call the api result in the following for me sickragetest so as I said likely a sickrage issue as there is no access to to API once auth is set. leaving password blank then allows API use, and connection through htpc manager is possible.

Hellowlol commented 9 years ago

Ok, I don't have a username and password on anything, it's all behind nginx'en. You should report this to sickrage dev

Hellowlol commented 9 years ago

I reported this to sickrage and it was reported was won't fix (clearly a bug IMO) nevertheless I'll add a option for that in my sickrage module.

brendann993 commented 9 years ago

Yea I missed that you reported it so I did as well, mine was refrenced back to yours and closed. They have now confirmed tat using API keys should not require authentication and so have marked yours as a bug now :)

styxit commented 9 years ago

So this is a Sickrage issue and not HTPC-Manager? If that is the case, can i close this issue?

Hellowlol commented 9 years ago

Yes close it.