styxit / HTPC-Manager

A fully responsive interface to manage all your favorite software on your Htpc.
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Request SickRage and Sonarr (NzbDrone) support #311

Open blindpet opened 9 years ago

blindpet commented 9 years ago

These two are without a doubt replacing sickbeard and your manager should definitely include them

brendann993 commented 9 years ago

Sickrage is already supported with maybe a few hiccups at most. Set up is the same as sickbeard but if you are using a web base url such as "http://ipaddress/sickrage/" or similar then it may fail authentiction. This is fixed in the dev branch of sickrage abs possable the master branch but I havent checked

Hellowlol commented 9 years ago

There already is a pr for nzbdrone. I'm working on a sickrage module but there are some bugs in the api that needs to be fixed before I finish it. You can use the sickbeard module with sickrage but you can't search for movies and you might have some issues if your library's large. It times out here at least. The nzbdrone pr is

Hellowlol commented 9 years ago

@blindpet you can use my fork until it gets added :)

blindpet commented 9 years ago

Great, thanks @Hellowlol I will be making an awesome guide for this once SickRage and Sonarr work, will do some testing with your fork :)

killahquam commented 9 years ago

@Hellowlol Awesome! This is what I was looking for. Thanks

Hellowlol commented 9 years ago

@killahquam thanks! i hope you find it usefull :)

killahquam commented 9 years ago

Very, already using it now. I don't know why it's not part of the master. Sonarr is much better than Sickbeard, now if I can get a sonarr plugin for Plex, I am all set

Hellowlol commented 9 years ago

I favor sickrage myself, but sonarr is definitely growing on me. I think the calender and ui is awesome.

killahquam commented 9 years ago

I haven't tried sickrage but i did hear about it. I recently moved from OSX to Ubuntu and made the sickbeard to sonarr switch. One thing I would like to see is the ability to have a list of new shows so i can the select the ones i want.

Hellowlol commented 9 years ago

Yeah, i suck at finding new shows so add trending is a cool feature in sr.

killahquam commented 9 years ago

Wait, that already exist in sonarr?

blindpet commented 9 years ago

For now Sickrage is better if you have more private torrent sites but Sonarr I have a soft spot for.

@killahquam why do you need a sonarr plugin? If it is for remote management just use a reverse proxy. I have a guide for Sickrage you can adapt to sonarr

killahquam commented 9 years ago

@blindpet Thanks, I will check it out. There is a sickbeard Plex plugin which lets you control sickbeard from within Plex (there is also for couchpotato and sabnzb)

blindpet commented 9 years ago

@killahquam also nzb360 is quite cool for managing sonarr and other usenet stuff if you are on Android, nzbunity is an equivalent on iOS.

killahquam commented 9 years ago

Ah I knew of 360 but unity is new to me, I will check it out Thanks

Hellowlol commented 9 years ago

@killahquam No it already exist in Sickrage :)

Hellowlol commented 9 years ago

@blindpet Nice guide! It would be nice if you had a red square around the reverse proxy headers. Ah, the guide uses the ini to enable it... L2read

Hellowlol commented 9 years ago

Or just use the modules in htpc-manager to add stuff.. It works fine on mobiles as well

killahquam commented 9 years ago

Yeah thus the reason for setting it up. All in one place

meat-ball commented 9 years ago

@blindpet, I believe what @killahquam's point was because it is incredibly handy to have the plugin on your plex iOS/android app. Since plex has long had CP, Sab and sickbeard plugins already built and is the source that manages your media. adding drone would be logical next step for those of us that have migrated to drone. No doubt, there are many other ways to access it remotely- nzb360, nzbunity, web- but imo this is the most seamless. FYI- the drone plugin is doable, just like the other bundles..just need to take the time to sit down and do it. I'm hoping to take a shot soon.

educatedwarrior commented 7 years ago

I'm waiting for this too. Will test.

Hellowlol commented 7 years ago

@educatedwarrior my fork supports sonarr. This version seems to be pretty dead.