styxit / HTPC-Manager

A fully responsive interface to manage all your favorite software on your Htpc.
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Add sonarr support #337

Closed mostlydave closed 9 years ago

mostlydave commented 9 years ago

Please add sonarr support to the main branch, I'm running this in a docker in unraid, so I need it added to the auto update for it to be usable.

Hellowlol commented 9 years ago

Doesnt the nzbdrone variable work in the docker?

mostlydave commented 9 years ago

I'm sure it would, but unraid dockers are super easy to setup because they are pulled from a repository. I don't have the knowledge to switch branches myself.

I also don't understand why sonarr support hasn't been added to the main version, it's pretty popular from what I can see. There's multiple requests for it here and your version of it, so why not just add it already?

Hellowlol commented 9 years ago

Its already included in my version thats why i asked regarding your docker :)

mostlydave commented 9 years ago

I know I saw it's in your version, and obviously other people would like sonarr support added, so why do we need more than one version? Why don't we just add sonarr support to the main version and users can pick the apps they use from the settings?

styxit commented 9 years ago

I know there used to be a Pul request to add Sonarr. At the time i was not able to merge it. If there is another PR for sooner i will merge it.

mostlydave commented 9 years ago

If you guys could make this happen it would be great!

Hellowlol commented 9 years ago

Well in my case styxit and i dont have the same view on what should and shouldnt be included in htpc manager. Thats the great thing about open source if there something you don't like/ want to add you can. The Bad thing is fragmentation. Ideally I would like to merge all my work with styxit and just continue to do prs but that isn't a option.

I hope it gets added, I made the nzbdrone module just because a lot of users requested it.

mostlydave commented 9 years ago

Ok, what's the problem here, it looks like he just asked you for a PR so it can be merged, why isn't that an option?

Hellowlol commented 9 years ago

To be fair he didn't ask me for a pr. I made the module, I did pr the pr. It was left unmerged for one and a half month. It could have been merged with 4 clicks from a cellphone. I did some cleanup regarding my branches, I didn't know that the pr would close aswell. I don't have that branch anymore.

So in short if no one is willing to do the bare minimum work of copying 8 files and add 2 lines to one file it isn't really wanted..

mostlydave commented 9 years ago

He literally asked in this issue 2 hours ago for a pr and he'll merge it, I see you're offended that it wasn't merged before but, you're only denying a feature that the rest of us would like by not doing it, I'm asking you to please do whatever you need to on your end so that your version with sonarr support can be merged with the the main version and everyone can choose to use sonarr in the main branch if they like.

Hellowlol commented 9 years ago

Let me be clear: I'm not offended. Styxit has explained why he didn't have time before that's fine. We are all doing this in our spare time and sometimes there aren't enought hours in a day to get everything done.

Mostlydickish behavior like saying I'm denying anyone anything is bullshit and is just making me pissed.

I think I have done more then enough. Here is the old pr: Roll up your sleeve and start copy pastin..

Your comment just ensured that I'm never doing it.

/nuff said

mostlydave commented 9 years ago

Let me be clear, no one made you come in here and start suggesting that multiple versions are the answer to sonarr support.

If you had no intention of doing a pr why did you even come in and comment on my issue? I'm new here but it seems to me like you have had some kind of problem with this project and styxit long before I showed up.

I just wanted to come in and say I would love to see sonarr support, sorry if that got your diaper in a twist.

Hellowlol commented 9 years ago

No problem with styxit just your behavior :), happy hacking