styxit / HTPC-Manager

A fully responsive interface to manage all your favorite software on your Htpc.
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Downloads on dashboard #351

Closed damianeickhoff closed 9 years ago

damianeickhoff commented 9 years ago


Is it possible to have the current downloads listed on the dashboard? It would be much faster then going to the downloading tab.

Kind Regards

Hellowlol commented 9 years ago

What downloading tab are you talking about? Do you mean inside the module?

styxit commented 9 years ago

That would require a constant refresh of the queue on the dashboard. Could become slow if you have multiple download apps configured.

Hellowlol commented 9 years ago

I agree, its would be loads of work and would be slow. Just to give you a idea say 150 ms * downloadclients + 100 ms processing + 100 ms http call. Then you have to deal with designing a common js response for all the clients and handle timeouts, connection errors etc.

damianeickhoff commented 9 years ago

Ah, didn't think about that! Guess this question is answerd :)

Hellowlol commented 9 years ago

A easier solution would be to make one for each download module. Like @ mwariz did for the qbittorrent module