styxit / HTPC-Manager

A fully responsive interface to manage all your favorite software on your Htpc.
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Enabling SSL/Adding Certs Kills HTCPManager #356

Open kars85 opened 9 years ago

kars85 commented 9 years ago

My first issue was the WebUI wasn't saving changes, so I kept reverting back to my clean install of HTPCManger's snapshot. Found the thread to comment out Line 101 in and now it is responsive in Safari, at least (Chrome still doesn't update)

Now, when SSL is enabled (seems to be checked by default on clean install, but not actually enforced?) and adding my .key and .crt, the WebUI/program as a whole fails to respond.

Running latest master, Ubuntu Server 14.04 installed following this guide:

Nothing in htpcmanager.log, unless there's another place with more verbosity?

Hellowlol commented 9 years ago


If you have used that guide you have made the issue in the wrong repo as you have installed my fork. Please close this issue and read then open a new issue in my repo :)

You can also see if you find a solution in:

Hellowlol commented 9 years ago

Do not use a old snapshot as a security bug as just fixed. Download the latest

kars85 commented 9 years ago

Thank you! I'm using vmware, so my comment about snapshots was directed at that :)

I'll revert back to a pre install vmware snapshot and use a different git clone address. Is that what you're recommending?

Thanks again! !

Hellowlol commented 9 years ago

I would delete the htpc manager folder and clone again. Use the same clone url as before.