Flashpost handles the initial setting of the header, however, if I view the Body -> Raw tab after changing the Content-Type header the header reverts back to the selected format. In this case the Raw type is JSON, so the Content-Type header is set back to "application/json"
I have an API that I am attempting to connect to, as part of it's spec, sending an update via a PATCH requires an amended header. It requires a value similar to the ones required by ASP.NET core web apis - https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/web-api/jsonpatch?view=aspnetcore-8.0.
Flashpost handles the initial setting of the header, however, if I view the Body -> Raw tab after changing the Content-Type header the header reverts back to the selected format. In this case the Raw type is JSON, so the Content-Type header is set back to "application/json"