Scouting a star system doesn't instantly yield complete knowledge of planets in the system. Each "combat" round scouts make sensor roll to discover a planet and a sensor roll to discover a trait of a planet. Failed rolls accumulate into a bonus for future attempts.
Planet discovery is done as a group effort, similar to combat sensors but with constant distance factor.
Trait discovery is done as an individual effort where each ship makes a separate attempt. Accumulated bonus is updated at the end of the round.
Scouting a star system doesn't instantly yield complete knowledge of planets in the system. Each "combat" round scouts make sensor roll to discover a planet and a sensor roll to discover a trait of a planet. Failed rolls accumulate into a bonus for future attempts.
Planet discovery is done as a group effort, similar to combat sensors but with constant distance factor.
Trait discovery is done as an individual effort where each ship makes a separate attempt. Accumulated bonus is updated at the end of the round.