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RFC for hashtags #21

Open gordonbrander opened 2 years ago

gordonbrander commented 2 years ago

18 introduces /slashlinks. We might consider uses for #hashtags and @mentions as well.

Really, either of these usecases could be accomplished via slashlinks, so these amount to a separate namespaces. There may be value in them anyhow.

Notes and questions:


tixel commented 2 years ago

Just a loose idea: @mentions and #hashtags could be short hand for a specific header. This way the subtext note conveys, in a clear and compact way, that it is talking about a specific identity and a specific topic.

The header could disambiguate and make explicit that this @mentions is a Twitter handler or a github user. And the same for #hashtag. It could point to a RDF ontology thing or to a Twitter topic.

Of course it comes with new problems: What if you want to add 2 identical @mentions that point to different identities.

bburns commented 1 year ago

Just digging up another file - -


We could explore expanding Subtext to include support for hashtags in text blocks:

There’s no such thing as advantageous in a general sense. It’s advantageous in the circumstances you’re living in. #evolution #ecology

Hashtags could be collected into a "tags" field of text blocks, and perhaps stripped from the text as well.

OTOH: Tags are just a backlinks to pages that don't exist. To use an OODA lens, tagging is O without ODA. Collecting into tagged buckets is not sense-making, only a coarse-grained first approximation. Sense-making should fold into Orientation, and make it possible to expand your repertoire of Actions. That means synthesizing collected information into new knowledge. This is something linking supports, and tags do not. So if we have to choose one primitive, Wikilinks are the better primitive.

bburns commented 1 year ago

I like the equivalence of /foo-bar, and [[Foo bar]] that you've mentioned.

One question is - when would a client render a transclusion? I guess when it's on a line by itself?


# Some heading /evolution

Here is a pic of a turtle - 

Hashtags might be useful because they seem to have a slightly different meaning than a slashlink. A hashtag is like "file this item under evolution", or "this item is a book", while a link is like "see also this article", or "include this image below"?

It goes back to the issue of anchor links in html - what do they mean exactly? ie what kind of relationship is it?

There is the 'rel' attribute for 'a' elements -

The relationship of the linked URL as space-separated link types.

So having a hashtag available would give some more meaning to a link.

Same for @ signs.

And editors could also use them in restricting the namespace for autocomplete, eg in github # starts autocomplete for issues, @ for people.

So I guess they're kind of semantic sugar - adding a bit of meaning to a regular slashlink.

bburns commented 1 year ago

Or, what if could assign an optional link type to slashlinks? eg

/person:gibson /tag:evolution

so @gibson and #evolution would be shorthand for those.

And maybe link types could be user-defined? eg

/author:gibson /type:fish

So they would make different namespaces, useful for autocomplete.

And those could have corresepondence with links in the header? eg

author: /gibson type: /fish

bburns commented 1 year ago

Another issue would be assigning properties to links, to be able to make complete property graphs - maybe assign key:values like

# love and the pilgrim /artist:burne-jones /date:1896-7 /location:tate{since:1942}

macedotavares commented 1 year ago

I think that hashtags (in the context of KM) are best employed when they have a clear "is-a" meaning. In my experience, using them for other purposes leads to ambiguity and cognitive overhead.

"Gödel, Escher, Bach" is a #book about /computer-science and /consciousness written by /douglas-hofstadter. (How that other info could be structured is another matter).

I don't know how opinionated Subconscious should be on this, but I've seen other apps incentivizing this practice by rewarding it with extra functionality.

polyrainbow commented 11 months ago

It should also be considered that with the current spec, hashtags at the beginning of a line are not possible, as it would turn the block into a heading.

Note that the space after the sigil characters is NOT part of the sigil and is optional, but recommended.

# This is a heading
#This is also a heading