subcreation / TodoCoreDataExample

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Add Unit Tests and UI Tests to Existing Test Files #1

Open subcreation opened 3 days ago

subcreation commented 3 days ago

@MentatBot Please add unit tests and UI tests to our project, focusing only on modifying existing test files. Do not create new files or modify the project structure. Here are the specific requirements:

  1. Add unit tests to the existing TodoCoreDataExampleTests.swift file in the TodoCoreDataExampleTests folder.

    • Focus on testing core functionalities of our main views and models.
    • Use XCTest framework and follow Swift best practices for unit testing.
  2. Add UI tests to the existing TodoCoreDataExampleUITests.swift file in the TodoCoreDataExampleUITests folder.

    • Create tests for basic UI interactions and flows in our app.
    • Use XCUITest framework for UI testing.
  3. Update the TodoCoreDataExampleUITestsLaunchTests.swift file in the TodoCoreDataExampleUITests folder.

    • Add or modify launch tests as appropriate for our app.
    • Ensure these tests check the initial state of the app upon launch.
  4. Do not modify the project file (.xcodeproj) or create any new files.

  5. Ensure all tests can be run using Xcode's standard test runner (Cmd+U).

  6. Use the default test structure provided by Xcode, including setUp() and tearDown() methods where appropriate.

Remember, the goal is to add meaningful tests without altering the project structure or build process. Stick to modifying only the existing test files mentioned above.

mentatbot[bot] commented 3 days ago

I will start working on this issue