subdavis / Tusk

🐘 🔒 KeePass-compatible browser extension for filling passwords.
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📬 Logging, error handling and notifying of failures #209

Open zmilonas opened 6 years ago

zmilonas commented 6 years ago

tbd Description:

As a user I would like to be more often notified about many different problems, errors, exceptions that occur. As a developer I would like to collect these 'logs' somewhere (locally) to better understand why and where things are failing.


We need to better handle exceptions and also throw more of them with more descriptive messages. Make sure we know and handle when autofill is not working and such.

subdavis commented 6 years ago

I'm interested in building an error library like pkg/errors in golang to solve some of this context loss issue in promise chaining.

Here's a good read to start with: