subdavis / Tusk

🐘 🔒 KeePass-compatible browser extension for filling passwords.
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First argument to DataView constructor must be an ArrayBuffer #224

Open ghost opened 6 years ago

ghost commented 6 years ago

This issue is a


Steps to reproduce - current behaviour

  1. Connect a onedrive database
  2. database will act normal
  3. after a browser restart or some time input password
  4. buf error appears image

What is the expected behaviour

Unlock database

Additional remarks

#### Environment **Operating System:** Windows 10 Pro **Browser:** Chrome 68.0.3440.106 (64 Bit) **Storage:** Onedrive
subdavis commented 6 years ago

Can you confirm that the database opens properly at first, then time passes and the same database does not work?

ghost commented 6 years ago

Yes. The database will open properly and work just fine but through some event, either me closing the browser window or something else. the same database will no longer open and shows the error in the screenshot. only way to fix it is to remove the database from the settings and then re-installing the extension.

nichigo13 commented 6 years ago

my quick workaround is to select the database again from the menu the bug is also present in CKP. Hope that helps.

zmilonas commented 6 years ago

I'm guessing we're dealing with some kind of memory temporary database path corruption. I will loook into that. Thank you @nala5081 for reporting and @nichigo13 for providing more details

subdavis commented 6 years ago

I'm fairly convinced that onedrive is expiring its links quickly and that's why this happens. I have an idea for a workaround. Might make it into the next release.

For context: here's an example of a direct download URL:

I'm going to see how long it takes for that to quit working.

zmilonas commented 5 years ago

Had that happen just yesterday.

Couldn't do anything - unlock, fill. Unfortunately in that moment wasn't able to debug in console argh!

What's even more concerning is that my storage is Google Drive since forever...

david-dankelmann commented 5 years ago

Problem is still present here and in CKP. Both Extensions unusable for me for that reason, since i only use OneDrive and MEGA. Any new ideas how to keep the Login alive or whatever the problem is? I think many people have this issue and uninstall the App for that reason (watch ratings e.g.)

Problem is how it was described: It works perfectly if you do a fresh Login/Setup of your OneDrive account. But after some time (in my case mostly it's the next day, because i dont use the Manager that often yet), you have to redo the whole Login/Setup into Onedrive.

OS: Win10 Browser: Chrome 70.0.3538.110 Storage: OneDrive

jpickerell commented 5 years ago

OS: Windows 7 Professional 64-bit Browser: Chrome Chrome 71.0.3578.98 (Official Build) (64-bit) Storage: OneDrive (personal/not SharePoint based, file owned by me, not shared to me) Tusk: v2018.9.27

Same problem as others listed above. I can initially set up Tusk, turn on OneDrive storage (authenticate to my personal OneDrive account, Tusk see's my KeePass DBs, select the DB I use and unlock it with it's master password) and use Tusk. The next day I get the same "First argument to DataView constructor must be an ArrayBuffer" error as shown in the initial screenshot. If if turn off OneDrive storage, close and reopen Chrome, I can set it back up again and use it for a period of time.

Also, when I go to the Tusk cloud storage setup page when this problem is occuring, the following text in a red box is listed next to the "OneDrive" text: "Error: User interaction required." and the OneDrive storage option slider is set to disabled and the previously displayed discovered KP DBs are not displayed. When I re-enable the OneDrive storage option, I get the pop-up Microsoft authentication page, I log in with the same credentials that I initially used and then the previously detected KP DBs show in the UI again. When clicking the Tusk icon in the toolbar, the same "First argument to DataView constructor must be an ArrayBuffer" error is still shown and I can't unlock my KP db.

I do access multiple separate Microsoft accounts (some personal Microsoft Account, some business Office 365/Azure) on this machine from this browser. Maybe Tusk is somehow getting confused with which authenticated Microsoft session it is using/or authenticating to a session in the browser to a different Microsoft credential than what Tusk is uses to connect to the KeePass DB is breaking the credential connection Tusk uses??? Strictly guesses in the dark...

If anything further that I can provide to help troubleshoot, let me know.

jpickerell commented 5 years ago

I'm still consistently getting this problem. Anyone have an ideas on how to work around it? Works great when it works, but much of the time I still get the "First argument to DataView constructor must be an ArrayBuffer" error and can't access my keystore. Thanks! Jared

david-dankelmann commented 5 years ago

I'm still consistently getting this problem. Anyone have an ideas on how to work around it? Works great when it works, but much of the time I still get the "First argument to DataView constructor must be an ArrayBuffer" error and can't access my keystore. Thanks! Jared

I ended up using the "store a local copy" option. It will then store a copy in the browser and it will work fine. But you have to manually update it from time to time, when you inserted new Keys in your original .kdbx File, that lies in the Cloud. Not perfect, but now usable for me.

jpickerell commented 5 years ago

@subdavis , Is this issue on the radar to be able to look into further anytime? Thanks! Jared

jensbuehl commented 5 years ago

@subdavis Same issue here. So it seems to be a general problem.

Operating System: Windows 10 Pro Browser: Chrome 73.0.3683.103 (Offizieller Build) (64-Bit) Storage: Onedrive

songeir commented 5 years ago

I got the exactly same issue with @jpickerell , but I've used only one microsoft account on Tusk. I think it's not a problem of multiply accounts.

dcashion commented 5 years ago

This randomly occurs to me as well. The only fix I've found so far is to delete the extension and re-install from scratch. Which is a bit of a pain since everything that was remembered from before is now gone.

Tusk refuses to read the updates to my KeePass database and I disconnect and reconnect to OneDrive to force an update Since I'm manually updating my database anyway, I think I'm going off line like the other gentleman and try that. I feel better with my password database off line in a flash drive anyway.

Operating System & Computer: image

Browser: MS Edge Dev image

Storage: Onedrive image

subdavis commented 5 years ago

Yo another Voyager fan. I love running into you people in the wild.

Sorry for your troubles, I don't support this anymore, but it's awesome you can install clean on Edge now.