It is recommended that the code should be kept clean and properly documented with NatSpec. There are multiple functions, structs, and public storage variables that are missing proper NatSpec documentation.
There is no consistency in the multiline comment format. The /// and /*/ comments are used alternately.
In IERC5827 and IERC5827Proxy interfaces multiline comment is used incorrectly with //.
In the IERC5827Spender interface, @title is misused for description. Use @notice/@dev for explanations.
It is recommended that the code should be kept clean and properly documented with NatSpec. There are multiple functions, structs, and public storage variables that are missing proper NatSpec documentation.
There is no consistency in the multiline comment format. The /// and /* / comments are used alternately.
In IERC5827 and IERC5827Proxy interfaces multiline comment is used incorrectly with / /.
In the IERC5827Spender interface, @title is misused for description. Use @notice/@dev for explanations.
./src/Funnel.sol : Funnel, _baseToken, RenewableAllowance, rAllowance, INITIAL_CHAIN_ID, INITIAL_DOMAIN_SEPARATOR, PERMIT_RENEWABLE_TYPEHASH, PERMIT_TYPEHASH, initialize(), computeDomainSeparator(), DOMAIN_SEPARATOR(), permit(), permitRenewable(), approve(), approveRenewable(), _approve(), _remainingAllowance(), _checkOnApprovalReceived(), baseToken(), supportsInterface(), balanceOf(), totalSupply(), transfer(), fallback(), _fallback() ./src/FunnelFactory.sol : FunnelFactory, deployments, funnelImplementation, constructor(), deployFunnelForToken(), getFunnelForToken(), isFunnel() ./src/interfaces/IERC5827.sol : IERC5827 ./src/interfaces/IERC5827Payable.sol : IERC5827Payable ./src/interfaces/IERC5827Proxy.sol : IERC5827Proxy ./src/interfaces/IFunnel.sol : IFunnel, RecoveryRateExceeded() ./src/interfaces/IFunnelFactory.sol : IFunnelFactory, FunnelNotDeployed(), FunnelAlreadyDeployed(), InvalidToken(), DeployedFunnel() ./src/lib/EIP712.sol : EIP712 ./src/lib/MetaTxContext.sol : MetaTxContext, _msgSender() ./src/lib/NativeMetaTransaction.sol : NativeMetaTransaction, MetaTransactionExecuted(), executeMetaTransaction(), _verifyMetaTx() ./src/lib/Nonces.sol : Nonces, _nonces
NatSpec documentation best practices should be followed. For reference: