Recommendation: Common best practices should be followed, functions should be implemented according to the Check-Effect-Interaction pattern.
Status: Reported (Consider emitting DeployedFunnel before the Funnel initialize() in the deployFunnelForToken function. Emitting an event is considered to be an effect and should be done before interaction)
During the function execution, some state variables are updated after the external calls.
This may lead to reentrancies, race conditions, and denial of service vulnerabilities during implementation of new functionality.
Path: ./src/FunnelFactory.sol: deployFunnelForToken()
Recommendation: Common best practices should be followed, functions should be implemented according to the Check-Effect-Interaction pattern.
Status: Reported (Consider emitting DeployedFunnel before the Funnel initialize() in the deployFunnelForToken function. Emitting an event is considered to be an effect and should be done before interaction)