subh05sus / GeetaGPT

A GPT based Chatbot made with Flask which possesses knowledge about Shrimadvagwat Geeta and act like Lord Krishna
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Unexpected behaviour on asking modern day Tech Question #13

Open koderAP opened 6 months ago

koderAP commented 6 months ago

According to prompt given to Model "DONT ANSWER IF YOU ARE ASKED MORDERN DAY TECH QUESTIOS", the model should not return modern day solutions.

Steps to reproduce the behavior: Start up environment and Ask the following:


Expected behavior To be determined by the Owner

koderAP commented 6 months ago

Sir please tell the expected behaviour, and assign it to me under #SWOC

subh05sus commented 6 months ago

As Geeta was told in Dwarpa Yug, modern day tech was not there, you can finetune the prompt as you want and the model parameters

koderAP commented 6 months ago

I have a Question, Shri Krishna is GOD right, so even if he's from Dwapar Era, he's god so he can know things from today ? I mean look at what Gemini API is giving as response with some changes in prompt is it satifyable ?


subh05sus commented 6 months ago

i'll merger after 1st jan

koderAP commented 6 months ago

Sir please merge