subhadeeproy3902 / BloxAI

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Footer section CSS style improved #330

Closed sakeel-103 closed 1 week ago

sakeel-103 commented 1 week ago

315 solved.

315 Solved.

Footer section anchor tag CSS style changed.


In the footer section, the CSS of the anchor tag had a hover underline effect. In this PR, I changed it to a hover blink effect. I also added transform and transition effects to the social media section.

Type of PR

Screenshots / videos (if applicable)


Additional context:

[Include any additional information or context that might be helpful for reviewers.]

vercel[bot] commented 1 week ago

@sakeel-103 is attempting to deploy a commit to the subhadeep3902's projects Team on Vercel.

A member of the Team first needs to authorize it.

github-actions[bot] commented 1 week ago

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gitguardian[bot] commented 1 week ago

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sakeel-103 commented 1 week ago

@subhadeeproy3902 here in this PR showing two checks were not successful. Please check the PR.

subhadeeproy3902 commented 1 week ago


  1. Please dont change .env.example
  2. Git pull the repo (else it gives merge conflicts)
  3. The footer animations are too childish and not at all professional. Keep them simple .. or do a basic colour change