subhadeeproy3902 / BloxAI

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Feat: Add Preloader #336

Open AsmitaMishra24 opened 1 week ago

AsmitaMishra24 commented 1 week ago

Describe the feature

Design and Appearance:

  1. A simple and visually appealing animation.
  2. Should match the overall design language of the application.
  3. Customizable options for color, size, and style to fit different themes.


  1. Should display during the loading of heavy components or data fetching processes.
  2. Must cover the main content area that is being loaded.
  3. Option to show the preloader globally (entire screen) or locally (specific component).


  1. Lightweight and optimized to prevent additional load times.
  2. Should not interfere with the loading process of the main content.


  1. Should be implemented as a reusable component.
  2. Easy to integrate with different parts of the application.
  3. Must include appropriate documentation for usage and customization.

Add ScreenShots

My Previous Work:-


github-actions[bot] commented 1 week ago

Hi there! Thanks for opening this issue. We appreciate your contribution to this open-source project. We aim to respond or assign your issue as soon as possible.

subhadeeproy3902 commented 1 week ago

@AsmitaMishra24 If u can create a unique loader according to the theme of and the logo (or do a logo svg creation animation) .... I would be increasing the level of the PR from 1 to 2 And do read

AsmitaMishra24 commented 1 week ago

@AsmitaMishra24 If u can create a unique loader according to the theme of and the logo (or do a logo svg creation animation) .... I would be increasing the level of the PR from 1 to 2 And do read

Ok...I did this animation previously for timewarp project, I will do something like this:-

or I will try to do logo animation

subhadeeproy3902 commented 1 week ago

thats cool ... check out our logo ... u can try animating it :) ...

AsmitaMishra24 commented 1 week ago

thats cool ... check out our logo ... u can try animating it :) ...

okay...I will try to animate logo

AsmitaMishra24 commented 17 hours ago

@subhadeeproy3902, I have created an animation for the logo. Please take a look and let me know if any changes are needed.