Open fighting41love opened 7 years ago
I think late but this is my code:
inputs = Input(shape=(winSize,))
wvec = Embedding(vocab_size, wdim, input_length=winSize)(inputs)
wvecf = Flatten()(wvec)
attn = Dense(winSize, activation='sigmoid', W_regularizer=l2(reg), name="attn")(wvecf)
attnr = RepeatVector(wdim)(attn)
attnp = Permute(dims=(2,1))(attnr)
# multiply word vector by attention and flatten output
awvecf = Flatten()(Multiply()([wvec, attnp]))
# fully connected layers
d1 = Dense(zdim, activation='relu', W_regularizer=l2(reg))(awvecf)
d2 = Dense(zdim2, activation='relu', W_regularizer=l2(reg))(d1)
# final layer
d3 = Dense(vocab_size, activation=output_activation, W_regularizer=l2(reg))(d2)
self.model = Model(inputs=[inputs], outputs=d3)
self.model.compile(optimizer=loss_optimizer, loss='categorical_crossentropy')
# also compile a function for getting the attention vector
self.get_attn = Model(inputs=[inputs], outputs=attn)
Note: When you call attn attn = self.get_attn.predict(Xs.astype(np.int32))
Hope will help you,
It didn't help me. Now it saying
probs = self.model.predict({'word': Xs})['probs'] IndexError: only integers, slices (
:), ellipsis (
...), numpy.newaxis (
None) and integer or boolean arrays are valid indices
@truonghoang It didn't help me. Now it saying
probs = self.model.predict({'word': Xs})['probs'] IndexError: only integers, slices (
:), ellipsis (
...), numpy.newaxis (
None) and integer or boolean arrays are valid indices
I think we change this function line 442 file
def score(self, Xs):
if isinstance(self.model, Graph):
return self.model.predict({'word': Xs})['probs']
return self.model.predict(Xs)
to :
def score(self, Xs):
return self.model.predict(Xs)
and this function line 346:
def score(self, Xs):
return self.model.predict({'word': Xs})['probs']
def score(self, Xs):
return self.model.predict(Xs)
because now we don't depend on the Graph.
sorry I missed those.
Keras removes Graph in the new version. For new keras, they use the functional API instead.
Hence, the code has an error:
from keras.models import Sequential, Graph ImportError: cannot import name 'Graph'
Anyone knows how to modify the codes in 'rnnLSTM' ?
from keras.models import Model
? and How to modify the codes from line 268 - line 303?Thanks!