DEPRECATED - no longer actively maintained. Automated workflow for harvesting, transforming and indexing of metadata using metha, OpenRefine and Solr. Part of the Hamburg Open Science "Schaufenster" software stack.
transform 01_oai-cleanup.json...
18:21:51.130 [ refine] GET /command/core/get-all-project-metad
ata (164ms)
18:21:51.137 [ refine] GET /command/core/get-models (7ms)
18:21:51.142 [ refine] POST /command/core/apply-operations (5m
java.lang.Exception: No column named metadata
The removal of this column is obsolete. The output of the tubdok oai service seems to have changed.
exception in log file:
The removal of this column is obsolete. The output of the tubdok oai service seems to have changed.