subhra74 / xdm

Powerfull download accelerator and video downloader
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Queue doesn't automatically start the next waiting file. #1240

Open quarky42 opened 6 days ago

quarky42 commented 6 days ago

Describe the bug When 1 file is being downloaded, additional files added to the "Active" list all say waiting and never start automatically. The first file downloaded finishes and the rest of the files sit there saying waiting.

I have to click on a waiting file, pause it, and start it, and then it will download. The rest of the files just sit there waiting. The whole purpose of a download manager is to manage downloads with the ability to queue up downloads and have them automatically be downloaded.

I have tried adding the files to the default queue, but there is no change in the behavior. I have tried pausing the queue and starting it. This will start one file downloading and when that file finishes the rest just sit there waiting.

Queue processing is broken as far as I can tell. The old version of XDM behaved the way I would expect it to downloading the next file waiting after a previous file finished.

To Reproduce Start downloading a large file using the Chrome extension. While that first file is downloading, queue up additional files to be downloaded. Those files will be placed in the Active list and they will just sit there.

Expected behavior I expect that when a download is finished the next one waiting is started. If you want to be able to disable queue processing, I expect there to be a checkmark control in the settings that enables automatic download of waiting files.

I expect there to be a setting where I can choose how many concurrent downloads I have going at one time.

I already have "start download automatically" I would expect these files to download automatically without me having to manually pause / start every one.

Screenshots Not applicable. There is more than enough detail here.

please complete the following information:

Generated log using below method

Additional context Your instructions for how to load the chrome extension do not cover the directory location when you use the Windows Store version. Please update your instructions.

Your instructions for log file refer to directories that don't exist when using the Windows Store version. Please update your instructions to also support this version.

Please add a simple button in the GUI to generate a log file. I cannot product a log file given the current information available.

This queue bug has been present ever since I updated XDM from the previous MAJOR version. I expected it to be fixed long before now.

quarky42 commented 6 days ago

After thinking about it some more, I realized that I had not tried uninstalling and reinstalling.

So I uninstalled XDM (Windows Store version) I deleted %USERPROFILE%.xdm-app-data and another .xdm directory that didn't come back after reinstall so I don't remember the name exactly.

I reinstalled XDM and reinstalled the Chrome plugin. I had to restart Chrome and now it appears to be working normally.

So yeah this bug can be closed if you want as I cannot reproduce it any longer, but I think it worth at least you knowing about this fix in case anyone else has problems where their queue will not process downloads. This happened to me after upgrading from v7 and has been like this for a long time.