@subins2000 First of all thanks for this package. I noticed that you are storing ArrayBuffer in memory while transferring remotely, which isn't efficient. Do you have a better way?
And also, noticed that you are using the promise
spf.send(peer, 'myFileID', file).then(transfer)
But inside the promise, you are using events. In a react app it is causing issue.
maxListenersExceededWarning: Possible EventEmitter memory leak detected. 11 destroy listeners added. Use emitter.setMaxListeners() to increase limit
If it uses events means, I can do something like this
@subins2000 First of all thanks for this package. I noticed that you are storing ArrayBuffer in memory while transferring remotely, which isn't efficient. Do you have a better way?
And also, noticed that you are using the promise
spf.send(peer, 'myFileID', file).then(transfer)
But inside the promise, you are using events. In a react app it is causing issue.If it uses events means, I can do something like this
But I cannot off the event while unmounting, do you have any solution?
And also do you know anything regarding this issue https://github.com/feross/simple-peer/issues/748#issue-724332655