sublayerapp / sublayer

A model-agnostic Ruby Generative AI DSL and framework. Provides base classes for building Generators, Actions, Tasks, and Agents that can be used to build AI powered applications in Ruby.
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The current pattern for Sublayer::Task doesn't generate well with Blueprints #21

Closed swerner closed 6 months ago

swerner commented 7 months ago

Blueprints is very effective at generating Sublayer::Generators and Sublayer::Actions but the pattern I've been exploring with Sublayer::Tasks doesn't seem to work very well.

I tried to create a blueprint of the MakeRspecTestsPassTask here and generate a few variations, but it didn't jump to using and chaining actions and generators together.

Working to brainstorm ways to get it to reliably create new tasks and hallucinate the Sublayer::Actions and Sublayer::Generators it would need to complete the task...

swerner commented 6 months ago

After some conversations in the discord, it looks like we may have been too hasty breaking out this idea of Task. Going to close this for now and focus on creating a basic agent implementation with a simple feedback loop structure