sublee / trueskill

An implementation of the TrueSkill rating system for Python
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three or more players ranks probability #35

Open dotcom opened 5 years ago

dotcom commented 5 years ago

I think, if I want to calculate the win percentage for two players, I should calculate the difference distribution. X - Y ~ N(μ1 - μ2, σ12 + σ22) I think that it is sufficient to definitely integrate N in the interval of 0 or more.

But, if game is contained three or more players, how should I predict the ranking probability?

a = Rating(mu= m_a, sigma= s_a)
b = Rating(mu= m_b, sigma= s_b)
c = Rating(mu= m_c, sigma= s_c)

# I want to calculate the probability that rank c > b > a.
sublee commented 5 years ago

Simply isn't it P(c>b) * P(b>a)?

dotcom commented 5 years ago

In general, P(c>b>a) = P(b>a|c>b)P(c>b) ≠ P(c>b)P(b>a) Because "simply P(b>a)" differs from "P(b>a) with b that satisfies c>b" .

P(c>b>a) can be evaluated using the multivariate normal cumulative distribution function X = C - B Y = B - A We want P(X>0, Y>0). However, computing multivariate normal cumulative distribution function is so difficult.

4 variables example: P(d>b>c>a) = P(d>b|b>c,c>a)P(b>c|c>a)P(c>a)

ok, I will make an effort to consider whether it can be implemented and send a pull request, if you hope.

>>> a = Rating()
>>> b = Rating()
>>> c = Rating()
>>> ranks_probability([(a,)(b,),(c,)], ranks=[0,1,2])


sublee commented 5 years ago

Oh, awesome! Thank you for letting me know my mistake.

The function ranks_probability looks good but I don't want to adopt it as a part of this library. There are 2 reasons:

Instead, would you paste the function as code at this issue?

dotcom commented 5 years ago

ok. I agree with the implementation philosophy that this library is a transparent implementation of Trueskill. I will only discuss (or paste function) the implementation here on this matter.

sublee commented 5 years ago

Thanks for your kindness!

lukebyrne commented 4 years ago

@dotcom did you ever get around to a ranks_probability method?