sublima / sublima

SUBject tool for LIbraries, Museums and Archives
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Broken UTF-8 characters in indexed literals #1

Open ewinge opened 8 years ago

ewinge commented 8 years ago

Sublima indexes all string literals in the predicate sub:literals. The indexing breaks Unicode characters:

De nordiske Juristmøder. Litteratur. Nordic countries. Literature. Nordic. Københavns Universitet. Norden. Rettskilder generelt. De nordiske juristmøter Artikler og debatter fra de nordiske juristmøtene siden 1948. driftet av det juridiske fakultetsbibliotek i København.. The Nordic countries.{}&format=text%2Fhtml&timeout=0&debug=on

sparql query:

select ?p ?o
where {
    <> ?p ?o
ewinge commented 8 years ago

Possibly caused by this issue in virtuoso:

ewinge commented 8 years ago


  1. Broken RDF/XML
  2. Compare HTML
  3. Describe query works

In the last example, literals and externalliterals are broken, because of this bug. However, the title is correct.