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Syntax highlighting files shipped with Sublime Text and Sublime Merge
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[Rust] Syntax highlighting breaks in macros #3991

Open deathaxe opened 1 month ago

deathaxe commented 1 month ago

What happened?




Code Snippet

// Helper macro for defining instructions without having to have tons of
// exhaustive `match` statements to update
macro_rules! def_instruction {
        $( #[$enum_attr:meta] )*
        pub enum Instruction<'a> {
                $( #[$attr:meta] )*
                $variant:ident $( {
                    $($field:ident : $field_ty:ty $(,)* )*
                } )?
                [$num_popped:expr] => [$num_pushed:expr],
    ) => {
        $( #[$enum_attr] )*
        pub enum Instruction<'a> {
                $( #[$attr] )*
                $variant $( {
                        $field : $field_ty,
                } )? ,

        impl Instruction<'_> {
            /// How many operands does this instruction pop from the stack?
            pub fn operands_len(&self) -> usize {
                match self {
                        Self::$variant $( {
                        } )? => $num_popped,

            /// How many results does this instruction push onto the stack?
            pub fn results_len(&self) -> usize {
                match self {
                        Self::$variant $( {
                        } )? => $num_pushed,
FichteFoll commented 4 weeks ago

Probably the same issue as #3904 but with a different construct. #3912 might be able to help (haven't checked) but introduces a different issue.