sublimehq / Vintage

Vintage mode adds a vi style command mode to Sublime Text 2
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Visual mode issue with long lines #186

Open ghost opened 11 years ago

ghost commented 11 years ago

I have noticed a small bug when hitting CTRL-V and selecting multiple lines. Let's consider the following file:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vitae libero tincidunt, sagittis lacus eget, luctus lacus. Vestibulum ut sapien nibh. Sed metus lectus, convallis vel malesuada non, rutrum nec magna. Quisque velit nulla, tincidunt at dui et, feugiat varius urna. Duis tincidunt, risus nec aliquam pellentesque, nunc purus dapibus sem, eu egestas orci diam eget quam. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nullam odio erat, tempus sed ornare quis, sodales id eros. Sed nec nisi luctus, sollicitudin lacus blandit, iaculis sem.

When I'm at line 1 and I hit CTRL-V and I go down with j till Ipsum, if I try to go up again with k I get stuck at line 2. I suppose this comes from the length of line 2 because if I replace all of it by a mere word then the problem doesn't happen. On GitHub line 2 is not wrapped but in my editor it is, would this be why the editor gets stuck? There seems to be a confusion between actual lines and wrapped lines.

The problem is the same with versions 2 and 3. How could I fix it?
