sublimehq / sublime_merge

Issue tracker for Sublime Merge
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Open ST project directly if a *.sublime-project file is in the root of the repo #1142

Open themilkman opened 3 years ago

themilkman commented 3 years ago

Problem description

Taken from here:

hi, I often use "Open Repository in Sublime Text" in Sublime Merge. Is there a way for ST to detect a *.sublime-project that I put in the root of that git repository directory? because I'd still need to "Quick Switch Project" after I open the 'git project' from SM.

Preferred solution

Open the sublime-project directly.

Things to think about

srbs commented 3 years ago

@themilkman, it sounds like this should reside in the Sublime Text issue tracker, not the Merge one.

themilkman commented 3 years ago

@srbs I think it is more the way SM opens the repository directory in ST (pass the project file), not how ST behaves afterwards.

dpjohnst commented 3 years ago

Hi @themilkman,

Thanks for sharing this feedback!

We'll require some collaboration from both teams on this one - we may want Sublime Text to do the project discovery, while Sublime Merge passes the correct flags / data to Sublime Text (I'll be consulting with @BenjaminSchaaf on this one :smiley: )

Thanks, - Dylan

adamkerz commented 1 year ago

I've given an alternate solution in #1611 - I've been using it happily for a couple of years now and it also works when opening files from a shell/command prompt or from a file explorer gui.

themilkman commented 6 months ago

FTR, meanwhile I use to work around this topic.