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Navigate to Commit command fails for a specific commit #1805

Open ratijas opened 10 months ago

ratijas commented 10 months ago

Version info


In qtdeclarative repo Navigate to Commit command suggests (in the palette list of suggestions) but fails to actually navigate to a specific commit:

I can see that commit info via git show, I can see on GitHub that it has been included in many branches, but Sublime Merge fails to open it.

I ran git fsck, it showed a bunch of dangling commits and objects, but no real integrity issues.

I have other copies on qtdeclarative repo, and for none of them Sublime Merge can locate this specific commit.

Steps to reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Open repository
  2. Run command Navigate to Commit
  3. Enter 3ec6d04d976249d162f6ec92666d9008f4c21c34

Expected behavior

Should navigate to the specified commit, as it says on the tin.

Debug Information

In the Ctrl+` console a message says:

Unable to find commit 3ec6d04d976249d162f6ec92666d9008f4c21c34

Debug information ``` === App Version Information === Build: 2090 === Git Version Information === Using Git: git (system) git version 2.42.0 PATH: /usr/local/kde5/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/var/lib/flatpak/exports/bin:/usr/lib/jvm/default/bin:/usr/bin/site_perl:/usr/bin/vendor_perl:/usr/bin/core_perl:/usr/lib/rustup/bin === Browse Page Information === HEAD: 6897543b000f6af4f94b248f70b7f78e9c2b49c8 Is in merge: 0 Is in cherry_pick: 0 Is in rebase: 0 Is in revert: 0 === Git Status Information === === Our Status Information === === Git Config Information === alias.openterminalatpath=!f() { konsole --new-tab --workdir "$1" > /dev/null 2>&1 & disown ; }; f branch.6.4.2.merge=refs/heads/6.4.2 branch.6.4.2.remote=origin branch.6.4.3.merge=refs/heads/6.4.3 branch.6.4.3.remote=origin branch.6.4.merge=refs/heads/6.4 branch.6.4.remote=origin branch.6.5.0.merge=refs/heads/6.5.0 branch.6.5.0.remote=origin color.ui=auto commit.gpgsign=false core.autocrlf=input core.bare=false core.excludesfile=~/.config/git/ignore core.filemode=true core.logallrefupdates=true core.quotepath=false core.repositoryformatversion=0 credential.git:// credential.helper=keepassxc diff.submodule=log gpush.upstream=gerrit http.proxy=socks5:// include.path=~/.config/git/config-host init.defaultbranch=master pull.ff=only push.gpgsign=if-asked rebase.stat=true remote.gerrit.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/gerrit/* remote.gerrit.url=ssh:// remote.origin.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* remote.origin.url= rerere.autoupdate=true rerere.enabled=true sendemail.smtpencryption=ssl sendemail.smtpserverport=465 submodule.tests/auto/qml/ecmascripttests/test262.url= tag.gpgsign=true url. url. url.ssh:// Tkachenko user.signingkey=AE69C4B00B02FC69 === Our Config Information === Git Config Path Information Using config path: /usr/etc/gitconfig Using config path: /home/ratijas/.config/git/config Using config path: /home/ratijas/.gitconfig Using config path: /home/ratijas/kde/src6/qtdeclarative/.git/config Our config output is identical to the Git config output === Git Attributes Information === git check_attr --all output === Our Modified Files Newline Normalisation and EOL Information === === Our Modified Files Flag Information === Ignoring symlinks: 0 ```