sublimehq / sublime_merge

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Allow over/under or inline view for 3-way diff/conflict resolver #1843

Open detly opened 7 months ago

detly commented 7 months ago

I have a dual monitor setup plus laptop screen, but I like to have both monitors (2560×1440) in portrait mode. There's an option for Text Diff Style to change between side-by-side vs. inline, and to automatically select based on width. This works really well for tall displays.

Unfortunately there's no such setting for the conflict resolver/3-way diff. I have three columns where I have to scroll horizontally constantly to read each line.

Preferred solution

Implement an over/under arrangement for the 3-way diff panes and apply the Text Diff Style setting to determine when to use it.


Regarding the setting: alternatively have a separate setting for it. Personally I would find it unsurprising if that setting applied to both contexts, but I also see that it would be a change from current behaviour that others might not appreciate.