sublimehq / sublime_merge

Issue tracker for Sublime Merge
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File path selectable/copyable in merge editor. #1851

Open safield opened 6 months ago

safield commented 6 months ago

When resolving a merge for a file in the merge conflict editor, the full file path is displayed in the top center of the window. It would be nice if you could select this text and copy it.

Side note, for a commercial product that you guys charge a good deal of money for, your dev team presence on the issue tracker is conspicuously lacking....mostly just radio silence....

Consider open sourcing if the project is not maintained by the current team.

aeturnum commented 4 months ago

I just ran into this and fully agree. There are lots of places in the UI where file names are displayed and there's no right-click menu option to copy the text.

AntonPetrov83 commented 3 weeks ago

I often need file path to see file history or search for related commits and there is no way to copy the file path when resolving conflicts (both in the Summary panel on in the merge conflict editor).

themilkman commented 3 weeks ago

FWIW, I added a Diff Context.sublime-menu with the following content to get the "copy file path" option to the diff window:

    "caption": "Copy File Path",
    "command": "copy_to_clipboard",
    "args": {
      "text": "$path"
aeturnum commented 3 weeks ago

@themilkman this is great and, I think, fully solves this issue for me! Thank you so much.