sublimehq / sublime_merge

Issue tracker for Sublime Merge
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Introduce a setting to keep UI column size same for all repository tabs #1887

Open Poldraunic opened 3 months ago

Poldraunic commented 3 months ago

Problem description

I use Merge both for personal and professional work on a same machine and same OS account. At any given moment I have a lot of repositories open (usually around 10). Pretty often I find myself resizing columns to fit either diffs or history better. At the moment, every tab keeps their own UI and settings which is rather annoying because I subconsciously expect to find layout the same on the different tab.

Preferred solution

Introduce a setting which would apply same layout setting and column sizes for all repositories. So that changes in one would apply to all.


I don't think there are any alternatives other than disabling column resize altogether.