sublimehq / sublime_merge

Issue tracker for Sublime Merge
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Git operations have a long delay in SublimeMerge #1890

Open jnns opened 3 months ago

jnns commented 3 months ago

Version info


In a large repo with 60k files, Sublime Merge takes very long for most operations. For example, git stash pop works almost instantly in the command line while it takes 8 seconds in Sublime Merge.

Also very annoying and sometimes misleading is the fact, that (un)staging a file takes also around 10 seconds and the file is neither shown as staged nor unstaged during these 10 seconds.

Interestingly, SublimeMerge registers a file being (un)staged after 14 seconds when I do this via git in the command line.

It doesn't seem to be related to the .gitignore issue. I tried this with and without our project's .gitignore (around 200 lines).

It could be related to the 10 second timeout mentioned here, although moving the mouse out of the staging area doesn't do anything.

Switching between 'system' and 'bundled' git binaries doesn't change anything.

Steps to reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Open a large repository (I cannot share our project unfortunately)
  2. Stage or unstage a file
  3. The file disappears from the view and only appears again in the expected state after a long delay.

Expected behavior

Git operation results are shown instantly in Sublime Merge.

Debug Information

Debug information ``` === App Version Information === Build: 2091 === Git Version Information === Using Git: git (system) git version 2.44.0 PATH: ~/.pyenv/plugins/pyenv-virtualenv/shims:~/.pyenv/shims:/opt/homebrew/sbin:~/Library/Caches/fnm_multishells/55728_1712218829046/bin:~/Library/Application Support/fnm:~/bin:/opt/homebrew/bin:/usr/local/bin:/System/Cryptexes/App/usr/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/var/run/ (from shell) environment variables loaded using: /usr/local/bin/fish -l === Browse Page Information === HEAD: a33c9d0eebe5dc22d5fa60acbd9a09da4f65ec51 Is in merge: 0 Is in cherry_pick: 0 Is in rebase: 0 Is in revert: 0 === Git Config Information === alias.cleanup=!git branch --merged | grep -v '\*' | xargs -n 1 git branch -d alias.defaultbranch=!f() { git symbolic-ref refs/remotes/origin/HEAD | cut -d/ -f4; }; f alias.fixup=!git log -n 50 --pretty=format:'%h %s' --no-merges | grep -v fixup | fzf | cut -c -7 | xargs -I % -o git commit --fixup % $@ alias.fixup-squash=!fzf_commit=$(git log -n 50 --pretty=format:'%h %s' --no-merges | fzf | cut -c -7) && git commit --fixup $fzf_commit && git rebase -i --autosquash $fzf_commit^ alias.pop=reset head^ alias.prdiff=!f() { cd ${GIT_PREFIX:-./}; git diff --relative origin/$(git defaultbranch)...HEAD; }; f alias.prfiles=!f() { cd ${GIT_PREFIX:-./}; git diff --relative --name-only origin/$(git defaultbranch)...HEAD; }; f alias.wip=!git add --all && git commit --no-verify -m wip!git checkout $(git defaultbranch) && git pull --ff-only --prune && git cleanup; blame.ignorerevsfile=.git-blame-ignore-revs branch.esp-invalid-cups.merge=refs/heads/esp-create-account-agreements branch.esp-invalid-cups.remote=origin branch.esp-onboarding-errors.merge=refs/heads/esp-onboarding-errors branch.esp-onboarding-errors.remote=origin branch.esp-onboarding-errors.vscode-merge-base=origin/master branch.master.merge=refs/heads/master branch.master.remote=origin core.bare=false core.editor=nvim core.filemode=true core.fsmonitor=false core.ignorecase=true core.logallrefupdates=true core.precomposeunicode=true core.repositoryformatversion=0 credential.helper=osxkeychain feature.manyfiles=1 filter.remove-xstate-layout.clean=sed '/@xstate-layout/d' pull.rebase=true push.autosetupremote=true remote.origin.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* === Our Config Information === Git Config Path Information Using config path: /etc/gitconfig Using config path: ~/.config/git/config Using config path: ~/.gitconfig Using config path: /.git/config Our config output is different to the Git config output alias.cleanup=!git branch --merged | grep -v '\*' | xargs -n 1 git branch -d alias.defaultbranch=!f() { git symbolic-ref refs/remotes/origin/HEAD | cut -d/ -f4; }; f alias.fixup=!git log -n 50 --pretty=format:'%h %s' --no-merges | grep -v fixup | fzf | cut -c -7 | xargs -I % -o git commit --fixup % $@ alias.fixup-squash=!fzf_commit=$(git log -n 50 --pretty=format:'%h %s' --no-merges | fzf | cut -c -7) && git commit --fixup $fzf_commit && git rebase -i --autosquash $fzf_commit^ alias.pop=reset head^ alias.prdiff=!f() { cd ${GIT_PREFIX:-./}; git diff --relative origin/$(git defaultbranch)...HEAD; }; f alias.prfiles=!f() { cd ${GIT_PREFIX:-./}; git diff --relative --name-only origin/$(git defaultbranch)...HEAD; }; f alias.wip=!git add --all && git commit --no-verify -m wip!git checkout $(git defaultbranch) && git pull --ff-only --prune && git cleanup; blame.ignorerevsfile=.git-blame-ignore-revs branch.esp-invalid-cups.merge=refs/heads/esp-create-account-agreements branch.esp-invalid-cups.remote=origin branch.esp-onboarding-errors.merge=refs/heads/esp-onboarding-errors branch.esp-onboarding-errors.remote=origin branch.esp-onboarding-errors.vscode-merge-base=origin/master branch.master.merge=refs/heads/master branch.master.remote=origin core.bare=false core.editor=nvim core.filemode=true core.fsmonitor=false core.ignorecase=true core.logallrefupdates=true core.precomposeunicode=true core.repositoryformatversion=0 feature.manyfiles=1 filter.remove-xstate-layout.clean=sed '/@xstate-layout/d' pull.rebase=true push.autosetupremote=true === Git Attributes Information === git check_attr --all output === Our Modified Files Newline Normalisation and EOL Information === === Our Modified Files Flag Information === Ignoring symlinks: 0 ```
dpjohnst commented 2 months ago

Hi @jnns,

Thanks for reporting this issue. I'm having trouble replicating this so far.

When you have a chance, could you run the following command on the repository in question and share the output: git count-objects -vH


jnns commented 2 months ago

Hi Dylan,

thank you for looking into this.

$ git count-objects -vH
count: 1430
size: 6.19 MiB
in-pack: 5902903
packs: 20
size-pack: 2.77 GiB
prune-packable: 39
garbage: 0
size-garbage: 0 Bytes
BarabasGitHub commented 2 months ago

Are you running any anti-virus software? I have similar issues and I'm 99% sure it's my antivirus software at work. I tried it on another pc without the anti-virus and it's 10x faster.

jnns commented 2 months ago

No, I'm not running anti-virus software on my laptop.

jnns commented 2 months ago

Maybe helpful for debugging:

When I begin the process of committing a change in Sublime Merge by staging a file, but then switch to the command line because it just takes too long, the CLI will show the file as staged whereas the staging is not yet reflected in Sublime Merge. I then continue by running git commit and finish my changes. Sublime Merge then updates its state by showing the already committed file as staged. A few seconds later, Sublime Merge also registers the commit having happened already and shows it.

dpjohnst commented 1 month ago

Hi @jnns,

Just following up on this - I haven't had any luck reproducing this issue despite multiple attempts. I'm going to try and determine if it's purely a UI issue or a repository reading issue.

To validate this, could you perform the following steps:

  1. Stage some files
  2. Wait until they appear in the staging area
  3. Unstage some files
  4. Promptly navigate to Help > Debug Information (prior to the unstaged files appearing in the modified files section)
  5. Paste the debug information into a text editor
  6. At the bottom of the debug information, there will be a section called === Our Modified Files Flag Information ===. Could you confirm if none / some / all of the unstaged files are present in this section?

Thanks for your help and patience while we get this resolved.

Kind regards, - Dylan from Sublime HQ

jnns commented 1 month ago

Hi Dylan,

thanks for your effort in reproducing this. This is the debug information prior the unstaged file appearing in the working directory area again:

=== Git Attributes Information ===
git check_attr --all output

=== Our Modified Files Newline Normalisation and EOL Information ===

=== Our Modified Files Flag Information ===
Ignoring symlinks: 0