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subl.exe -n --wait --command "my_plugin_command" not executed #1457

Open deathaxe opened 7 years ago

deathaxe commented 7 years ago


My main intention is to set up Sublime Text as merge tool with GitExtensions as desciped here:

I added the following line to GitExtensions configuration: subl.exe -n --wait %theirs %base %mine %merged --command "sublimerge_diff_views"

I also tried to create a "hello world" command in a which should be executed by subl.exe -n --wait --command "hello_world". without success. It looks like a timing issue, because if the package name begins with something like "A", it works. From my point of view sublime text does not wait for all packages to be loaded before trying to execute the command provided by the command line argument.

Expected behavior

Sublime Text starts and runs the sublimerge_diff_views command.

Actual behavior

  1. Sublime Text starts and opens the three files provided by %theirs, %base and %merged without executing the sublimerge_diff_views command. If Sublime Text is already running, sublimerge_diff_views command is executed as expected.
  2. If Sublime Text is closed after a merge session and reopened afterwards by simply executing sublime_text.exe, the created window freezes for a while. After that it seems to be destroyed and recreated.

    Steps to reproduce

  3. Install some packages with package control. (I have about 60)
  4. Create some files theirs.txt, base.txt, mine.txt
  5. Try to execute subl.exe -n --wait theirs.txt base.txt mine.txt merged.txt --command "sublimerge_diff_views"

or just create a simple command in a package named Zzz.sublime-package, which is loaded very late and try to run it with subl.exe -n --wait --command ...


keith-hall commented 7 years ago

As the unofficial documentation states

If Sublime Text isn’t running already, only ApplicationCommands will work when invoked from the command line. If Sublime Text is already running, WindowCommands will work as well when invoked from the command line.

I'm going to mark this as an enhancement and not a bug. Basically, it just doesn't wait for all packages to load before executing the command line commands.

deathaxe commented 7 years ago

I know what documantation says, but as subl.exe provides the feature to run any command, it should work reliable for all commands provided by any package, no matter of name or number of installed packages. IMO it is not an issue of ApplicationCommand or WindowCommand, but a kind of race condition. Try to run any kind of command of the Default.sublime-package and you'll see it works well. The issue simply is, that a command can be be called at a point of time, when its providing package is not yet loaded. This makes the whole --command argument a kind of useless. From this point of view it is a bug.

FichteFoll commented 7 years ago

Oddly, it's both a bug and an enhancement since the behavior is definitely not as documented (or "inconsistent").

gerardroche commented 6 years ago

I can't get any command to execute when ST isn't running, not even an ApplicationCommand. Wondering if I'm doing something wrong or my expectations are wrong. The unofficial documentation states:

If Sublime Text isn’t running already, only ApplicationCommands will work when invoked from the command line. If Sublime Text is already running, WindowCommands will work as well when invoked from the command line.

What I've tried:

import sublime_plugin
class BatmanCommand(sublime_plugin.ApplicationCommand):
    def run(self):
$ subl --command batman

I get nothing. The command executes fine if ST is already opened, but if starting cold then the command never runs. Is this a bug. A known bug? Or am I doing something wrong?

FichteFoll commented 6 years ago

ST not waiting for plugins to be loaded before trying to run the command specified via command line might still be the deciding factor here even for ApplicationCommands. Until this is fixed or properly documented, the docs should most likely be updated to discourage from using this functionality unless ST is already running.