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Save file operation failed to connect to the open and save panel service #3174

Closed maniekbezkitu closed 3 years ago

maniekbezkitu commented 4 years ago


Unable to save newly created tab.


Steps to reproduce

  1. Open new tab (CMD + N)
  2. Paste some text
  3. Hit CMD + S

Expected behavior

Should display pop up asking where to save file.

Actual behavior

Beach ball for about 15 sec then the message from the screenshot



(not sure if relevant)

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Applications/Sublime", line 478, in run_callback
  File "/Applications/Sublime", line 545, in <lambda>
    run_callback('on_close', callback, lambda: callback.on_close(v))
  File "/Users/manny/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/TypeScript/typescript/listeners/", line 256, in on_close
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'close'
maniekbezkitu commented 4 years ago

Note: The text I was pasting was ST settings in JSON detected as JSON (Sublime). When I changed syntax to regular JSON the file saved as expected. Seen the same issue with JS (Test) file so maybe it's related to syntax detection or something.

srbs commented 4 years ago

Sublime Text 3/Packages/TypeScript/typescript/listeners/

Looks like the TypeScript plugin is causing issues, removing it should resolve this issue. You'd probably want create a bug report on their project page.

ericsoco commented 4 years ago

I just saw the same, after upgrading to Catalina last night.

In my case, the detected file type is UnitTest (JavaScript); changing to just JavaScript allowed me to save the new file as normal. (I'm not even sure what UnitTest is / what plugin identifies files as such.)

I do have the Typescript plugin installed, but after removing the plugin I can still repro the error. (I'm not sure how to view Sublime error logs, don't have a stack trace)

This only happens when pasting into a new tab, not when making edits to an already-saved tab, so the root issue seems to be related to file creation permissions in Catalina and not file write.

cpisto commented 4 years ago

I'm seeing this as well with ST 3.2.2 on macOS Catalina 10.15.4 and 10.15.3.

It does seem related to syntax packages - in my case "HTML (Jinja2)", since changing to a builtin one before attempting to save prevents the problem.

Interestingly if I switch to just the "Jinja2" syntax instead of "HTML (Jinja2)" I do not encounter the problem. Could it be something with parenthesis in the syntax name?

I tried allowing Full Disk Access to Sublime Text from the privacy control panel on the chance that it is related to that, but it seemed to have no effect.

frank-f5w commented 4 years ago

Same here, @cpisto and @maniekbezkitu, running MacOS 0.15.4 (19E266) Saving changes to existing code inside the code directory does work.

doctaphred commented 4 years ago

This happens to me when attempting to save a new buffer with the mysterious Shell-Unix-Generic syntax. Changing the syntax to Bourne Again Shell (bash) makes the save work normally. No console logs in either case.

The Shell-Unix-Generic syntax isn't selectable in the menu or command palette, but is a built-in package (TIL) and seems to be the default for files named .env. Pasting a .env file's contents into a new buffer and attempting to save it reliably reproduces this error.

I don't have either the TypeScript or the Jinja2 plugin.

Sublime Text Version 3.2.2, Build 3211 macOS Catalina 10.15.5

UPDATE (2020-06-26): Tried debugging this again today. Followed the steps above to reproduce, and found the following in the macOS console logs, filtering by process == sublime text:

-[NSSavePanel beginServicePanel]_block_invoke : Could not advance an Open/Save panel to run phase due to error: Error Code=16 "(null)" UserInfo={ to run phase,}
-[NSSavePanel beginServicePanel] : an exception occurred during attempt to advance an Open/Save panel to run phase!
-[NSSavePanel runModal] caught non-fatal NSObjectNotAvailableException 'The operation couldn’t be completed. ( error 16.)' with user dictionary {
    error = "Error Code=16 \"(null)\" UserInfo={ to run phase,}";
} and backtrace (
    0   CoreFoundation                      0x00007fff3207fbe7 __exceptionPreprocess + 250
    1   libobjc.A.dylib                     0x00007fff6ae575bf objc_exception_throw + 48
    2   AppKit                              0x00007fff2fc70a7d -[NSSavePanel beginServicePanel] + 801
    3   AppKit                              0x00007fff2fc71268 -[NSSavePanel runModal] + 98
    4   Sublime Text                        0x000000010fdf7e08 _Z19px_show_save_dialogP11px_window_tRKNSt3__16vectorINS1_4pairI9substringNS2_IS4_NS1_9allocatorIS4_EEEEEENS5_IS8_EEEES4_S4_S4_PNS1_12basic_stringIcNS1_11char_traitsIcEENS5_IcEEEE + 1076
    5   Sublime Text

Here's larger log excerpts, filtering all fields first by sublime and then by save (can't figure out how to do an 'or' filter):

macOS logs containing 'sublime' ``` default 15:52:36.423706-0400 FRONTLOGGING: version 1 default 15:52:36.423722-0400 Registering, pid=73587 default 15:52:36.424268-0400 CHECKIN: pid=73587 default 15:52:36.430049-0400 CHECKEDIN: pid=73587 asn=0x0-0x37a37a foreground=0 default 15:52:36.429874-0400 launchservicesd CHECKIN:0x0-0x37a37a 73587 default 15:52:36.430816-0400 runningboardd Resolved XPC Service ( with host pid 797, variant 1, scope 1, pid 73587, and euid 501 default 15:52:36.431754-0400 loginwindow -[ApplicationManager checkInAppContext:eventData:] | ApplicationManager: Checked in app : default 15:52:36.430876-0400 runningboardd Resolved pid 73587 to [xpcservice:73587] default 15:52:36.432713-0400 runningboardd [xpcservice:73587] This process will not be managed. default 15:52:36.432751-0400 runningboardd Now tracking process: [xpcservice:73587] default 15:52:36.433243-0400 runningboardd Acquiring assertion targeting xpcservice from originator [daemon:202] with description attributes = { ; } default 15:52:36.433398-0400 runningboardd Assertion 399-202-5635 (target:xpcservice) will be created as active default 15:52:36.433896-0400 runningboardd [xpcservice:73587] Ignoring jetsam update because this process is not memory-managed default 15:52:36.434257-0400 runningboardd Finished acquiring assertion 399-202-5635 (target:xpcservice) default 15:52:36.434410-0400 runningboardd [xpcservice:73587] Ignoring resume because this process is not lifecycle managed default 15:52:36.434520-0400 runningboardd [xpcservice:73587] Set darwin role to: UserInteractiveNonFocal default 15:52:36.434608-0400 runningboardd [xpcservice:73587] Ignoring GPU update because this process is not GPU managed default 15:52:36.439232-0400 Registered, pid=73587 ASN=0x0,0x37a37a default 15:52:36.439419-0400 Registered, pid=73587 cgConnectionID=201723 default 15:52:36.441245-0400 Current system appearance, (HLTB: 1), (SLS: 0) default 15:52:36.444616-0400 Post-registration system appearance: (HLTB: 1) default 15:52:36.454282-0400 distnoted register name: object: token: f4269 pid: 73587 default 15:52:36.468631-0400 Registering for test daemon availability notify post. default 15:52:36.468830-0400 notify_get_state check indicated test daemon not ready. default 15:52:36.497522-0400 SignalReady: pid=73587 asn=0x0-0x37a37a default 15:52:36.498197-0400 SIGNAL: pid=73587 asn=0x0x-0x3646330 default 15:52:36.530009-0400 NSApp cache appearance: -NSRequiresAquaSystemAppearance: 0 -appearance: (null) -effectiveAppearance: ", "" )> error 15:52:36.547714-0400 tccd Prompting policy for hardened runtime; service: kTCCServiceAppleEvents requires entitlement but it is missing for RESP:{ID: com.sublimetext.3, PID[797], auid: 501, euid: 501, responsible path: '/Applications/Sublime Text', binary path: '/Applications/Sublime Text'}, ACC:{ID:, PID[73587], auid: 501, euid: 501, binary path: '/System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/XPCServices/'}, REQ:{ID:, PID[449], auid: 55, euid: 55, binary path: '/System/Library/CoreServices/appleeventsd'} default 15:52:36.580472-0400 created discovery driver default 15:52:36.580529-0400 [d ] Beginning discovery for flags: 0, point: multiple default 15:52:36.580663-0400 created discovery driver default 15:52:36.580696-0400 [d ] Beginning discovery for flags: 0, point: default 15:52:36.580760-0400 created discovery driver default 15:52:36.580821-0400 [d ] Beginning discovery for flags: 0, point: default 15:52:36.580969-0400 [d ] Beginning discovery for flags: 1024, point: default 15:52:36.628360-0400 [d ] Completed discovery. Final # of matches: 24 default 15:52:36.628417-0400 delivering update to host (24 plugins) default 15:52:36.658046-0400 installing watchers for continuous discovery default 15:52:36.699111-0400 [d ] Completed discovery. Final # of matches: 7 default 15:52:36.699171-0400 delivering update to host (7 plugins) default 15:52:36.702539-0400 [d ] Completed discovery. Final # of matches: 2 default 15:52:36.702626-0400 delivering update to host (2 plugins) default 15:52:36.707807-0400 installing watchers for continuous discovery default 15:52:36.708457-0400 [d ] Completed discovery. Final # of matches: 2 default 15:52:36.718885-0400 installing watchers for continuous discovery default 15:52:36.766870-0400 Creating FSEvent Stream for / = 0x7ff46ac1ff90 error 15:52:36.769887-0400 TCFURLInfo::GetVRefNum error Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=257 UserInfo={NSURL=, NSFilePath=, NSUnderlyingError=0x6000019f0420 {Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=13}} for URL error 15:52:36.769927-0400 No _kCFURLVolumeRefNumKey property for URL error 15:52:36.769948-0400 TNode::CFVolumeObserverCallback vRefNum == kFSInvalidVolumeRefNum for event 1, default 15:52:36.781008-0400 created discovery driver default 15:52:36.781070-0400 [d ] Beginning discovery for flags: 0, point: default 15:52:36.786007-0400 [d ] Completed discovery. Final # of matches: 3 default 15:52:36.786314-0400 delivering update to host (3 plugins) default 15:52:36.795228-0400 installing watchers for continuous discovery default 15:52:36.798403-0400 default 15:52:36.877136-0400 Starting query at qos 0x19 default 15:52:36.903711-0400 SFBrowserCallBack (node = {domain = Network}) error 15:52:36.925992-0400 tccd Prompting policy for hardened runtime; service: kTCCServiceCalendar requires entitlement but it is missing for RESP:{ID: com.sublimetext.3, PID[797], auid: 501, euid: 501, responsible path: '/Applications/Sublime Text', binary path: '/Applications/Sublime Text'}, ACC:{ID:, PID[73587], auid: 501, euid: 501, binary path: '/System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/XPCServices/'}, REQ:{ID:, PID[192], auid: 0, euid: 0, binary path: '/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/Metadata.framework/Versions/A/Support/mds'} default 15:52:46.883498-0400 LSExceptions shared instance invalidated for timeout. default 15:52:50.818577-0400 runningboardd [xpcservice:73587] Death sentinel fired! default 15:52:50.819181-0400 Sublime Text -[NSSavePanel beginServicePanel]_block_invoke : Could not advance an Open/Save panel to run phase due to error: Error Code=16 "(null)" UserInfo={ to run phase,} default 15:52:50.819360-0400 Sublime Text -[NSSavePanel beginServicePanel] : an exception occurred during attempt to advance an Open/Save panel to run phase! default 15:52:50.821669-0400 Sublime Text -[NSSavePanel runModal] caught non-fatal NSObjectNotAvailableException 'The operation couldn’t be completed. ( error 16.)' with user dictionary { error = "Error Code=16 \"(null)\" UserInfo={ to run phase,}"; } and backtrace ( 0 CoreFoundation 0x00007fff3207fbe7 __exceptionPreprocess + 250 1 libobjc.A.dylib 0x00007fff6ae575bf objc_exception_throw + 48 2 AppKit 0x00007fff2fc70a7d -[NSSavePanel beginServicePanel] + 801 3 AppKit 0x00007fff2fc71268 -[NSSavePanel runModal] + 98 4 Sublime Text 0x000000010fdf7e08 _Z19px_show_save_dialogP11px_window_tRKNSt3__16vectorINS1_4pairI9substringNS2_IS4_NS1_9allocatorIS4_EEEEEENS5_IS8_EEEES4_S4_S4_PNS1_12basic_stringIcNS1_11char_traitsIcEENS5_IcEEEE + 1076 5 Sublime Text default 15:52:50.836684-0400 loginwindow -[PersistentAppsSupport applicationQuit:] | for (Sublime Text), _appTrackingState = 2 default 15:52:50.837898-0400 runningboardd Invalidating assertion 399-202-5635 (target:xpcservice) from originator 202 default 15:52:50.925290-0400 runningboardd Removing process: [xpcservice:73587] default 15:52:50.926064-0400 runningboardd Removing assertions for terminated process: [xpcservice:73587] error 15:52:50.953510-0400 runningboardd RBSStateCapture remove item called for untracked item 399-202-5635 (target:xpcservice) default 15:52:52.896790-0400 ReportCrash Saved crash report for[73587] version 1.0 (1) to default 15:52:53.085557-0400 loginwindow -[PersistentAppsSupport applicationQuit:] | for app:QuickLookUIService ( (Sublime Text)), _appTrackingState = 2 ```
macOS logs containing 'save' ``` default 15:52:35.412816-0400 runningboardd Acquiring assertion targeting executable from originator [daemon:202] with description attributes = { ; } default 15:52:35.412976-0400 runningboardd Assertion 399-202-5634 (target:executable) will be created as active default 15:52:35.414180-0400 runningboardd [executable:797] Ignoring jetsam update because this process is not memory-managed default 2020-06-.41530126 15:52:35-0400 runningboardd Finished acquiring assertion 399-202-5634 (target:executable) default 15:52:35.416018-0400 runningboardd [executable:797] Set darwin role to: UserInteractiveFocal default 15:52:35.416733-0400 runningboardd [executable:797] Ignoring GPU update because this process is not GPU managed default 15:52:36.335585-0400 hidd Connection added: IOHIDEventSystemConnection uuid:A1053CC0-086D-4947-9AD3-91C9A9091ECE pid:797 process:Sublime Text type:Passive entitlements:0x0 caller:HIToolbox: _TISCopyAttachedKeyboardLanguages + 82 attributes:(null) state:0x0 events:0 mask:0x0 default 15:52:36.337544-0400 hidd Connection removed: IOHIDEventSystemConnection uuid:A1053CC0-086D-4947-9AD3-91C9A9091ECE pid:797 process:Sublime Text type:Passive entitlements:0x0 caller:HIToolbox: _TISCopyAttachedKeyboardLanguages + 82 attributes:(null) state:0x1 events:0 mask:0x0 default 15:52:36.532668-0400 distnoted register name: object: com.sublimetext.3 token: f4289 pid: 73587 default 15:52:36.533204-0400 tccd -[TCCDAccessIdentity staticCode]: static code for: identifier com.sublimetext.3, type: 0: 0x7ff687f14fa0 at /Applications/Sublime error 15:52:36.547714-0400 tccd Prompting policy for hardened runtime; service: kTCCServiceAppleEvents requires entitlement but it is missing for RESP:{ID: com.sublimetext.3, PID[797], auid: 501, euid: 501, responsible path: '/Applications/Sublime Text', binary path: '/Applications/Sublime Text'}, ACC:{ID:, PID[73587], auid: 501, euid: 501, binary path: '/System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/XPCServices/'}, REQ:{ID:, PID[449], auid: 55, euid: 55, binary path: '/System/Library/CoreServices/appleeventsd'} default 15:52:36.725413-0400 tccd -[TCCDAccessIdentity staticCode]: static code for: identifier com.sublimetext.3, type: 0: 0x7ff687f114e0 at /Applications/Sublime error 15:52:36.742264-0400 tccd Prompting policy for hardened runtime; service: kTCCServiceAppleEvents requires entitlement but it is missing for RESP:{ID: com.sublimetext.3, PID[797], auid: 501, euid: 501, responsible path: '/Applications/Sublime Text', binary path: '/Applications/Sublime Text'}, ACC:{ID:, PID[73588], auid: 501, euid: 501, binary path: '/System/Library/Frameworks/Quartz.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/QuickLookUI.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/QuickLookUIService.xpc/Contents/MacOS/QuickLookUIService'}, REQ:{ID:, PID[449], auid: 55, euid: 55, binary path: '/System/Library/CoreServices/appleeventsd'} error 15:52:36.925992-0400 tccd Prompting policy for hardened runtime; service: kTCCServiceCalendar requires entitlement but it is missing for RESP:{ID: com.sublimetext.3, PID[797], auid: 501, euid: 501, responsible path: '/Applications/Sublime Text', binary path: '/Applications/Sublime Text'}, ACC:{ID:, PID[73587], auid: 501, euid: 501, binary path: '/System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/XPCServices/'}, REQ:{ID:, PID[192], auid: 0, euid: 0, binary path: '/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/Metadata.framework/Versions/A/Support/mds'} default 15:52:36.945076-0400 tccd -[TCCDAccessIdentity staticCode]: static code for: identifier com.sublimetext.3, type: 0: 0x7fbd75822300 at /Applications/Sublime default 15:52:37.950592-0400 runningboardd Invalidating assertion 399-202-5634 (target:executable) from originator 202 default 15:52:38.057336-0400 runningboardd [executable:797] Ignoring jetsam update because this process is not memory-managed default 15:52:38.057390-0400 runningboardd [executable:797] Set darwin role to: UserInteractiveNonFocal default 15:52:38.057421-0400 runningboardd [executable:797] Ignoring GPU update because this process is not GPU managed default 15:52:50.819181-0400 Sublime Text -[NSSavePanel beginServicePanel]_block_invoke : Could not advance an Open/Save panel to run phase due to error: Error Code=16 "(null)" UserInfo={ to run phase,} default 15:52:50.819360-0400 Sublime Text -[NSSavePanel beginServicePanel] : an exception occurred during attempt to advance an Open/Save panel to run phase! default 15:52:50.821669-0400 Sublime Text -[NSSavePanel runModal] caught non-fatal NSObjectNotAvailableException 'The operation couldn’t be completed. ( error 16.)' with user dictionary { error = "Error Code=16 \"(null)\" UserInfo={ to run phase,}"; } and backtrace ( 0 CoreFoundation 0x00007fff3207fbe7 __exceptionPreprocess + 250 1 libobjc.A.dylib 0x00007fff6ae575bf objc_exception_throw + 48 2 AppKit 0x00007fff2fc70a7d -[NSSavePanel beginServicePanel] + 801 3 AppKit 0x00007fff2fc71268 -[NSSavePanel runModal] + 98 4 Sublime Text 0x000000010fdf7e08 _Z19px_show_save_dialogP11px_window_tRKNSt3__16vectorINS1_4pairI9substringNS2_IS4_NS1_9allocatorIS4_EEEEEENS5_IS8_EEEES4_S4_S4_PNS1_12basic_stringIcNS1_11char_traitsIcEENS5_IcEEEE + 1076 5 Sublime Text default 15:52:50.836684-0400 loginwindow -[PersistentAppsSupport applicationQuit:] | for (Sublime Text), _appTrackingState = 2 default 15:52:53.085557-0400 loginwindow -[PersistentAppsSupport applicationQuit:] | for app:QuickLookUIService ( (Sublime Text)), _appTrackingState = 2 default 15:53:03.288032-0400 runningboardd Acquiring assertion targeting executable from originator [daemon:202] with description attributes = { ; } default 15:53:03.288227-0400 runningboardd Assertion 399-202-5638 (target:executable) will be created as active default 15:53:03.299010-0400 systemsoundserverd SSServerImp.cpp:689:SystemSoundServerPlayActionID: -> Incoming Request : actionID 4096, inClientPID 797(Sublime Text), inBehavior 1, customVibeDataProvided 0, loop 0, loopPeriod 0.000000, inFlags 0, inClientCompletionToken 13 default 15:53:03.290198-0400 runningboardd [executable:797] Ignoring jetsam update because this process is not memory-managed default 15:53:03.296885-0400 runningboardd [executable:797] Set darwin role to: UserInteractiveFocal default 15:53:03.296927-0400 runningboardd [executable:797] Ignoring GPU update because this process is not GPU managed default 15:53:03.297617-0400 runningboardd Finished acquiring assertion 399-202-5638 (target:executable) default 15:53:06.429071-0400 hidd Connection added: IOHIDEventSystemConnection uuid:5B0C0086-26FF-4C45-94C3-0EC1735D7EE8 pid:797 process:Sublime Text type:Passive entitlements:0x0 caller:HIToolbox: _TISCopyAttachedKeyboardLanguages + 82 attributes:(null) state:0x0 events:0 mask:0x0 default 15:53:06.431390-0400 hidd Connection removed: IOHIDEventSystemConnection uuid:5B0C0086-26FF-4C45-94C3-0EC1735D7EE8 pid:797 process:Sublime Text type:Passive entitlements:0x0 caller:HIToolbox: _TISCopyAttachedKeyboardLanguages + 82 attributes:(null) state:0x1 events:0 mask:0x0 default 15:53:06.665658-0400 hidd Connection added: IOHIDEventSystemConnection uuid:620255C9-802B-42CC-81BC-A3B28FA33689 pid:797 process:Sublime Text type:Passive entitlements:0x0 caller:HIToolbox: _TISCopyAttachedKeyboardLanguages + 82 attributes:(null) state:0x0 events:0 mask:0x0 default 15:53:06.668634-0400 hidd Connection removed: IOHIDEventSystemConnection uuid:620255C9-802B-42CC-81BC-A3B28FA33689 pid:797 process:Sublime Text type:Passive entitlements:0x0 caller:HIToolbox: _TISCopyAttachedKeyboardLanguages + 82 attributes:(null) state:0x1 events:0 mask:0x0 default 15:53:12.748682-0400 runningboardd Invalidating assertion 399-202-5638 (target:executable) from originator 202 default 15:53:12.866535-0400 runningboardd [executable:797] Ignoring jetsam update because this process is not memory-managed default 15:53:12.867235-0400 runningboardd [executable:797] Set darwin role to: UserInteractiveNonFocal default 15:53:12.867345-0400 runningboardd [executable:797] Ignoring GPU update because this process is not GPU managed default 15:53:13.397839-0400 runningboardd Acquiring assertion targeting executable from originator [daemon:202] with description attributes = { ; } default 15:53:13.398015-0400 runningboardd Assertion 399-202-5640 (target:executable) will be created as active default 15:53:13.402260-0400 runningboardd Finished acquiring assertion 399-202-5640 (target:executable) default 15:53:13.404305-0400 runningboardd [executable:797] Ignoring jetsam update because this process is not memory-managed default 15:53:13.408139-0400 runningboardd [executable:797] Set darwin role to: UserInteractiveFocal default 15:53:13.408319-0400 runningboardd [executable:797] Ignoring GPU update because this process is not GPU managed default 15:53:13.979634-0400 hidd Connection added: IOHIDEventSystemConnection uuid:1AFE78F6-4EF6-4589-B0F6-AFFAC986E0BB pid:797 process:Sublime Text type:Passive entitlements:0x0 caller:HIToolbox: _TISCopyAttachedKeyboardLanguages + 82 attributes:(null) state:0x0 events:0 mask:0x0 default 15:53:13.981745-0400 hidd Connection removed: IOHIDEventSystemConnection uuid:1AFE78F6-4EF6-4589-B0F6-AFFAC986E0BB pid:797 process:Sublime Text type:Passive entitlements:0x0 caller:HIToolbox: _TISCopyAttachedKeyboardLanguages + 82 attributes:(null) state:0x1 events:0 mask:0x0 default 15:53:15.085855-0400 runningboardd Invalidating assertion 399-202-5640 (target:executable) from originator 202 default 15:53:15.190515-0400 runningboardd [executable:797] Ignoring jetsam update because this process is not memory-managed default 15:53:15.190814-0400 runningboardd [executable:797] Set darwin role to: UserInteractiveNonFocal default 15:53:15.193809-0400 runningboardd [executable:797] Ignoring GPU update because this process is not GPU managed default 15:53:16.553725-0400 runningboardd Acquiring assertion targeting executable from originator [daemon:202] with description attributes = { ; } default 15:53:16.553941-0400 runningboardd Assertion 399-202-5642 (target:executable) will be created as active default 15:53:16.555186-0400 runningboardd [executable:797] Ignoring jetsam update because this process is not memory-managed default 15:53:16.555239-0400 runningboardd [executable:797] Set darwin role to: UserInteractiveFocal default 15:53:16.555274-0400 runningboardd [executable:797] Ignoring GPU update because this process is not GPU managed default 15:53:16.558279-0400 runningboardd Finished acquiring assertion 399-202-5642 (target:executable) default 15:53:17.200109-0400 runningboardd Invalidating assertion 399-202-5642 (target:executable) from originator 202 default 15:53:17.310353-0400 runningboardd [executable:797] Ignoring jetsam update because this process is not memory-managed default 15:53:17.310496-0400 runningboardd [executable:797] Set darwin role to: UserInteractiveNonFocal default 15:53:17.310653-0400 runningboardd [executable:797] Ignoring GPU update because this process is not GPU managed default 15:53:23.771282-0400 runningboardd Acquiring assertion targeting executable from originator [daemon:202] with description attributes = { ; } default 15:53:23.771442-0400 runningboardd Assertion 399-202-5645 (target:executable) will be created as active default 15:53:23.773937-0400 runningboardd [executable:797] Ignoring jetsam update because this process is not memory-managed default 15:53:23.774353-0400 runningboardd [executable:797] Set darwin role to: UserInteractiveFocal default 15:53:23.774772-0400 runningboardd Finished acquiring assertion 399-202-5645 (target:executable) default 15:53:23.774959-0400 runningboardd [executable:797] Ignoring GPU update because this process is not GPU managed default 15:53:24.339302-0400 hidd Connection added: IOHIDEventSystemConnection uuid:F1B79F28-B208-405E-974E-8DC652446FC3 pid:797 process:Sublime Text type:Passive entitlements:0x0 caller:HIToolbox: _TISCopyAttachedKeyboardLanguages + 82 attributes:(null) state:0x0 events:0 mask:0x0 default 15:53:24.341185-0400 hidd Connection removed: IOHIDEventSystemConnection uuid:F1B79F28-B208-405E-974E-8DC652446FC3 pid:797 process:Sublime Text type:Passive entitlements:0x0 caller:HIToolbox: _TISCopyAttachedKeyboardLanguages + 82 attributes:(null) state:0x1 events:0 mask:0x0 default 15:53:24.466872-0400 runningboardd Invalidating assertion 399-202-5645 (target:executable) from originator 202 default 15:53:24.576513-0400 runningboardd [executable:797] Ignoring jetsam update because this process is not memory-managed default 15:53:24.576551-0400 runningboardd [executable:797] Set darwin role to: UserInteractiveNonFocal default 15:53:24.576709-0400 runningboardd [executable:797] Ignoring GPU update because this process is not GPU managed default 15:53:48.311043-0400 runningboardd Acquiring assertion targeting executable from originator [daemon:202] with description attributes = { ; } default 15:53:48.311211-0400 runningboardd Assertion 399-202-5647 (target:executable) will be created as active default 15:53:48.314399-0400 runningboardd [executable:797] Ignoring jetsam update because this process is not memory-managed default 15:53:48.314702-0400 runningboardd Finished acquiring assertion 399-202-5647 (target:executable) default 15:53:48.314842-0400 runningboardd [executable:797] Set darwin role to: UserInteractiveFocal default 15:53:48.315073-0400 runningboardd [executable:797] Ignoring GPU update because this process is not GPU managed default 15:53:52.218220-0400 runningboardd Invalidating assertion 399-202-5647 (target:executable) from originator 202 default 15:53:52.333724-0400 runningboardd [executable:797] Ignoring jetsam update because this process is not memory-managed default 15:53:52.333776-0400 runningboardd [executable:797] Set darwin role to: UserInteractiveNonFocal default 15:53:52.333890-0400 runningboardd [executable:797] Ignoring GPU update because this process is not GPU managed default 15:53:55.753736-0400 runningboardd Acquiring assertion targeting executable from originator [daemon:202] with description attributes = { ; } default 15:53:55.753890-0400 runningboardd Assertion 399-202-5649 (target:executable) will be created as active default 15:53:55.755711-0400 runningboardd [executable:797] Ignoring jetsam update because this process is not memory-managed default 15:53:55.756624-0400 runningboardd [executable:797] Set darwin role to: UserInteractiveFocal default 15:53:55.756721-0400 runningboardd Finished acquiring assertion 399-202-5649 (target:executable) default 15:53:55.757018-0400 runningboardd [executable:797] Ignoring GPU update because this process is not GPU managed default 15:53:57.058291-0400 runningboardd Invalidating assertion 399-202-5649 (target:executable) from originator 202 default 15:53:57.164761-0400 runningboardd [executable:797] Ignoring jetsam update because this process is not memory-managed default 15:53:57.164818-0400 runningboardd [executable:797] Set darwin role to: UserInteractiveNonFocal default 15:53:57.164894-0400 runningboardd [executable:797] Ignoring GPU update because this process is not GPU managed default 15:53:58.167779-0400 runningboardd Acquiring assertion targeting executable from originator [daemon:202] with description attributes = { ; } default 15:53:58.167911-0400 runningboardd Assertion 399-202-5651 (target:executable) will be created as active default 15:53:58.169872-0400 runningboardd [executable:797] Ignoring jetsam update because this process is not memory-managed default 15:53:58.177701-0400 runningboardd Finished acquiring assertion 399-202-5651 (target:executable) default 15:53:58.177892-0400 runningboardd [executable:797] Set darwin role to: UserInteractiveFocal default 15:53:58.179994-0400 runningboardd [executable:797] Ignoring GPU update because this process is not GPU managed default 15:54:02.013329-0400 hidd Connection added: IOHIDEventSystemConnection uuid:828BD64A-BF0E-40AB-819F-CC6DF23550CE pid:797 process:Sublime Text type:Passive entitlements:0x0 caller:HIToolbox: _TISCopyAttachedKeyboardLanguages + 82 attributes:(null) state:0x0 events:0 mask:0x0 default 15:54:02.015721-0400 hidd Connection removed: IOHIDEventSystemConnection uuid:828BD64A-BF0E-40AB-819F-CC6DF23550CE pid:797 process:Sublime Text type:Passive entitlements:0x0 caller:HIToolbox: _TISCopyAttachedKeyboardLanguages + 82 attributes:(null) state:0x1 events:0 mask:0x0 default 15:54:10.997253-0400 runningboardd Invalidating assertion 399-202-5651 (target:executable) from originator 202 default 15:54:11.105463-0400 runningboardd [executable:797] Ignoring jetsam update because this process is not memory-managed default 15:54:11.105509-0400 runningboardd [executable:797] Set darwin role to: UserInteractiveNonFocal default 15:54:11.105565-0400 runningboardd [executable:797] Ignoring GPU update because this process is not GPU managed default 15:54:12.981308-0400 runningboardd Acquiring assertion targeting executable from originator [daemon:202] with description attributes = { ; } default 15:54:12.981426-0400 runningboardd Assertion 399-202-5653 (target:executable) will be created as active default 15:54:12.982270-0400 runningboardd Finished acquiring assertion 399-202-5653 (target:executable) default 15:54:12.983319-0400 runningboardd [executable:797] Ignoring jetsam update because this process is not memory-managed default 15:54:12.983794-0400 runningboardd [executable:797] Set darwin role to: UserInteractiveFocal default 15:54:12.983833-0400 runningboardd [executable:797] Ignoring GPU update because this process is not GPU managed default 15:54:16.365061-0400 runningboardd Invalidating assertion 399-202-5653 (target:executable) from originator 202 default 15:54:16.472776-0400 runningboardd [executable:797] Ignoring jetsam update because this process is not memory-managed default 15:54:16.472829-0400 runningboardd [executable:797] Set darwin role to: UserInteractiveNonFocal default 15:54:16.472948-0400 runningboardd [executable:797] Ignoring GPU update because this process is not GPU managed default 15:54:24.932463-0400 runningboardd Acquiring assertion targeting executable from originator [daemon:202] with description attributes = { ; } default 15:54:24.932626-0400 runningboardd Assertion 399-202-5655 (target:executable) will be created as active default 15:54:24.934094-0400 runningboardd [executable:797] Ignoring jetsam update because this process is not memory-managed default 15:54:24.934140-0400 runningboardd Finished acquiring assertion 399-202-5655 (target:executable) default 15:54:24.934161-0400 runningboardd [executable:797] Set darwin role to: UserInteractiveFocal default 15:54:24.939475-0400 runningboardd [executable:797] Ignoring GPU update because this process is not GPU managed default 15:54:26.924442-0400 runningboardd Invalidating assertion 399-202-5655 (target:executable) from originator 202 default 15:54:27.034373-0400 runningboardd [executable:797] Ignoring jetsam update because this process is not memory-managed default 15:54:27.034471-0400 runningboardd [executable:797] Set darwin role to: UserInteractiveNonFocal default 15:54:27.034759-0400 runningboardd [executable:797] Ignoring GPU update because this process is not GPU managed ```

Looks like the most relevant messages are:

error   15:52:36.547714-0400    tccd    Prompting policy for hardened runtime; service: kTCCServiceAppleEvents requires entitlement but it is missing for RESP:{ID: com.sublimetext.3, PID[797], auid: 501, euid: 501, responsible path: '/Applications/Sublime Text', binary path: '/Applications/Sublime Text'}, ACC:{ID:, PID[73587], auid: 501, euid: 501, binary path: '/System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/XPCServices/'}, REQ:{ID:, PID[449], auid: 55, euid: 55, binary path: '/System/Library/CoreServices/appleeventsd'}
error   15:52:36.742264-0400    tccd    Prompting policy for hardened runtime; service: kTCCServiceAppleEvents requires entitlement but it is missing for RESP:{ID: com.sublimetext.3, PID[797], auid: 501, euid: 501, responsible path: '/Applications/Sublime Text', binary path: '/Applications/Sublime Text'}, ACC:{ID:, PID[73588], auid: 501, euid: 501, binary path: '/System/Library/Frameworks/Quartz.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/QuickLookUI.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/QuickLookUIService.xpc/Contents/MacOS/QuickLookUIService'}, REQ:{ID:, PID[449], auid: 55, euid: 55, binary path: '/System/Library/CoreServices/appleeventsd'}
error   15:52:36.925992-0400    tccd    Prompting policy for hardened runtime; service: kTCCServiceCalendar requires entitlement but it is missing for RESP:{ID: com.sublimetext.3, PID[797], auid: 501, euid: 501, responsible path: '/Applications/Sublime Text', binary path: '/Applications/Sublime Text'}, ACC:{ID:, PID[73587], auid: 501, euid: 501, binary path: '/System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/XPCServices/'}, REQ:{ID:, PID[192], auid: 0, euid: 0, binary path: '/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/Metadata.framework/Versions/A/Support/mds'}

(Really not sure why Sublime Text has any connection to kTCCServiceCalendar...)

Found some additional relevant looking info in a GIMP issue. I'll try tinkering with the "full disk access" settings and see if the error goes away, and will update again with the results.

Regardless of cause, I feel like this error ought to be at least detectable from within Sublime Text. Would certainly help debugging to have some sort of in-app console logs available when it happens.

UPDATE (also 2020-06-26): No such luck re: full disk access, but I did figure out how to include debug and info logs in the macOS console.

Full macOS console logs for a single attempt to save a buffer with syntax `Shell-Unix-Generic`, filtered on 'save' and 'sublime' ``` info 16:34:46.764152-0400 tccd AttributionChain: RESP:{ID: com.sublimetext.3, PID[98414], auid: 501, euid: 501, responsible path: '/Applications/Sublime Text', binary path: '/Applications/Sublime Text'}, REQ:{ID:, PID[797], auid: 501, euid: 501, binary path: '/System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/XPCServices/'} info 16:34:46.765371-0400 tccd AttributionChain: RESP:{ID: com.sublimetext.3, PID[98414], auid: 501, euid: 501, responsible path: '/Applications/Sublime Text', binary path: '/Applications/Sublime Text'}, ACC:{ID:, PID[797], auid: 501, euid: 501, binary path: '/System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/XPCServices/'}, REQ:{ID:, PID[345], auid: 88, euid: 88, binary path: '/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SkyLight.framework/Versions/A/Resources/WindowServer'} debug 16:34:46.784147-0400 launchservicesd void LSApplication::UpdateSharedMemoryEntry(bool)app=" (Sublime Text)" asn=[ 0x0/0x395395] seed=522 appFlags=-2147466096 pid=797 debug 16:34:46.784315-0400 launchservicesd void LSApplication::UpdateSharedMemoryEntry(bool)app=" (Sublime Text)" asn=[ 0x0/0x395395] seed=522 appFlags=17552 pid=797 debug 16:34:46.784385-0400 PerfPowerServices Calling block with kLSNotifyApplicationNameChanged { "ChangeCount"=522, "LSASN"=ASN:0x0-0x395395:, "LSDisplayName"=" (Sublime Text)", "LSKeyBeingChanged"="LSDisplayName", "LSPreviousValue"="" } notificationID=100007 id=0x7fea0c759d40 debug 16:34:46.784392-0400 Activity Monitor Calling block with kLSNotifyApplicationNameChanged { "ChangeCount"=522, "LSASN"=ASN:0x0-0x395395:, "LSDisplayName"=" (Sublime Text)", "LSKeyBeingChanged"="LSDisplayName", "LSPreviousValue"="" } notificationID=100007 id=0x600003523b10 info 16:34:46.784636-0400 PerfPowerServices Removing cached information for app [ 0x0/0x394394] "QuickLookUIService ( (Sublime Text))", as it is no longer in shared memory and so has likely quit. debug 16:34:46.784715-0400 launchservicesd MESSAGE: reply={result={ApplicationType="BackgroundOnly", LSBundlePath="/System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/XPCServices/", LSDisplayName=" (Sublime Text)", CFBundleIdentifier="", }, success=true, cacheable=false, } (for client 793) debug 16:34:46.785299-0400 entering /Applications/Sublime debug 16:34:46.785346-0400 entering /Applications/Sublime debug 16:34:46.785362-0400 leaving /Applications/Sublime debug 16:34:46.785372-0400 leaving /Applications/Sublime debug 16:34:46.785506-0400 open(/Applications/Sublime Text,0x0,0x1b6) = 3 debug 16:34:46.785541-0400 open(/Applications/Sublime Text,0x0,0x1b6) = 4 debug 16:34:46.785744-0400 186559 signing bytes in 4 blob(s) from /Applications/Sublime Text(x86_64) debug 16:34:46.785837-0400 failed to fetch /Applications/Sublime error=-10 debug 16:34:46.787204-0400 CFPrefsManagedSource<0x600000defc80> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, User: kCFPreferencesAnyUser, ByHost: Yes, Container: (null), Contents Need Refresh: No) loaded: a new base plist and no additional changes from the base plist debug 16:34:46.787235-0400 CFPrefsPlistSource<0x600000de5400> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, User: kCFPreferencesAnyUser, ByHost: Yes, Container: (null), Contents Need Refresh: No) loaded: a new base plist and no additional changes from the base plist debug 16:34:46.787703-0400 CFPrefsManagedSource<0x600000defc00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, User: kCFPreferencesCurrentUser, ByHost: Yes, Container: (null), Contents Need Refresh: No) loaded: a new base plist and no additional changes from the base plist debug 16:34:46.787746-0400 CFPrefsPlistSource<0x600000defb00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, User: kCFPreferencesCurrentUser, ByHost: Yes, Container: (null), Contents Need Refresh: No) loaded: a new base plist and no additional changes from the base plist debug 16:34:46.787775-0400 CFPrefsPlistSource<0x600000defd80> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, User: kCFPreferencesCurrentUser, ByHost: No, Container: (null), Contents Need Refresh: No) loaded: a new base plist and no additional changes from the base plist debug 16:34:46.788181-0400 found no value for key NSVBNamedFault in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.789813-0400 found no value for key NSAccessibilityDisabled in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.789881-0400 found no value for key NSScrollViewShowResponsiveScrollingStatus in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.790060-0400 found no value for key TSMTraceInputSourceSelection in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.790335-0400 found no value for key ApplePersistence in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.790352-0400 found no value for key NSPersistentUIShouldDisableAsWorkaround in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.791026-0400 found no value for key NSSpacePerDisplayCachingAllowed in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.791045-0400 found no value for key NSSpacePerDisplay in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.791093-0400 found no value for key NSShouldInterposeCGDisplayBounds in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.791127-0400 found no value for key NSApplicationShouldDelayDocumentReopeningUntilAfterFinishLaunching in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.791157-0400 found no value for key NSTreatUnknownArgumentsAsOpen in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.791266-0400 found no value for key NSDocumentControllerAutosavingDelay in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.791405-0400 found no value for key NSDocumentControllerParsesLSItemContentTypes in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.791508-0400 found no value for key NSTouchBarShowFrontApplication in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.791655-0400 launchservicesd MESSAGE: reply={result={ApplicationType="BackgroundOnly", ChangeCount=522, pid=797, LSDisplayName=" (Sublime Text)", }, success=true, cacheable=false, } (for client 797) debug 16:34:46.791699-0400 found no value for key NSDisableKeyboardLayoutAdjustedShortcuts in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.791827-0400 launchservicesd MESSAGE: reply={result={ApplicationType="BackgroundOnly", ChangeCount=522, pid=797, LSDisplayName=" (Sublime Text)", }, success=true, cacheable=false, } (for client 797) debug 16:34:46.792160-0400 found no value for key NSTestMemoryPressure in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.792257-0400 found no value for key NSAlwaysMatchRequestedMaskOf1 in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.792280-0400 found no value for key NSDirectTouchAllowDuringTracking in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.792342-0400 found no value for key ApplePersistenceIgnoreState in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.792361-0400 found no value for key ApplePersistenceIgnoreStateQuietly in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.811985-0400 _AppleEventsCheckInAppWithBlock(""," (Sublime Text)" ASN:0x0,395395: exec="" sig=???? port=( port:24835/0x6103 rcv:1,send:1,d:0 limit:5) info=[ NULL ] options=[ NULL ] debug 16:34:46.812242-0400 _AppleEventsCheckInAppWithBlock(), sending {appName=" (Sublime Text)", command=100, execName="", bundleID="", asn=3756949U, signature=1061109567, port=xpc object: { name = 24835, right = send, urefs = 2 } , } info 16:34:46.812515-0400 appleeventsd CONNECTION: peer=? peer-pid=797 got event {appName=" (Sublime Text)", command=100, execName="", bundleID="", asn=3756949U, signature=1061109567, port=xpc object: { name = 67923, right = send, urefs = 1 } , } debug 16:34:46.812612-0400 appleeventsd message = kAECheckinApp/100 msg={appName=" (Sublime Text)", command=100, execName="", bundleID="", asn=3756949U, signature=1061109567, port=xpc object: { name = 67923, right = send, urefs = 1 } , } debug 16:34:46.812714-0400 appleeventsd CreateApplication(0x-395395 pid=797 token=[sess=100007 pid=797 uid:501,501,501 g:20,20 pV:1535479] '" (Sublime Text)"' "" "" '????' port=( port:67923/0x10953 rcv:0,send:2,d:0 limit:0) debug 16:34:46.812829-0400 appleeventsd Creating dispatch source 0x7fc9f1d07090 to track the death of aePort ( port:67923/0x10953 rcv:0,send:3,d:0 limit:0) for app '" (Sublime Text)"' debug 16:34:46.813095-0400 appleeventsd - returning 0 previously hinted ports to application for app App:" (Sublime Text)"/""/"" 797/0x0:0x395395 ????0010 sess=100007 debug 16:34:46.813286-0400 launchservicesd void LSApplication::UpdateSharedMemoryEntry(bool)app=" (Sublime Text)" asn=[ 0x0/0x395395] seed=523 appFlags=-2147466032 pid=797 debug 16:34:46.813328-0400 launchservicesd void LSApplication::UpdateSharedMemoryEntry(bool)app=" (Sublime Text)" asn=[ 0x0/0x395395] seed=523 appFlags=17616 pid=797 debug 16:34:46.813359-0400 launchservicesd void LSApplication::UpdateSharedMemoryEntry(bool)app=" (Sublime Text)" asn=[ 0x0/0x395395] seed=524 appFlags=17616 pid=797 info 16:34:46.813590-0400 launchservicesd bool LSApplication::SignalApplicationReady()(), Signalling ready for application App:" (Sublime Text)" asn:0x0-395395 pid:797 refs=6 @ 0x7ffab0a25d40 with CAS info 16:34:46.813983-0400 Removing cached information for app [ 0x0/0x395395] " (Sublime Text)", as its seed is different from that in shared memory ( 522 vs 524) debug 16:34:46.814817-0400 found no value for key AppleTestLiveResize in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.814934-0400 found no value for key AppleDebugPrintWindowList in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.815104-0400 found no value for key CUIHotKeys in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.815730-0400 found no value for key TSMTraceInputSourceNotifications in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.815920-0400 found no value for key FloatingIndicatorEnabled in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.815956-0400 found no value for key TISDisableAbortOnNonMainThread in CFPrefsPlistSource<0x600000defd80> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, User: kCFPreferencesCurrentUser, ByHost: No, Container: (null), Contents Need Refresh: No) debug 16:34:46.815984-0400 found no value for key TISDisableAbortOnNonMainThread in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.814659-0400 launchservicesd MESSAGE: reply={result={ApplicationType="BackgroundOnly", LSBundlePath="/System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/XPCServices/", LSDisplayName=" (Sublime Text)", CFBundleIdentifier="", }, success=true, cacheable=false, } (for client 793) debug 16:34:46.819796-0400 found no value for key AppleTISLocalCFPrefsRead in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.820583-0400 found no value for key AppleTISTraceCacheRebuild in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) info 16:34:46.821309-0400 tccd AttributionChain: RESP:{ID: com.sublimetext.3, PID[98414], auid: 501, euid: 501, responsible path: '/Applications/Sublime Text', binary path: '/Applications/Sublime Text'}, ACC:{ID:, PID[797], auid: 501, euid: 501, binary path: '/System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/XPCServices/'}, REQ:{ID:, PID[449], auid: 55, euid: 55, binary path: '/System/Library/CoreServices/appleeventsd'} info 16:34:46.821732-0400 tccd AttributionChain: RESP:{ID: com.sublimetext.3, PID[98414], auid: 501, euid: 501, responsible path: '/Applications/Sublime Text', binary path: '/Applications/Sublime Text'}, ACC:{ID:, PID[797], auid: 501, euid: 501, binary path: '/System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/XPCServices/'}, REQ:{ID:, PID[449], auid: 55, euid: 55, binary path: '/System/Library/CoreServices/appleeventsd'} debug 16:34:46.830080-0400 found no value for key AppleIronwoodAllowed in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.830187-0400 found no value for key AppleUseSpeechPrefDictationAutoEnable in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.830749-0400 found no value for key NSTextKillRingSize in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.830794-0400 found no value for key NSTextLayoutOrientationDisabled in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.830825-0400 found no value for key NSTextViewReferencesTextStorageStrongly in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.831073-0400 found no value for key __NSEnableTSMDocumentWindowLevel in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.833750-0400 found no value for key NSDiscardWindowsOnDocumentOpen in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.833781-0400 found no value for key NSTrackPersistentUI in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.833931-0400 found no value for key ApplePersistenceIgnoreState in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.833990-0400 found no value for key NSEventConcurrentProcessingDebug in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.834184-0400 found no value for key NSScreenGettingScreensHasSideEffects in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.834227-0400 found no value for key NSScreenReturnsNilWhenEmpty in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.834253-0400 found no value for key NSUseActiveDisplayForMainScreen in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.835376-0400 found no value for key NSApplicationLaunchSignpostsDeferred in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.835443-0400 found no value for key NSDisplayCycleLoggingEnabled in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.835621-0400 found no value for key NSDisplayCycleFlushWithCoreAnimation in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.835679-0400 found no value for key NSForceAutomaticTerminationOn in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.836149-0400 launchservicesd MESSAGE: reply={result={LSApplicationHasSignalledItIsReady=true, ApplicationType="BackgroundOnly", ChangeCount=524, LSPersistenceSuppressRelaunchAtLogin=true, BundleIdentifierLowerCase="", LSBundlePath="/System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/XPCServices/", LSDisplayName=" (Sublime Text)", }, success=true, cacheable=false, } (for client 268) debug 16:34:46.836277-0400 found no value for key NSDisplayTimingWakeUpDeltaVBLProportion in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.838592-0400 found no value for key NSViewWantsBestResolutionOpenGLSurfaceDefault in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.841558-0400 found no value for key NSDynamicPropertyLoggingEnabled in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.841785-0400 found no value for key NSConcurrentViewClasses in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.841825-0400 found no value for key NSDebugConcurrentViewDrawing in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.841907-0400 found no value for key NSCreateDependencyContextsForDrawingCallouts in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.841943-0400 found no value for key NSLayerPerformanceUpdates in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.842114-0400 found no value for key _NS_4445425547 in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.842158-0400 found no value for key NSRequiresAquaSystemAppearance in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.842293-0400 found no value for key NSAutomaticallyTrackKeyValueDependencies in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.842327-0400 found no value for key NSViewPreOrderLayoutCleaning in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.842367-0400 found no value for key NSViewLayoutRemainsCleanDuringLayout in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.842407-0400 found no value for key NSViewLayoutFeedbackLoopDebuggingThreshold in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.842441-0400 found no value for key NSViewLayoutFeedbackLoopDebuggingEnabled in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.842488-0400 found no value for key NSAutomaticFocusRingEnabled in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.843050-0400 found no value for key NSSavePanelPAPerfLoggingOn in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.843206-0400 found no value for key NSOpenPanelForceAppCentric in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.845340-0400 found no value for key NSWindowHostsLayersInWindowServer in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.845397-0400 found no value for key NSWindowShouldValidateFirstResponder in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.845418-0400 found no value for key NSPretendsToBeSavePanel in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.845448-0400 found no value for key NSWindowFirstResponderCanBeWeak in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.845491-0400 found no value for key NSWindowAllowDeferredWake in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.845510-0400 found no value for key NSWindowDelayWindowBackingCleanup in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.845526-0400 found no value for key NSWindowExcessiveWindowWarningCount in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.845628-0400 found no value for key NSAutolayoutEngagedByUpdateConstraints in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.845670-0400 found no value for key NSViewManageLayerTreeLoosely in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.845686-0400 found no value for key NSViewIsWebKitPluginProcess in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.845756-0400 found no value for key NSWindowShouldCheckDisplayCycleLimit in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.845784-0400 found no value for key NSMinimalCursorInvalidation in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.845803-0400 found no value for key NSViewShouldDoOverdraw in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.845818-0400 found no value for key NSResponderDebugResponderLoops in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.845880-0400 found no value for key NSConstraintBasedLayoutEngageNonLazily in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.845901-0400 found no value for key NSReportUnnecessaryLayoutCalls in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.845916-0400 found no value for key NSMightNeedToWorkAroundBadAdobeReleaseBug in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.845989-0400 found no value for key NSWindowsDisplayWhenScreenProfileChanges in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.846035-0400 found no value for key NSWindowShouldSaveCreationBacktraces in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.846071-0400 found no value for key NSViewAllowNegativeSizes in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.846225-0400 found no value for key NSWindowsUseDeferredNeedsDisplayRegion in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.846324-0400 found no value for key NSWindowSupportsDockInitiatedFullScreen in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.846345-0400 found no value for key NSWindowDisallowsFullScreenTiling in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.846370-0400 found no value for key NSWindowAllowsImplicitTiling in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.846415-0400 looked up value for key NSNavPanelExpandedStateForSaveMode in CFPrefsPlistSource<0x600000defd80> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, User: kCFPreferencesCurrentUser, ByHost: No, Container: (null), Contents Need Refresh: No) via CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.846436-0400 found no value for key NSAllowNonTitledResizableWindows in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.847986-0400 found no value for key NSShowNonLocalizedStrings in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.848138-0400 found no value for key NSForceAntialiasingLucidaGrande in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.849576-0400 looked up value for key AppleLanguages in CFPrefsSource<0x6000036ecb80> (Domain: Volatile, User: , ByHost: No, Container: , Contents Need Refresh: No) via CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.851804-0400 found no value for key NSTypesetterBehavior in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.851831-0400 found no value for key NSTypesetterCompatibilityLevel in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.851849-0400 found no value for key NSStringDrawingTypesetterBehavior in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.851872-0400 found no value for key NSUsesScreenFonts in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.851890-0400 found no value for key NSFontDefaultScreenFontSubstitutionEnabled in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.851903-0400 found no value for key NSIgnoresViewTransformations in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.851917-0400 found no value for key NSTextShowsInvisibleCharacters in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.851934-0400 looked up value for key NSTextShowsControlCharacters in CFPrefsPlistSource<0x600000deff80> (Domain: kCFPreferencesAnyApplication, User: kCFPreferencesCurrentUser, ByHost: No, Container: (null), Contents Need Refresh: No) via CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.851954-0400 looked up value for key NSTextShowsControlCharacters in CFPrefsPlistSource<0x600000deff80> (Domain: kCFPreferencesAnyApplication, User: kCFPreferencesCurrentUser, ByHost: No, Container: (null), Contents Need Refresh: No) via CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.851969-0400 found no value for key NSTextAllowsNonContiguousLayout in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.851984-0400 found no value for key NSTextBackgroundLayoutEnabled in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.852001-0400 found no value for key NSLayoutManagerForcesShowPackedGlyphs in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.852052-0400 found no value for key NSSwapInNewSystemFont in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.852104-0400 found no value for key NSControlsUseWeakTargets in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.852169-0400 found no value for key NSButtonIneligibleForContentSubviews in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.852315-0400 found no value for key NSConstraintBasedLayoutTrackAllocation in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.852618-0400 found no value for key CUIShowDebugLogs in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.853058-0400 found no value for key NSCellShouldUseStyledTextInViewShouldApplyPhotoshopWorkaround in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.853415-0400 found no value for key NSStackViewWeakDelegate in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.854247-0400 found no value for key NSProgressIndicatorAllowsNonCoreUI in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.854285-0400 found no value for key NSProgressIndicatorWantsLayer in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.854636-0400 found no value for key NSViewBackingLayerNeedsLayoutOnGeometryChange in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.854753-0400 found no value for key NSViewShouldSetDrawsAsynchronously in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.854816-0400 found no value for key NSViewSetLayerNeedsLayoutOnSetNeedsDisplay in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.854842-0400 found no value for key NSUpdateLayerAfterUpdateGeometry in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.854875-0400 found no value for key NSViewShouldAvoidSettingLayerMasksToBoundsForiFinance in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.855432-0400 found no value for key NSViewKVOCompliantSetHidden in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.855459-0400 found no value for key NSViewNotifiesForHidingOfHiddenViews in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.856256-0400 found no value for key NSTextFieldMaintainIntrinsicWidthForWrappers in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.856292-0400 found no value for key NSTextFieldGalaIntrinsicContentSizeBehavior in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.857881-0400 found no value for key NSColorDebugWallpaperTintedColors in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.858374-0400 found no value for key NSImageViewUsesSubview in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) error 16:34:46.861244-0400 tccd Prompting policy for hardened runtime; service: kTCCServiceAppleEvents requires entitlement but it is missing for RESP:{ID: com.sublimetext.3, PID[98414], auid: 501, euid: 501, responsible path: '/Applications/Sublime Text', binary path: '/Applications/Sublime Text'}, ACC:{ID:, PID[797], auid: 501, euid: 501, binary path: '/System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/XPCServices/'}, REQ:{ID:, PID[449], auid: 55, euid: 55, binary path: '/System/Library/CoreServices/appleeventsd'} info 16:34:46.861347-0400 tccd RESP:{ID: com.sublimetext.3, PID[98414], auid: 501, euid: 501, responsible path: '/Applications/Sublime Text', binary path: '/Applications/Sublime Text'}, ACC:{ID:, PID[797], auid: 501, euid: 501, binary path: '/System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/XPCServices/'}, REQ:{ID:, PID[449], auid: 55, euid: 55, binary path: '/System/Library/CoreServices/appleeventsd'}: has debug 16:34:46.861522-0400 tccd DR Identity for RESP:{ID: com.sublimetext.3, PID[98414], auid: 501, euid: 501, responsible path: '/Applications/Sublime Text', binary path: '/Applications/Sublime Text'}, ACC:{ID:, PID[797], auid: 501, euid: 501, binary path: '/System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/XPCServices/'}, REQ:{ID:, PID[449], auid: 55, euid: 55, binary path: '/System/Library/CoreServices/appleeventsd'}: { kTCCCodeIdentityAuthority = kTCCCodeIdentityDesignatedRequirementAuthority; kTCCCodeIdentityCSFlags = 570495761; kTCCCodeIdentityCanSendToAnyTarget = 1; kTCCCodeIdentityDesignatedRequirementData = {length = 160, bytes = 0xfade0c00 000000a0 00000001 00000006 ... 364a4534 59340000 }; kTCCCodeIdentityExecutableURL = "file:///Applications/ debug 16:34:46.862303-0400 found no value for key NSImageUseISIconForIconRef in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.862668-0400 found no value for key NSImageDoExtraRetainOfNamedImagesForNibiruTechTranslator in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.862709-0400 found no value for key NSImageAllSystemImagesAreBuiltIn in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.866072-0400 found no value for key NSAutoscrollResponseMultiplier in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.866180-0400 found no value for key NSViewRetainAutoreleaseRemovedSubviews in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.866312-0400 found no value for key NSConstraintBasedLayoutAriadneTracepoints in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.866652-0400 found no value for key NSViewAvoidAssertInRemoveGeometryInWindowSensitiveSubview in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.868701-0400 found no value for key NSViewHiearchyLockExceptionHandlerEnabled in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.868789-0400 found no value for key NSViewKeepLayersAround in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.868820-0400 found no value for key NSWindowShouldSetContentViewToNilWhenRemoved in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.868839-0400 found no value for key NSWindowInitialFirstResponderCanBeWeak in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.868887-0400 found no value for key NSViewSkipTAMICForHostingEngines in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.868908-0400 found no value for key NSSeparateLayoutPasses in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.868923-0400 found no value for key NSIsPreLoboOmniGraffle in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.869029-0400 found no value for key NSViewPreferUnitEngineScalingCoefficients in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.869070-0400 found no value for key NSConstraintBasedLayoutDebug in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.869092-0400 found no value for key NSConstraintBasedLayoutAllowUnoptimizedReads in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.869111-0400 found no value for key NSViewConsistentLayoutIntegralization in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.869131-0400 found no value for key NSConservativeTAMICConstraintCreation in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.869169-0400 found no value for key NSViewLayoutIntegralizationRespectsBoundsTransform in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.869196-0400 found no value for key NSViewWorkAroundDeallocatingViewLayout in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.869260-0400 found no value for key NSConstraintBasedLayoutDebugEngineConsistency in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.869283-0400 found no value for key NSConstraintBasedLayoutTrackDirtyObservables in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.869302-0400 found no value for key NSConstraintBasedLayoutVariableChangeTransactions in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.869322-0400 found no value for key NSConstraintBasedLayoutDeferOptimization in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.869374-0400 found no value for key NSViewResolveRTLGlobally in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.869498-0400 found no value for key NSConstraintBasedLayoutLogPivotCounts in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.869595-0400 found no value for key NSTextFieldCachesLayoutDuringLiveResize in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.869720-0400 found no value for key NSPreTigerAttributedStringHash in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.869781-0400 found no value for key NSStringDrawingDefaultRenderers in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.869951-0400 found no value for key NSFontCustomizationSupport in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.871052-0400 found no value for key __NSTextCellIgnoreZeroSizeBounds in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.871123-0400 found no value for key NSInferBackgroundStyleFromBackgroundColor in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.872251-0400 found no value for key NSAccessibilityDebugLogLevel in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.872900-0400 found no value for key NSAppearanceValidateContentColors in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.873413-0400 found no value for key NSControlAlwaysPushEnabledThroughToCell in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.873847-0400 found no value for key NSViewLayoutCheckForResizeSubviewsOverride in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.873961-0400 found no value for key NSSavePanelWorkAroundDirectNameFieldAccess in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.874193-0400 found no value for key NSControlWithoutCellEnabled in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.874232-0400 found no value for key NSControlLogCellStatistics in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.880845-0400 found no value for key QLPreloadWithInlinePreview in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:46.880881-0400 found no value for key QLPreloadWithInlinePreview in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.015605-0400 launchservicesd MESSAGE: reply={result={LSDisplayName=" (Sublime Text)", }, success=true, cacheable=false, } (for client 799) debug 16:34:47.017750-0400 launchservicesd void LSApplication::UpdateSharedMemoryEntry(bool)app="QuickLookUIService ( (Sublime Text))" asn=[ 0x0/0x396396] seed=526 appFlags=-2147466096 pid=799 debug 16:34:47.018074-0400 launchservicesd void LSApplication::UpdateSharedMemoryEntry(bool)app="QuickLookUIService ( (Sublime Text))" asn=[ 0x0/0x396396] seed=526 appFlags=17552 pid=799 debug 16:34:47.018109-0400 PerfPowerServices Calling block with kLSNotifyApplicationNameChanged { "ChangeCount"=526, "LSASN"=ASN:0x0-0x396396:, "LSDisplayName"="QuickLookUIService ( (Sublime Text))", "LSKeyBeingChanged"="LSDisplayName", "LSPreviousValue"="QuickLookUIService" } notificationID=100007 id=0x7fea0c759d40 debug 16:34:47.018165-0400 Activity Monitor Calling block with kLSNotifyApplicationNameChanged { "ChangeCount"=526, "LSASN"=ASN:0x0-0x396396:, "LSDisplayName"="QuickLookUIService ( (Sublime Text))", "LSKeyBeingChanged"="LSDisplayName", "LSPreviousValue"="QuickLookUIService" } notificationID=100007 id=0x600003523b10 debug 16:34:47.020503-0400 launchservicesd MESSAGE: reply={result={ApplicationType="BackgroundOnly", ChangeCount=526, pid=799, LSDisplayName="QuickLookUIService ( (Sublime Text))", }, success=true, cacheable=false, } (for client 799) debug 16:34:47.020809-0400 launchservicesd MESSAGE: reply={result={ApplicationType="BackgroundOnly", ChangeCount=526, pid=799, LSDisplayName="QuickLookUIService ( (Sublime Text))", }, success=true, cacheable=false, } (for client 799) debug 16:34:47.022597-0400 QuickLookUIService _AppleEventsCheckInAppWithBlock("","QuickLookUIService ( (Sublime Text))" ASN:0x0,396396: exec="quicklookuiservice" sig=0x00000000 port=( port:26115/0x6603 rcv:1,send:1,d:0 limit:5) info=[ NULL ] options=[ NULL ] debug 16:34:47.022846-0400 QuickLookUIService _AppleEventsCheckInAppWithBlock(), sending {appName="QuickLookUIService ( (Sublime Text))", command=100, execName="quicklookuiservice", bundleID="", asn=3761046U, signature=0, port=xpc object: { name = 26115, right = send, urefs = 2 } , } info 16:34:47.023495-0400 appleeventsd CONNECTION: peer=? peer-pid=799 got event {appName="QuickLookUIService ( (Sublime Text))", command=100, execName="quicklookuiservice", bundleID="", asn=3761046U, signature=0, port=xpc object: { name = 57911, right = send, urefs = 1 } , } debug 16:34:47.023583-0400 appleeventsd message = kAECheckinApp/100 msg={appName="QuickLookUIService ( (Sublime Text))", command=100, execName="quicklookuiservice", bundleID="", asn=3761046U, signature=0, port=xpc object: { name = 57911, right = send, urefs = 1 } , } debug 16:34:47.025032-0400 launchservicesd void LSApplication::UpdateSharedMemoryEntry(bool)app="QuickLookUIService ( (Sublime Text))" asn=[ 0x0/0x396396] seed=527 appFlags=-2147466032 pid=799 debug 16:34:47.025404-0400 launchservicesd void LSApplication::UpdateSharedMemoryEntry(bool)app="QuickLookUIService ( (Sublime Text))" asn=[ 0x0/0x396396] seed=527 appFlags=17616 pid=799 debug 16:34:47.025736-0400 launchservicesd void LSApplication::UpdateSharedMemoryEntry(bool)app="QuickLookUIService ( (Sublime Text))" asn=[ 0x0/0x396396] seed=528 appFlags=17616 pid=799 info 16:34:47.026160-0400 launchservicesd bool LSApplication::SignalApplicationReady()(), Signalling ready for application App:"QuickLookUIService ( (Sublime Text))" asn:0x0-396396 pid:799 refs=6 @ 0x7ffab0a65ae0 with CAS debug 16:34:47.030389-0400 looked up value for key AppleLanguages in CFPrefsPlistSource<0x600000deff80> (Domain: kCFPreferencesAnyApplication, User: kCFPreferencesCurrentUser, ByHost: No, Container: (null), Contents Need Refresh: No) via CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.031205-0400 found no value for key QLEnableWebKit2 in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.031241-0400 found no value for key QLEnableWebKit2 in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) info 16:34:47.033307-0400 QuickLookUIService Removing cached information for app [ 0x0/0x396396] "QuickLookUIService ( (Sublime Text))", as its seed is different from that in shared memory ( 526 vs 528) info 16:34:47.068006-0400 PerfPowerServices Removing cached information for app [ 0x0/0x395395] " (Sublime Text)", as its seed is different from that in shared memory ( 522 vs 524) debug 16:34:47.133749-0400 found no value for key CUIAllowDebugPrefs in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.134448-0400 looked up value for key NSUserKeyEquivalents in CFPrefsPlistSource<0x600000defd80> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, User: kCFPreferencesCurrentUser, ByHost: No, Container: (null), Contents Need Refresh: No) via CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.135487-0400 found no value for key NSPopupArrowsCanBeR2L in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.135698-0400 found no value for key AppleHighlightedTextColor in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.136462-0400 found no value for key NSSegmentedControlAllowsItemViews in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.136533-0400 found no value for key NSSegmentedControlShouldHideViewBasedSubViews in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.137417-0400 found no value for key NSCellShouldRedrawOnIdenticalObjectValueChanges in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.137454-0400 found no value for key NSTextFieldAllowUpdateConstraintsSecondPass in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.147105-0400 found no value for key NSVisualEffectViewUseVibrantAppearance in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.149813-0400 found no value for key NSInitialToolTipDelay in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.150410-0400 found no value for key NSVisualEffectViewWithinWindowWantsLayer in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.159790-0400 found no value for key AppleShowAllFiles in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.161210-0400 found no value for key NSLogSpecialFolderRecreation in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.172992-0400 found no value for key NSScrollViewSetDocumentViewRedundantly in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.173058-0400 found no value for key NSTableViewUseCachedRectOfColumn in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.173125-0400 found no value for key NSTableViewEnforceAutoresizingMaskWhenInClipView in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.173181-0400 found no value for key NSScrollViewEnableContentInsets in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.173249-0400 found no value for key NSScrollViewExtendContentUnderAccessoryBars in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.173286-0400 found no value for key NSScrollViewAlwaysUseScrollerWidthCompatibilityMethods in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.173369-0400 found no value for key NSOverlayScrollersFallBackForAccessoryViews in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.173551-0400 found no value for key NSTableViewKeepViewsInTable in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.174417-0400 found no value for key NSScrollViewBackingStoreAlignMagnifiedBounds in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.174549-0400 found no value for key NSScrollerClampValues in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.174717-0400 found no value for key NSTableColumnMinWidthCanInvokeIndentationPerLevel in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.174851-0400 found no value for key NSTableViewSourceListCanInheritContainingBackdropView in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.175209-0400 found no value for key NSVisualEffectViewDefenestratorModeEnabled in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.175554-0400 looked up value for key NSTableViewDefaultSizeMode in CFPrefsPlistSource<0x600000deff80> (Domain: kCFPreferencesAnyApplication, User: kCFPreferencesCurrentUser, ByHost: No, Container: (null), Contents Need Refresh: No) via CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.175618-0400 found no value for key NSTableViewCacheGroupRows in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.175679-0400 found no value for key NSTableViewShouldDoOverdraw in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.186666-0400 looked up value for key AppleLanguages in CFPrefsPlistSource<0x600000deff80> (Domain: kCFPreferencesAnyApplication, User: kCFPreferencesCurrentUser, ByHost: No, Container: (null), Contents Need Refresh: No) via CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) info 16:34:47.188446-0400 tccd AttributionChain: RESP:{ID: com.sublimetext.3, PID[98414], auid: 501, euid: 501, responsible path: '/Applications/Sublime Text', binary path: '/Applications/Sublime Text'}, ACC:{ID:, PID[797], auid: 501, euid: 501, binary path: '/System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/XPCServices/'}, REQ:{ID:, PID[192], auid: 0, euid: 0, binary path: '/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/Metadata.framework/Versions/A/Support/mds'} info 16:34:47.189347-0400 tccd AttributionChain: RESP:{ID: com.sublimetext.3, PID[98414], auid: 501, euid: 501, responsible path: '/Applications/Sublime Text', binary path: '/Applications/Sublime Text'}, ACC:{ID:, PID[797], auid: 501, euid: 501, binary path: '/System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/XPCServices/'}, REQ:{ID:, PID[192], auid: 0, euid: 0, binary path: '/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/Metadata.framework/Versions/A/Support/mds'} info 16:34:47.189752-0400 tccd AttributionChain: RESP:{ID: com.sublimetext.3, PID[98414], auid: 501, euid: 501, responsible path: '/Applications/Sublime Text', binary path: '/Applications/Sublime Text'}, ACC:{ID:, PID[797], auid: 501, euid: 501, binary path: '/System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/XPCServices/'}, REQ:{ID:, PID[192], auid: 0, euid: 0, binary path: '/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/Metadata.framework/Versions/A/Support/mds'} debug 16:34:47.189578-0400 found no value for key NSOutlineViewLazilyLoadItemInfoDisabled in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.207822-0400 found no value for key NSUsesDefaultHyphenation in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.207848-0400 found no value for key NSFontAllowsScreenSubstitutionForNonScaledBacking in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) info 16:34:47.207930-0400 tccd AttributionChain: RESP:{ID: com.sublimetext.3, PID[98414], auid: 501, euid: 501, responsible path: '/Applications/Sublime Text', binary path: '/Applications/Sublime Text'}, ACC:{ID:, PID[797], auid: 501, euid: 501, binary path: '/System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/XPCServices/'}, REQ:{ID:, PID[192], auid: 0, euid: 0, binary path: '/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/Metadata.framework/Versions/A/Support/mds'} debug 16:34:47.207910-0400 found no value for key _NSRaiseWithRecursiveLayoutRequest in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.207928-0400 found no value for key _NSAllowsScreenFontKerning in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.208168-0400 found no value for key NSUseTextLayoutManager in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) info 16:34:47.208293-0400 tccd AttributionChain: RESP:{ID: com.sublimetext.3, PID[98414], auid: 501, euid: 501, responsible path: '/Applications/Sublime Text', binary path: '/Applications/Sublime Text'}, ACC:{ID:, PID[797], auid: 501, euid: 501, binary path: '/System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/XPCServices/'}, REQ:{ID:, PID[192], auid: 0, euid: 0, binary path: '/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/Metadata.framework/Versions/A/Support/mds'} debug 16:34:47.208556-0400 found no value for key _NSTextViewSkyGlowEnabled in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.208632-0400 found no value for key AppleHighlightColor in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.208655-0400 found no value for key AppleHighlightColor in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.208698-0400 found no value for key AppleHighlightedTextColor in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.208761-0400 looked up value for key NSAutomaticQuoteSubstitutionEnabled in CFPrefsPlistSource<0x600000deff80> (Domain: kCFPreferencesAnyApplication, User: kCFPreferencesCurrentUser, ByHost: No, Container: (null), Contents Need Refresh: No) via CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.208784-0400 looked up value for key NSAutomaticQuoteSubstitutionEnabled in CFPrefsPlistSource<0x600000deff80> (Domain: kCFPreferencesAnyApplication, User: kCFPreferencesCurrentUser, ByHost: No, Container: (null), Contents Need Refresh: No) via CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.208827-0400 looked up value for key NSAutomaticDashSubstitutionEnabled in CFPrefsPlistSource<0x600000deff80> (Domain: kCFPreferencesAnyApplication, User: kCFPreferencesCurrentUser, ByHost: No, Container: (null), Contents Need Refresh: No) via CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.208847-0400 looked up value for key NSAutomaticDashSubstitutionEnabled in CFPrefsPlistSource<0x600000deff80> (Domain: kCFPreferencesAnyApplication, User: kCFPreferencesCurrentUser, ByHost: No, Container: (null), Contents Need Refresh: No) via CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.208863-0400 found no value for key NSUserDictionaryReplacementItemsEnabled in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.208882-0400 looked up value for key NSAutomaticSpellingCorrectionEnabled in CFPrefsPlistSource<0x600000deff80> (Domain: kCFPreferencesAnyApplication, User: kCFPreferencesCurrentUser, ByHost: No, Container: (null), Contents Need Refresh: No) via CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.208899-0400 looked up value for key NSAutomaticSpellingCorrectionEnabled in CFPrefsPlistSource<0x600000deff80> (Domain: kCFPreferencesAnyApplication, User: kCFPreferencesCurrentUser, ByHost: No, Container: (null), Contents Need Refresh: No) via CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.208978-0400 found no value for key NSWindowControllerSupports10_10Features in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.209028-0400 found no value for key NSTextViewHasImmediateAction in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.209048-0400 found no value for key NSTextViewImmediateActionViaGestureRecognizer in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.209074-0400 found no value for key NSTextViewDisableCaretAnimation in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.210206-0400 looked up value for key AppleLanguages in CFPrefsPlistSource<0x600000deff80> (Domain: kCFPreferencesAnyApplication, User: kCFPreferencesCurrentUser, ByHost: No, Container: (null), Contents Need Refresh: No) via CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.210385-0400 looked up value for key AppleLanguages in CFPrefsPlistSource<0x600000deff80> (Domain: kCFPreferencesAnyApplication, User: kCFPreferencesCurrentUser, ByHost: No, Container: (null), Contents Need Refresh: No) via CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.211472-0400 found no value for key NSTableViewUseNewHeaderHeight in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.211500-0400 found no value for key NSTableHeaderViewUsesYosemiteHeight in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.211579-0400 found no value for key NSTableViewAllViewBased in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.211605-0400 found no value for key NSTableViewHeaderTranslucencyShouldApplyMotion51Workaround in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.211658-0400 found no value for key NSTableViewSupportsRTL in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.213560-0400 found no value for key NSImageImageNamedShouldGiveBackInstanceOfReceiverForKitAndMainBundleImages in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.213717-0400 found no value for key NSImageScaleFactorSupport in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.213737-0400 found no value for key NSBundleRunningDragonAge2Inf104 in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.214773-0400 found no value for key ImageIO_Use_AppleJPEG in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.215276-0400 found no value for key ImageIO_Skip_GIF_Decoding in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.215383-0400 found no value for key ImageIO_Skip_GIF_Compositing in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.218391-0400 found no value for key NSLogMissingImageNames in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.219371-0400 found no value for key NSViewControllerSupports10_10Features in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.220397-0400 found no value for key NSOverlayScrollerHideDelay in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.222326-0400 found no value for key NSUseMirrorViewForFullSizeContentView in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.222357-0400 found no value for key NSWindowAllowsAddingUnderTitlebarViews in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.222600-0400 found no value for key NSSavePanelGuardAgainstSwizzledClass in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.222748-0400 found no value for key NSScrollViewShouldDoEclipseWorkaround in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.223634-0400 found no value for key NSTableViewUseContentBackgroundEffect in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.225471-0400 looked up value for key NSAutomaticQuoteSubstitutionEnabled in CFPrefsPlistSource<0x600000deff80> (Domain: kCFPreferencesAnyApplication, User: kCFPreferencesCurrentUser, ByHost: No, Container: (null), Contents Need Refresh: No) via CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.225505-0400 looked up value for key NSAutomaticQuoteSubstitutionEnabled in CFPrefsPlistSource<0x600000deff80> (Domain: kCFPreferencesAnyApplication, User: kCFPreferencesCurrentUser, ByHost: No, Container: (null), Contents Need Refresh: No) via CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.225528-0400 looked up value for key NSAutomaticDashSubstitutionEnabled in CFPrefsPlistSource<0x600000deff80> (Domain: kCFPreferencesAnyApplication, User: kCFPreferencesCurrentUser, ByHost: No, Container: (null), Contents Need Refresh: No) via CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.225548-0400 looked up value for key NSAutomaticDashSubstitutionEnabled in CFPrefsPlistSource<0x600000deff80> (Domain: kCFPreferencesAnyApplication, User: kCFPreferencesCurrentUser, ByHost: No, Container: (null), Contents Need Refresh: No) via CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.225564-0400 found no value for key NSUserDictionaryReplacementItemsEnabled in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.225581-0400 looked up value for key NSAutomaticSpellingCorrectionEnabled in CFPrefsPlistSource<0x600000deff80> (Domain: kCFPreferencesAnyApplication, User: kCFPreferencesCurrentUser, ByHost: No, Container: (null), Contents Need Refresh: No) via CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.225599-0400 looked up value for key NSAutomaticSpellingCorrectionEnabled in CFPrefsPlistSource<0x600000deff80> (Domain: kCFPreferencesAnyApplication, User: kCFPreferencesCurrentUser, ByHost: No, Container: (null), Contents Need Refresh: No) via CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.235553-0400 looked up value for key NSNavLastUserSetHideExtensionButtonState in CFPrefsPlistSource<0x600000defd80> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, User: kCFPreferencesCurrentUser, ByHost: No, Container: (null), Contents Need Refresh: No) via CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.235579-0400 looked up value for key NSNavLastUserSetHideExtensionButtonState in CFPrefsPlistSource<0x600000defd80> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, User: kCFPreferencesCurrentUser, ByHost: No, Container: (null), Contents Need Refresh: No) via CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.235611-0400 CFPrefsPlistSource<0x600000defd80> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, User: kCFPreferencesCurrentUser, ByHost: No, Container: (null), Contents Need Refresh: No) skipping setting already-present value for key NSNavLastUserSetHideExtensionButtonState debug 16:34:47.235644-0400 found no value for key NSSavePanelEnableAutoTagging in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.236021-0400 looked up value for key NSNavPanelExpandedSizeForSaveMode in CFPrefsPlistSource<0x600000defd80> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, User: kCFPreferencesCurrentUser, ByHost: No, Container: (null), Contents Need Refresh: No) via CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.244863-0400 found no value for key NSProgressIndicatorUseCoreUIMetrics in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.246505-0400 found no value for key NSVerifyRootOffsetDuringLayout in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.247111-0400 found no value for key NSWindowSetFramePretendFrameAlwaysChanged in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.247194-0400 found no value for key NSScreenBacktraceLoggingEnabled in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.247234-0400 found no value for key NSLimitUpdateConstraintsToEngineHosts in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.247252-0400 found no value for key NSViewUpdatesAllConstraints in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.247271-0400 found no value for key NSViewExtraResizingDuringSubtreeLayout in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.247332-0400 found no value for key NSViewPreserveNonSizableTAMICViewFrames in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.247498-0400 found no value for key NSViewLayoutStrictMode in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.247539-0400 found no value for key NSForceExtraResizeSubviewsCallDuringLayout in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.247632-0400 found no value for key NSWarnUnmatchedViewUnlock in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.247672-0400 found no value for key NSViewOverwriteMissingGeometry in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.248811-0400 found no value for key NSViewFastAutoresizingConstraints in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.250194-0400 found no value for key NSTableViewManuallyDrawSourceListHighlight in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.250473-0400 found no value for key NSTableViewHostsAutolayoutEngine in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.250518-0400 found no value for key NSTableViewShouldDoSelectionStyleDropHighlight in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.250816-0400 found no value for key NSOutlineViewUseShowHide in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.250916-0400 found no value for key NSViewRecursivelySetsBackgroundStyle in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.250953-0400 found no value for key NSViewDoLayoutBeforeSetDefaultKeyViewLoop in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.251184-0400 found no value for key NSViewIterateForManualLayout in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.294428-0400 found no value for key NSBoxForwardAddSubview in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.297019-0400 found no value for key NSSearchFieldCellHonorCancelButtonRectOverrideWhenPositioningText in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.297931-0400 found no value for key NSLogClippedButtonTitles in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.304630-0400 found no value for key NSWindowAlwaysUpdateTilingConstraints in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.305892-0400 found no value for key NSSavePanelOverRetainToCompensateForAdobe in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.306368-0400 found no value for key NSCGSIsSynchronousM7 in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.306868-0400 found no value for key NSLeakWindowGraphicsContextOnCreation in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.306976-0400 found no value for key NSWindowAllowsDeepBackingStores in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.307003-0400 found no value for key NSWindowForceDeepBackingStores in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.308677-0400 found no value for key NSWindowUsesZeroScreenForDefaultColorSpace in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.308707-0400 found no value for key NSWindowUsesExtendedRangeSRGBForWideGamutScreen in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.308737-0400 found no value for key NSWindowUseHalfFloatForDeepBackingStores in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.309214-0400 found no value for key NSWindowIgnoreSetFrameInWindowDragRegion in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.309292-0400 CFPrefsPlistSource<0x600000defd80> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, User: kCFPreferencesCurrentUser, ByHost: No, Container: (null), Contents Need Refresh: No) skipping setting already-present value for key NSNavPanelExpandedSizeForSaveMode debug 16:34:47.309592-0400 found no value for key NSCGSWindowMovementShouldApplyCorelPainterWorkaround in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.310683-0400 launchservicesd void LSApplication::UpdateSharedMemoryEntry(bool)app=" (Sublime Text)" asn=[ 0x0/0x395395] seed=525 appFlags=-2147466032 pid=797 debug 16:34:47.310725-0400 launchservicesd void LSApplication::UpdateSharedMemoryEntry(bool)app=" (Sublime Text)" asn=[ 0x0/0x395395] seed=525 appFlags=17616 pid=797 debug 16:34:47.311146-0400 found no value for key NSViewAllowsRootLayerBacking in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.311629-0400 found no value for key NSLogDockXPC in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.317950-0400 found no value for key NSAutomaticallyFlattenLayerTree in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.317987-0400 found no value for key NSAutomaticFlatteningDelay in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.318229-0400 found no value for key NSViewUsesAutomaticLayerBackingStores in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.318347-0400 found no value for key NSWindowsAreUnbufferedForLayerBasedContentViews in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.324457-0400 found no value for key NSSplitViewLiveCollapseSplitPanes in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.326658-0400 Sublime Text looked up value for key NSWindow Frame NSNavPanelAutosaveName in CFPrefsPlistSource<0x6000020d5a80> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, User: kCFPreferencesCurrentUser, ByHost: No, Container: (null), Contents Need Refresh: No) via CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x60000208b880> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:47.326898-0400 cfprefsd Process 98414 (Sublime Text) wrote the key(s) NSWindow Frame NSNavPanelAutosaveName in { com.sublimetext.3, frederick, kCFPreferencesAnyHost, no container, managed: 0 } debug 16:34:47.327877-0400 CFPrefsPlistSource<0x600000defd80> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, User: kCFPreferencesCurrentUser, ByHost: No, Container: (null), Contents Need Refresh: No) loaded: a new base plist and no additional changes from the base plist debug 16:34:48.815205-0400 launchservicesd MESSAGE: reply={result={LSDisplayName=" (Sublime Text)", }, success=true, cacheable=false, } (for client 797) info 16:34:48.809036-0400 Removing cached information for app [ 0x0/0x395395] " (Sublime Text)", as its seed is different from that in shared memory ( 524 vs 525) debug 16:34:48.815251-0400 found no value for key in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x600000defe00> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:49.139666-0400 launchservicesd MESSAGE: reply={result={LSApplicationHasSignalledItIsReady=true, ApplicationType="BackgroundOnly", ChangeCount=525, pid=797, LSDisplayName=" (Sublime Text)", }, success=true, cacheable=false, } (for client 60457) debug 16:34:49.139993-0400 launchservicesd MESSAGE: reply={result={LSApplicationHasSignalledItIsReady=true, ApplicationType="BackgroundOnly", ChangeCount=528, pid=799, LSDisplayName="QuickLookUIService ( (Sublime Text))", }, success=true, cacheable=false, } (for client 60457) debug 16:34:54.169444-0400 launchservicesd MESSAGE: reply={result={LSApplicationHasSignalledItIsReady=true, ApplicationType="BackgroundOnly", ChangeCount=525, pid=797, LSDisplayName=" (Sublime Text)", }, success=true, cacheable=false, } (for client 60457) debug 16:34:54.169689-0400 launchservicesd MESSAGE: reply={result={LSApplicationHasSignalledItIsReady=true, ApplicationType="BackgroundOnly", ChangeCount=528, pid=799, LSDisplayName="QuickLookUIService ( (Sublime Text))", }, success=true, cacheable=false, } (for client 60457) debug 16:34:59.198884-0400 launchservicesd MESSAGE: reply={result={LSApplicationHasSignalledItIsReady=true, ApplicationType="BackgroundOnly", ChangeCount=525, pid=797, LSDisplayName=" (Sublime Text)", }, success=true, cacheable=false, } (for client 60457) debug 16:34:59.199078-0400 launchservicesd MESSAGE: reply={result={LSApplicationHasSignalledItIsReady=true, ApplicationType="BackgroundOnly", ChangeCount=528, pid=799, LSDisplayName="QuickLookUIService ( (Sublime Text))", }, success=true, cacheable=false, } (for client 60457) debug 16:34:59.881942-0400 appleeventsd Event:0x7fc9f1d07090 which means aePort ( port:67923/0x10953 rcv:0,send:0,d:1 limit:0) has gone dead for app " (Sublime Text)" info 16:34:59.882307-0400 appleeventsd CONNECTION: releasing app App:" (Sublime Text)"/""/"" 797/0x0:0x395395 ????0010 sess=100007 because we received error on its connection. default 16:34:59.882867-0400 Sublime Text -[NSSavePanel beginServicePanel]_block_invoke : Could not advance an Open/Save panel to run phase due to error: Error Code=16 "(null)" UserInfo={ to run phase,} debug 16:34:59.882366-0400 appleeventsd unRegisterApp App:" (Sublime Text)"/""/"" 797/0x0:0x395395 ????0010 sess=100007 default 16:34:59.883044-0400 Sublime Text -[NSSavePanel beginServicePanel] : an exception occurred during attempt to advance an Open/Save panel to run phase! debug 16:34:59.883366-0400 launchservicesd bool LSApplication::SetPidToListenForDeathOn(pid_t)_block_invoke(), EVENT-HANDLER got pid-death notification for the application App:" (Sublime Text)" asn:0x0-395395 pid:797 refs=5 @ 0x7ffab0a25d40 fListeningForProcessDeathOnPid= 797 source=0x7ffab0a601a0 debug 16:34:59.883405-0400 launchservicesd bool LSApplication::SetPidToListenForDeathOn(pid_t)_block_invoke_2(), EVENT-HANDLER cancelling pid-death dispatch source that we set up for the application App:" (Sublime Text)" asn:0x0-395395 pid:797 refs=6 @ 0x7ffab0a25d40 fListeningForProcessDeathOnPid= 797 source=0x7ffab0a601a0 info 16:34:59.883675-0400 launchservicesd Got exit notification for application App:" (Sublime Text)" asn:0x0-395395 pid:797 refs=4 @ 0x7ffab0a25d40, pid=797, from port=(MACH_PORT_NULL) fExitStatus=0. default 16:34:59.885605-0400 Sublime Text -[NSSavePanel runModal] caught non-fatal NSObjectNotAvailableException 'The operation couldn’t be completed. ( error 16.)' with user dictionary { error = "Error Code=16 \"(null)\" UserInfo={ to run phase,}"; } and backtrace ( 0 CoreFoundation 0x00007fff3207fbe7 __exceptionPreprocess + 250 1 libobjc.A.dylib 0x00007fff6ae575bf objc_exception_throw + 48 2 AppKit 0x00007fff2fc70a7d -[NSSavePanel beginServicePanel] + 801 3 AppKit 0x00007fff2fc71268 -[NSSavePanel runModal] + 98 4 Sublime Text 0x00000001034f4e08 _Z19px_show_save_dialogP11px_window_tRKNSt3__16vectorINS1_4pairI9substringNS2_IS4_NS1_9allocatorIS4_EEEEEENS5_IS8_EEEES4_S4_S4_PNS1_12basic_stringIcNS1_11char_traitsIcEENS5_IcEEEE + 1076 5 Sublime Text debug 16:34:59.885720-0400 Sublime Text Bundle: , key: The save file operation failed., value: , table: SavePanel, localizationName: (null), result: The save file operation failed. debug 16:34:59.885740-0400 Sublime Text Bundle: , key: The save file operation failed to connect to the open and save panel service., value: , table: SavePanel, localizationName: (null), result: The save file operation failed to connect to the open and save panel service. debug 16:34:59.885147-0400 launchservicesd void LSApplication::UpdateSharedMemoryEntry(bool)app=" (Sublime Text)" asn=[ 0x0/0x395395] seed=526 appFlags=17618 pid=797 info 16:34:59.885333-0400 launchservicesd ADDING: App:" (Sublime Text)" asn:0x0-395395 pid:797 refs=4 @ 0x7ffab0a25d40 exitStatus=0 info 16:34:59.885524-0400 launchservicesd ADDING { "ApplicationType"="BackgroundOnly", "CFBundleExecutablePath"="/System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/XPCServices/", "CFBundleIdentifier"="", "CFBundleShortVersionString"="1.0", "CFBundleVersion"="1", "DeathTime"=now-ish 2020/06/26 16:34:59, "LSBundlePath"="/System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/XPCServices/", "LSDisplayName"=" (Sublime Text)", "LSExitStatus"=0, "pid"=797 } to sDeadApplicationInformation for 797 default 16:34:59.887057-0400 loginwindow -[PersistentAppsSupport applicationQuit:] | for (Sublime Text), _appTrackingState = 2 debug 16:34:59.888103-0400 launchservicesd Removing application App:" (Sublime Text)" asn:0x0-395395 pid:797 refs=5 @ 0x7ffab0a25d40 from getProcessesDictionaryQueue() with asn=[ 0x0/0x395395] info 16:34:59.888144-0400 launchservicesd virtual LSApplication::~LSApplication(), application [ 0x0/0x395395] pid=797 " (Sublime Text)" @ 0x7ffab0a25d50 being deleted, refs=1 debug 16:34:59.933532-0400 Sublime Text looked up value for key NSWindow Frame NSNavPanelAutosaveName in CFPrefsPlistSource<0x6000020d5a80> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, User: kCFPreferencesCurrentUser, ByHost: No, Container: (null), Contents Need Refresh: No) via CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x60000208b880> (Domain: com.sublimetext.3, Container: (null)) debug 16:34:59.933759-0400 cfprefsd Process 98414 (Sublime Text) wrote the key(s) NSWindow Frame NSNavPanelAutosaveName in { com.sublimetext.3, frederick, kCFPreferencesAnyHost, no container, managed: 0 } info 16:35:00.240870-0400 launchservicesd RETURNING: { "ApplicationType"="BackgroundOnly", "CFBundleExecutablePath"="/System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/XPCServices/", "CFBundleIdentifier"="", "CFBundleShortVersionString"="1.0", "CFBundleVersion"="1", "DeathTime"=now-ish 2020/06/26 16:34:59, "LSBundlePath"="/System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/XPCServices/", "LSDisplayName"=" (Sublime Text)", "LSExitStatus"=0, "pid"=797 } debug 16:35:00.240936-0400 launchservicesd MESSAGE: reply={result={DeathTime=0082/10/19 18:53:56 , ApplicationType="BackgroundOnly", CFBundleVersion="1", pid=797, LSExitStatus=0, LSBundlePath="/System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/XPCServices/", CFBundleExecutablePath="/System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/XPCServices/", CFBundleShortVersionString="1.0", CFBundleIdentifier="", LSDisplayName=" (Sublime Text)", }, success=true, } (for client 565) debug 16:35:01.230395-0400 launchservicesd bool LSApplication::SetPidToListenForDeathOn(pid_t)_block_invoke(), EVENT-HANDLER got pid-death notification for the application App:"QuickLookUIService ( (Sublime Text))" asn:0x0-396396 pid:799 refs=5 @ 0x7ffab0a65ae0 fListeningForProcessDeathOnPid= 799 source=0x7ffab083deb0 debug 16:35:01.230433-0400 launchservicesd bool LSApplication::SetPidToListenForDeathOn(pid_t)_block_invoke_2(), EVENT-HANDLER cancelling pid-death dispatch source that we set up for the application App:"QuickLookUIService ( (Sublime Text))" asn:0x0-396396 pid:799 refs=6 @ 0x7ffab0a65ae0 fListeningForProcessDeathOnPid= 799 source=0x7ffab083deb0 info 16:35:01.230582-0400 launchservicesd Got exit notification for application App:"QuickLookUIService ( (Sublime Text))" asn:0x0-396396 pid:799 refs=4 @ 0x7ffab0a65ae0, pid=799, from port=(MACH_PORT_NULL) fExitStatus=0. debug 16:35:01.230655-0400 launchservicesd void LSApplication::UpdateSharedMemoryEntry(bool)app="QuickLookUIService ( (Sublime Text))" asn=[ 0x0/0x396396] seed=529 appFlags=17618 pid=799 info 16:35:01.230689-0400 launchservicesd ADDING: App:"QuickLookUIService ( (Sublime Text))" asn:0x0-396396 pid:799 refs=4 @ 0x7ffab0a65ae0 exitStatus=0 info 16:35:01.230804-0400 launchservicesd ADDING { "ApplicationType"="BackgroundOnly", "CFBundleExecutablePath"="/System/Library/Frameworks/Quartz.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/QuickLookUI.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/QuickLookUIService.xpc/Contents/MacOS/QuickLookUIService", "CFBundleIdentifier"="", "CFBundleShortVersionString"="1.0", "CFBundleVersion"="1", "DeathTime"=now-ish 2020/06/26 16:35:01, "LSBundlePath"="/System/Library/Frameworks/Quartz.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/QuickLookUI.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/QuickLookUIService.xpc", "LSDisplayName"="QuickLookUIService ( (Sublime Text))", "LSExitStatus"=0, "pid"=799 } to sDeadApplicationInformation for 799 default 16:35:01.232059-0400 loginwindow -[PersistentAppsSupport applicationQuit:] | for app:QuickLookUIService ( (Sublime Text)), _appTrackingState = 2 debug 16:35:01.232779-0400 launchservicesd Removing application App:"QuickLookUIService ( (Sublime Text))" asn:0x0-396396 pid:799 refs=5 @ 0x7ffab0a65ae0 from getProcessesDictionaryQueue() with asn=[ 0x0/0x396396] info 16:35:01.232819-0400 launchservicesd virtual LSApplication::~LSApplication(), application [ 0x0/0x396396] pid=799 "QuickLookUIService ( (Sublime Text))" @ 0x7ffab0a65af0 being deleted, refs=1 ```

Most relevant looking excerpt is some additional context on the NSObjectNotAvailableException:

debug   16:34:59.881942-0400    appleeventsd    Event:0x7fc9f1d07090 which means aePort ( port:67923/0x10953 rcv:0,send:0,d:1 limit:0) has gone dead for app " (Sublime Text)"
info    16:34:59.882307-0400    appleeventsd    CONNECTION: releasing app App:" (Sublime Text)"/""/"" 797/0x0:0x395395 ????0010 sess=100007 because we received error on its connection.
default 16:34:59.882867-0400    Sublime Text    -[NSSavePanel beginServicePanel]_block_invoke : Could not advance an Open/Save panel to run phase due to error: Error Code=16 "(null)" UserInfo={ to run phase,}
debug   16:34:59.882366-0400    appleeventsd    unRegisterApp App:" (Sublime Text)"/""/"" 797/0x0:0x395395 ????0010 sess=100007
default 16:34:59.883044-0400    Sublime Text    -[NSSavePanel beginServicePanel] : an exception occurred during attempt to advance an Open/Save panel to run phase!
debug   16:34:59.883366-0400    launchservicesd bool LSApplication::SetPidToListenForDeathOn(pid_t)_block_invoke(), EVENT-HANDLER got pid-death notification for the application  App:" (Sublime Text)" asn:0x0-395395 pid:797 refs=5 @ 0x7ffab0a25d40 fListeningForProcessDeathOnPid= 797 source=0x7ffab0a601a0
debug   16:34:59.883405-0400    launchservicesd bool LSApplication::SetPidToListenForDeathOn(pid_t)_block_invoke_2(), EVENT-HANDLER cancelling pid-death dispatch source that we set up for the application App:" (Sublime Text)" asn:0x0-395395 pid:797 refs=6 @ 0x7ffab0a25d40 fListeningForProcessDeathOnPid= 797 source=0x7ffab0a601a0
info    16:34:59.883675-0400    launchservicesd Got exit notification for application App:" (Sublime Text)" asn:0x0-395395 pid:797 refs=4 @ 0x7ffab0a25d40, pid=797, from port=(MACH_PORT_NULL) fExitStatus=0.
default 16:34:59.885605-0400    Sublime Text    -[NSSavePanel runModal] caught non-fatal NSObjectNotAvailableException 'The operation couldn’t be completed. ( error 16.)' with user dictionary {
    error = "Error Code=16 \"(null)\" UserInfo={ to run phase,}";
} and backtrace (
    0   CoreFoundation                      0x00007fff3207fbe7 __exceptionPreprocess + 250
    1   libobjc.A.dylib                     0x00007fff6ae575bf objc_exception_throw + 48
    2   AppKit                              0x00007fff2fc70a7d -[NSSavePanel beginServicePanel] + 801
    3   AppKit                              0x00007fff2fc71268 -[NSSavePanel runModal] + 98
    4   Sublime Text                        0x00000001034f4e08 _Z19px_show_save_dialogP11px_window_tRKNSt3__16vectorINS1_4pairI9substringNS2_IS4_NS1_9allocatorIS4_EEEEEENS5_IS8_EEEES4_S4_S4_PNS1_12basic_stringIcNS1_11char_traitsIcEENS5_IcEEEE + 1076
    5   Sublime Text

Not sure what it means to "advance an Open/Save panel to run phase", but apparently that's what's failing. (Also not sure why that's failing, but maybe someone with macOS app development experience would know.)

pkarjala commented 4 years ago

Having the same issue when trying to save a file of syntax type JavaScript (Rails). Changing the syntax of the file to just "JavaScript" allowed the save to occur.

Using Sublime Text 3.2.2, Build 3211 on macOS Catalina 10.15.5.

mkingsbury-orcadt commented 4 years ago

Same issue with file type 'CMake'. Changed Syntax to Plain Text and save window pops up.

andy-clapson commented 4 years ago

Same issue with 'dotenv' file extension package as well.

wbond commented 4 years ago

So far this seems somewhat configuration dependent, as I haven’t reproduced it yet.

The error message appears to be some sort of Catalina error - although it isn’t clear exactly what causes/triggers it. If anyone does find some more info about this error and how to work around it, or what causes it, that would be helpful. The error itself is coming from macOS and isn’t something that Sublime Text is causing to be shown.

doctaphred commented 4 years ago

@wbond Thanks for checking in!

I updated my comment above with some macOS console logs I found, and looked into a few possible causes of the error.

Possibility 1

Searching for the error text Could not advance an Open/Save panel to run phase led me to this issue:

looks like passing python array to NSOpenPanel.openPanel().setAllowedFileTypes_ no longer works, have to pass a NSArray instance.

Looks like the fix there is just:

-           dialog.setAllowedFileTypes_(["pdf"])
+           dialog.setAllowedFileTypes_(NSArray.arrayWithObjects_("pdf"))

This API change/regression also affected AutoDMG, and seems to originate from macOS' modified version of PyObjC:

it is a regression on the pyobjc version that comes with the system python of Mac OS X 10.15 beta. NSOpenPanel.openPanel().setAllowedFileTypes_ used to accept a python array, but no longer does. so we now have to pass an NSArray instance

This error might affect users differently based on their version of PyObjC:

I cannot reproduce this problem with PyObjC 6 on macOS 10.15.1

W.r.t. PyObjC in macOS: Apple ships an ancient version of PyObjC, with significant local changes to the framework wrappers (with no communication about that).

Not sure why it would only affect certain syntaxes, though.

Possibility 2

This comment indicates there might be a slightly different underlying cause:

This is actually a macOS bug! The fix is to remove the leading . in the filetypes variable.

The comment links to this issue, which clarifies:

Showing an NSSavePanel where allowedFileTypes contain leading dots hangs the app when the app is sandboxed.

(The actual fix indicates that the freeze is triggered by a dot anywhere in the file types, not just at the start.)

That matches the behavior I observe: the app hangs for about 15 seconds after saving before displaying the error dialog, and the logs seem to indicate that appleeventsd eventually gives up on it:

debug   16:34:59.881942-0400    appleeventsd    Event:0x7fc9f1d07090 which means aePort ( port:67923/0x10953 rcv:0,send:0,d:1 limit:0) has gone dead for app " (Sublime Text)"
info    16:34:59.882307-0400    appleeventsd    CONNECTION: releasing app App:" (Sublime Text)"/""/"" 797/0x0:0x395395 ????0010 sess=100007 because we received error on its connection.
default 16:34:59.882867-0400    Sublime Text    -[NSSavePanel beginServicePanel]_block_invoke : Could not advance an Open/Save panel to run phase due to error: Error Code=16 "(null)" UserInfo={ to run phase,}

I'm not sure what's involved in macOS sandboxing, but the "when the app is sandboxed" condition might explain why you haven't been able to reproduce the error yourself.

Previous commenters mentioned a few different syntaxes that trigger this error. I haven't checked the third-party ones yet, but all three built-in syntaxes include a file_extensions value containing a dot:

I can't figure out how to activate the JSON (Sublime) syntax, but I can reliably reproduce the error by saving a new buffer with JavaScript (Rails) syntax (or one with Shell-Unix-Generic syntax, obtained by pasting text from a file named .env into a new buffer).

BUT, I can't reproduce the error with any of the other built-in syntaxes which have file_extensions values containing a dot (CSS, several Git- and Rails-related syntaxes, the Bash syntax itself). So I'm not sure whether that's a red herring.


I think this error is caused by a macOS API regression involving the allowedFileTypes property of NSOpenPanel/NSSavePanel, its setter method, or its PyObjC bindings; possibly related either to the type of the provided array, or to the presence of . characters in its values. But since there's at least two distinct regressions related to this one API, there may be others as well. (Also, apparently that property is deprecated, although I can't find what's supposed to replace it.)

I think that's all the debugging I have in me today, but I hope something in there proves useful, either to you or to other puzzled developers attempting to navigate the web of linked GitHub issues.

I can reliably reproduce this error, so let me know if additional experiments would be helpful.

doctaphred commented 4 years ago

AHA! I caught my second wind, and have isolated the error by making a copy of the JavaScript (Rails).sublime-syntax file in my User packages:

%YAML 1.2
name: JavaScript (Rails) (copy)
  - js.erb
scope: source.js.rails
    - match: "<%+#"
      scope: punctuation.definition.comment.erb
        - meta_scope: comment.block.erb
        - match: "%>"
          pop: true
    - match: "<%+(?!>)[-=]?"
      scope: punctuation.section.embedded.ruby
        - meta_scope: source.ruby.rails.erb
        - match: "-?%>"
          pop: true
        - match: (#).*?(?=-?%>)
          scope: comment.line.number-sign.ruby
            1: punctuation.definition.comment.ruby
        - include: "Ruby on Rails.sublime-syntax"
    - include: 'scope:source.js'

If I create a new buffer, switch to this syntax, and attempt to save, the error is triggered; but not if I remove the . from js.erb.

I can't quite make out the exact conditions that cause the error, but it looks like it depends only on the first value of the file_extensions list, with a few extra requirements:

I'm really not sure what's happening here, but I'm guessing Sublime uses a nonstandard YAML parser, and performs some amount of manipulation/sanitization of the file_extensions list before passing it to setAllowedFileTypes (including some kind of special handling of Pipfile.lock); and if a dot remains in the sanitized first value of that list, then the macOS API bug described in Possibility 2 above is triggered.

(If Sublime doesn't special-case the string Pipfile.lock, I really can't fathom why it would be immune to the macOS bug. Something to do with macOS' modified PyObjC?)

djlin commented 4 years ago

I also encountered the issue today (Mac OS X 10.15.5.) My new file only had plaintext info. When VS Code tried to save the new file, it seemed to take (part of?) the first line content as the file name, which caused the trouble as the first line of my file is BA 3.1: Since Mac OS file system takes : as the path separator, I removed the : and the file can be saved without problem.

streamtw commented 4 years ago

In my case I encountered this error when creating a abc.spec.js, the default selected syntax highlight was UnitTest (Javascript) (which is wired because there is no such option available in the syntax highlight list). After changing syntax highlight to regular Javascript, the file was saved without error.

wbond commented 3 years ago

@doctaphred Thanks for your work in looking into this and helping reproduce. I was able to reproduce and skipping extensions containing a period seems to fix it!

Eric-Guo commented 3 years ago

I tested in Sublime Build 4090, #3735 bug not appears in safe-mode.

wbond commented 3 years ago

This should be fixed in build 4092

krstp commented 3 years ago

Latest and greatest Mar 2, 2021 issue still persists. This time working on JSON syntax... and just trying to save, triggering Save results in error. BTW. Changing to Markdown syntax solved the problem.

I should mention, this occurs when working on untitled/unsaved file. As soon as the file is saved I can change syntax to JSON and all is OK.

joejoinerr commented 3 years ago

Same here, I'm having issues with the HTML (Jinja2) in build 3211 on macOS 10.15.7. Is there any chance that this will be fixed in the v3 stable as well as the alphas?

whitezo commented 3 years ago

Encountered it today: resolved by changing the initially empty file type to plain text in the editor before triggering Save.

itsjohannawren commented 3 years ago

Ran into this today when saving a new buffer set to nginx syntax. Like @whitezo, I set to plain text to do the initial save. Syntax package details:
