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Sidebar Sort Options #328

Open anatomatic opened 10 years ago

anatomatic commented 10 years ago

Sorting files in the sidebar by date (ascending / descending) would be fantastic. Even more advanced, sort folders in the sidebar independently of each other.

I understand that there isn't a Sidebar API, so this would either need to be a core feature, or a plugin if a Sidebar API were to be released.

hyrious commented 2 years ago

I'm upvoting this feature too, especially sort 10.txt after 2.txt.

FYI, here's the implementation in vscode:

sukinoverse commented 1 year ago

Upvoting this issue, When working with large number of files with versioning at this end like xx-1.0.123.yml and xx-1.0.2 it's put 1.0.2 below the 1.0.123. It's very annoying 😂 and it forces me to use other editors when dealing with this kind of projects.

fabsh commented 1 year ago

Sorting files according to what we humans expect is rather non-trivial:

That might be the case. But it's also rather obvious that the way in which Sublime orders files in the sidebar right now is something that nobody would expect. I mean, what human sorts numbers like this?


I understand that there are valid technical reasons for this, but from the perspective of a user, who cares? Either sort it in a more sane way or give people the option to do so. It's not like Sublime is generally stingy with config options. Or that they clutter up an UI somewhere. They're lines in a text file.

fakefarm commented 1 year ago


melvinroest commented 1 year ago

Looking for more flexibility on this as well. I want folders to appear next in front of file names that have the same name. I don't want a folder/file split.

To reorganize a tree view is quite a feature when it comes to big projects with many files/folders.

Related to this is:

va9iff commented 4 months ago

I'm using Sublime Text as my notepad. Would like to have a "sort by date" feature. Currently, I'm using an insne yy-mm-dd--mm-ss <note name>.md syntax (set up a subl $(date '+/home/va9iff/notes/') on a shortcut) just to sort the files in the sidebar. Yeah they're all in one folder, It's like my "inbox"

jtheletter commented 2 months ago

This feature request is now ten years old, and it still is in high demand. Please let us sort the sidebar.

deadhitter1 commented 3 weeks ago

I'm going to switch to another program. Ten years of neglect isn't something you can just wave away with an article, nor something that goes away with a polite request.

mkanet commented 3 weeks ago

@deadhitter1 I also got tired of waiting. I switched to VSCode. It's amazing something this simple was never implemented in SublimeText