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Option to Sort Sidebar Open Files alphabetically #3364

Open fraf opened 4 years ago

fraf commented 4 years ago

Hi texters,

I am a new comer inside Sublime text suite. I use it for coding (like many of you I suppose). Coming from notepad++ (old school generation, I know), after 2 min I discovered the same lack in it : when I naturally open the sidebar "Show Open Files", these are unordered. How can you work with tens opened files unordered, and unsearchable (a quick search in it). Fortunately, a sortTab plugin exists....since sublime Text 2. I installed it directly so as to be able to look rapidly for an opened file inside the side bar (search alphabetically by filename).

This feature should be out of the box, unless I missed it in Sublime text's menu bar or any quick tab browsing by incremental search.


fraf commented 4 years ago

It would be even better if only side bar is sorted alphabetically and not the tabs themselves.

fraf commented 4 years ago


By extension, what do you think about a "PIN" feature by clicking on the icon that would be near filename in the sidebar ? I mean, some opened file should stay HERE in the sidebar list. Hence sort will be effective only on "non pin" file names in the sidebar. Should be great. Like this I can "classify" code files among my private opened files (memento, system files like hosts.cfg , etc...)


keith-hall commented 4 years ago


There's a similar request relating to pinning tabs: likely, pinning a tab would pin the item in the open files sidebar and vice-versa.

fraf commented 4 years ago

Good. But, to my mind, sublime Text should decorrelate Physical Tabs (text editor) from Logical view (side bar). A pin tab, doesn't pin filename in side bar and vice versa. Idem for sorting. Basically, tabs and side bar are two different ways to access opened files.

br4nnigan commented 2 years ago

I want my tabs ordered in my personal order and the sidebar list alphabetically! It would also be good if the open files in the sidebar would be sticky and you'd only scroll the files structure!