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Sublime text 4017 - All Panels Suddenly Can´t be Selected #4416

Open xmediasoftware opened 3 years ago

xmediasoftware commented 3 years ago


Suddenly mouse click, scroll, text typing not working into the MDI Interface

Expected behavior

Normal use

Actual behavior

Mouse click not working only in files and folder list, this happens too in editor panel. Scroll Button is not working two Top Menu click is ok, So this only happens into the internal MDI Window Any text is not visible while typing CView is not updating anymore.

Need to close all windows to work again


Processor: AMD A8-7410 APU with AMD Radeon R5 Graphics 2.20 GHz RAM 8.00 GB (6.97 GB usable)

Edition: Windows 10 Pro 64Bits Versión 20H2 O.S. Build 19042.985 Windows Feature Experience Pack 120.2212.2020.0


BenjaminSchaaf commented 3 years ago

Does this happen in safe mode?

rebb commented 3 years ago

I noticed this happening when Sublime Text 4 has been open in the background for a while. Parts of it just "freeze", at least visually. Never noticed it in Sublime Text 3.

spilarek commented 3 years ago

I get this too. There are two similar conditions, one is where the whole screen is blank and the menu bar is greyed out. In this case it's completely unresponsive, the spinning wheel of doom is spinning, and the only option is to task kill the process. I've noticed sometimes there are multiple Sublime processes running. I think maybe if I close the window instead of killing the process (in the scenario below where the program responds to the close) it might close the GUI but leave the process running, but I haven't investigated.

A variant is where the screen appears to be ok, there are still files listed in the Open Files list, and text in the editor pane. But clicking on a file in the list only changes the file name in the title bar; the file selection doesn't change and the editor pane doesn't show the new file content. I found by accident that clicking an item in the menu (e.g. Help | About) refreshes both the file list and editor pane to reflect the selected file, but it still doesn't respond to keys or clicks. This can be repeated if another file is selected.

The unresponsiveness also affects things like if you type CTRL-SHFT-P and type something (as if searching). It does nothing, but then clicking on a menu item displays the CTRL-SHFT-P list with the typed text in the field, so the clicks and typing seems to be received and buffered, it's just not updating the GUI.

The only way out seems to be to close or kill the program.

I never saw anything like this in ST3.

Build: 4107 Operating System: Windows 10 Pro, 21H1

BenjaminSchaaf commented 3 years ago

@spilarek does it happen in safe mode? Are you using hardware acceleration?

spilarek commented 3 years ago

@BenjaminSchaaf Not using hardware acceleration. I've been running it in safe mode for a couple of hours now and it hasn't locked up. I'll report back tomorrow, it usually locks up 2-4 times a day for me but it's pretty random.

spilarek commented 3 years ago

@BenjaminSchaaf I left it running in safe mode overnight, and this morning it is not responding. So I can confirm it does happen in safe mode too. The title bar shows the last file I had open, the menu is greyed out, and the rest of the window is blank, no open file list or edit pane or status bar. SublimeText

BenjaminSchaaf commented 3 years ago

Is it consuming lots of CPU while not responding or is it idle? Does this only happen after a suspend?

spilarek commented 3 years ago

I checked Process Explorer (SysInternals) this morning while ST was frozen and it was using no CPU and memory usage seemed reasonable. It just seemed to be doing nothing.

I can't say for certain but I'm pretty sure it's not suspend related because I have ST open all day while I'm working and I don't think the computer suspends as often as ST locks up. I'll keep an eye on it and confirm later.

In my case I'm using a PC with 2 monitors remotely connected via AnyDesk to a PC with 3 monitors. Since I can only see 2 of the 3 remote monitors locally, ST is often on a monitor that isn't showing. I thought that might be related, but when I found this ticket it seems unlikely that xmediasoftware and rebb and I are all doing the remote thing. I've opened up ST locally and will monitor it to see if it locks up.

I've never had it lock up while I'm actually using it, so maybe related to when it's idle? I usually have the ST window open (not minimized) but it's not always active.

Update 2021-07-03: I noticed when it locks up completely and I have to kill it through task manager there are sometimes multiple ST processes running.

I tried running it locally, but I don't get lock-ups:

Update 2022-05-25: I can confirm this happens when I'm using the PC locally (the one with 3 monitors mentioned above), so it doesn't seem to be AnyDesk related.