sublinks / sublinks-api

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Add/Improve scripting and automation for mods/admins #418

Open Security-Chief-Odo opened 2 weeks ago

Security-Chief-Odo commented 2 weeks ago

Doing the same thing over and over again is annoying and time consuming. Add the ability for certain tasks to be automated including programmatic rule based moderation. 'Automod'

Example: Constantly receiving easy to identify spam/bot posts or comments, from other instances. Allow an admin panel for site-wide configuration of a set of rules to be applied against posts or comments based on certain criteria, and act accordingly. Mods should also have this ability in the community they moderate only.

This is not the only usecase, but a primary one. Automatically removing posts and comments that match a given ruleset as a starting point . Golang template? Lua script? Specific DSL? Not YAML. Would need to securely expose options and actions along with fleshed out authentication, authorization and accounting/logging (AAA).

Pdzly commented 1 week ago

We already plan to have a Regex Filter scoped down a community.

See #162 #160 #105