+ exec submariner-gateway -v=2 -alsologtostderr
I0714 08:10:06.223429 1 main.go:92] Starting the submariner gateway engine
W0714 08:10:06.223764 1 client_config.go:608] Neither --kubeconfig nor --master was specified. Using the inClusterConfig. This might not work.
I0714 08:10:06.226963 1 main.go:120] Creating the cable engine
I0714 08:10:06.244225 1 public_ip.go:124] Waiting for LoadBalancer to be ready: error resolving DNS hostname "ad9858e3e23784720b6e2595b1824bd4-d594a91fa7b17798.elb.us-east-2.amazonaws.com" for public IP: lookup ad9858e3e23784720b6e2595b1824bd4-d594a91fa7b17798.elb.us-east-2.amazonaws.com on no such host
I0714 08:10:07.249069 1 public_ip.go:124] Waiting for LoadBalancer to be ready: error resolving DNS hostname "ad9858e3e23784720b6e2595b1824bd4-d594a91fa7b17798.elb.us-east-2.amazonaws.com" for public IP: lookup ad9858e3e23784720b6e2595b1824bd4-d594a91fa7b17798.elb.us-east-2.amazonaws.com on no such host
I0714 08:10:09.279598 1 public_ip.go:124] Waiting for LoadBalancer to be ready: error resolving DNS hostname "ad9858e3e23784720b6e2595b1824bd4-d594a91fa7b17798.elb.us-east-2.amazonaws.com" for public IP: lookup ad9858e3e23784720b6e2595b1824bd4-d594a91fa7b17798.elb.us-east-2.amazonaws.com on no such host
I0714 08:10:13.289026 1 public_ip.go:124] Waiting for LoadBalancer to be ready: error resolving DNS hostname "ad9858e3e23784720b6e2595b1824bd4-d594a91fa7b17798.elb.us-east-2.amazonaws.com" for public IP: lookup ad9858e3e23784720b6e2595b1824bd4-d594a91fa7b17798.elb.us-east-2.amazonaws.com on no such host
E0714 08:10:13.289054 1 public_ip.go:80] Error resolving public IP with resolver lb:submariner-gateway : error resolving DNS hostname "ad9858e3e23784720b6e2595b1824bd4-d594a91fa7b17798.elb.us-east-2.amazonaws.com" for public IP: lookup ad9858e3e23784720b6e2595b1824bd4-d594a91fa7b17798.elb.us-east-2.amazonaws.com on no such host
F0714 08:10:13.289085 1 main.go:133] Error creating local endpoint object from types.SubmarinerSpecification{ClusterCidr:[]string{""}, ColorCodes:[]string{"blue"}, GlobalCidr:[]string{}, ServiceCidr:[]string{""}, Broker:"k8s", CableDriver:"libreswan", ClusterID:"majopela-b--1626247420", Namespace:"submariner-operator", PublicIP:"lb:submariner-gateway", Token:"", Debug:false, NATEnabled:true, HealthCheckEnabled:true, HealthCheckInterval:0x1, HealthCheckMaxPacketLossCount:0x5}: could not determine public IP: Unable to resolve public IP by any of the resolver methods: [lb:submariner-gateway]
A LoadBalancer needs more time setting up in AWS, and as the backing endpoint (submariner-gateway) comes and goes because it's crashing, the LoadBalancer AWS controller has issues configuring it.
What you expected to happen:
It works better ensuring that the submariner-gateway waits enough time.
How to reproduce it (as minimally and precisely as possible):
What happened:
A LoadBalancer needs more time setting up in AWS, and as the backing endpoint (submariner-gateway) comes and goes because it's crashing, the LoadBalancer AWS controller has issues configuring it.
What you expected to happen:
It works better ensuring that the submariner-gateway waits enough time.
How to reproduce it (as minimally and precisely as possible):
Deploy with the --load-balancer mode on AWS
Anything else we need to know?:
subctl version
):kubectl version
):subctl diagnose all
):subctl gather
)cat /etc/os-release
):uname -a