subnut / nvim-ghost.nvim

:ghost: GhostText plugin for Neovim with zero dependencies :tada: Supports neovim running inside WSL too! :partying_face: Windows/Linux/macOS supported out-of-the-box! :smile: (Other OSes need python3.6+ installed)
MIT License
150 stars 6 forks source link

Include lua instructions #57

Closed casonadams closed 5 months ago

casonadams commented 5 months ago

using lazy

-- lua/plugins/nvim-ghost.lua
  keys = {
    { "<leader>ug", ":GhostTextStart<cr>", desc = "GhostTextStart", silent = true },

  name = "nvim_ghost",
  config = function()
    vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd('User', {
      group = "nvim_ghost_user_autocommands",
      pattern = "*.com",
      command = 'setfiletype markdown'
-- lua/config/options.lua
g.nvim_ghost_autostart = 0 -- with this set to 0 an error will happen with the autocommand being setup.

This sets up the plugin to not autostart, but on <Leader>ug it will start, and setup the autocommand to set the filetype as markdown

The nice thing about lazy is is lazy loads plugins. So this plugin never gets loaded until the <leader>ug is executed.

subnut commented 5 months ago

I..... I genuinely have no idea what lazy is, and how it corresponds to the code mentioned above

Could you please give me some tips about what it is / where I can read about it?

casonadams commented 5 months ago

Good point. It's the latest coolness in the neovim world. As far as package management goes.

Most of the neovim plugins that are actively being maintained have instructions on how to install the plugin via:

Lazy (lua) Packer (lua) Plug (vim script)

subnut commented 5 months ago

Added to wiki -

subnut commented 5 months ago

Please check once if you can edit the wiki.
If not, let me know!