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[$2,000 Polkadot Decoded Encode Hackathon Challenge] Gear/Vara Messenger App #36

Open jamesbayly opened 1 year ago

jamesbayly commented 1 year ago


Gear protocol (which powers the Vara network) has a unique feature by design —the option to send and receive messages between any actors on the network. When we talk about actors, we talk about users, contracts, bridges, you name it. This technology allows not just a simple option of attaching a comment to the transaction you are sending to a friend but also gives you a chance to send a simple message to any address in the network as well as receive a message from the programs you are running or interacting with. For example:

The difference is that in our case, all this info will be decentralized and available in wallets, allowing users to interact much more often with it. Not only to send crypto to somebody, but it becomes a center of operation of the whole crypto ecosystem.

Your challenge

Create a proof of concept application that is built on Vara and uses SubQuery that allows a user to send and receive messages to other users or smart contracts

Technical Hints

There are 2 types of messages that you might want to index using SubQuery

To get the payload of a sent message, you need to get the data of the extrinsic associated with this event

To send a message, you will want to call the following extrinsics in the GearMessenger pallet:

The Gear Mailbox contains messages waiting for user actions. Users can send replies to these messages or claim the value that is applied to these messages. To perform these actions, you can use @polkadot/api library or @gear-js/api library, which is actually a wrapper for @polkadot/api.

An example of all the above is

AbeDev404 commented 1 year ago

Hi. I am Senior React Native Developer. I can help you make messenger app. Please contact me for more detail.